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Everything posted by biglakejake

  1. biglakejake

    Cool Finds

    you said you were not gary hicks. is your last name hatch and own hatch corner gas in holbrook & a place in deer creek estates s of payson?
  2. biglakejake

    Cool Finds

    in the middle of 37b on barkerville road i was quail hunting out on those massive flats just south of the kelvin road. back under an old scrub palo verde i notice something white and investigated, two golf balls different labels lying about 2 inches apart at least a mile from the nearest road. still there, still a mystery. lee
  3. biglakejake

    Who am I?

    text by 'Rim Country Museum'
  4. biglakejake

    Who am I?

    Isadore Christopher is also credited by Mrs. Ashby (whose family purchased his land in 1938) with opening the first BBQ restaurant in Christopher Creek. According to a story in The Whorehouse Bells Were Ringing Isadore was away from his ranch during an Apache raid. The Apaches burned two of his log cabins. The day before the raid “Christopher had killed a bear and had hung the carcass in or on one of the cabins. The military force in pursuit of the Indians included the legendary scouts Tom Horn and Al Sieber. They, along with the troops and other scouts decided that the burned bear carcass was Christopher and gave it a decent, solemn Christian burial. They became the objects of laughter and jokes when Christopher later appeared and identified the body.” the third and also infamous scout should be an easy guess. i first read this tale elsewhere-perhaps slim ellison-but this is about all i could find online.
  5. biglakejake

    Who am I?

    not graham county....gila county
  6. biglakejake

    Who am I?

  7. biglakejake

    Who am I?

    right county
  8. biglakejake

    short clip of something i have not seen before.

    not anything i haven't seen before-just selling the boat .but...
  9. biglakejake

    Music - Songs for the drive

    a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away Mikey was 10 or 11 and we were taking the smallbores-and the roberts 'course- up to st johns for some doggie and dog shootin'. this came on kslx just as we hit the beeline. that 440 had the beast really shakin' when we passed 4 peaks turnoff-had to reel it back in some. will never forget that. lee
  10. biglakejake

    Who am I?

    it was actually 3 well known scouts-2 of which became quite infamous. lee
  11. biglakejake

    1st AZ tag

    i have observed a strange phenomena in coues camps thoughout baja Arizona over the last 25 years. one of the group shows up after dark with a buck and everybody gets happy, back slaps and tequila passed around for a coues buck, any coues buck. but if it looks like it could gross 100" something strange happens. like half the camp will be pulling 48" sewing tapes out of their pockets wrapped up tight with rubberbands-"ya want me to tape it out?" i wonder if anyone else has observed this bizarre behavior? i have no idea what i was gettin' at. that is one nice buck-1st or otherwise. lee?
  12. biglakejake

    Who am I?

    strike dos there was also a posse chasing the apache with 2 very high profile scouts in the lead
  13. biglakejake

    Who am I?

    no Sir.
  14. biglakejake

    Veterans Day-they are not forgotten

    High Flight is one of the greatest and most famous of all poems in this big world. the young author was an Anglo-American fighter pilot with the RCAF and died at the stick of his spitfire in 1941 at the age of 19 during the Battle of Britain. RIP John Gillespie Magee, Jr. a veteran we can all honor this Veterans Day. Churchill put it best-"Never was so much owed by so many to so few." Ronald Reagan used the first and last lines of the poem in his speech in the aftermath of the Challenger disaster.
  15. biglakejake

    Who am I?

    there was this rancher the neighbors thought was toast. some apaches' broke out of the reservation and burned his ranch-the neighbors found his remains burned up in the ashes. they were having his funeral a day later and he comes riding up on horseback. who, what and where??? lee
  16. biglakejake

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    has anybody heard what that big velvet fokker taped yet? AZGFD is not known for keepin' secrets............ lee
  17. biglakejake

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    shucks NoBull you didn't get it...too bad. was just trying to teach you how to pee without sitting down-oh well. nope-you are not my Linda Ronstadt-and Valerie Bertinelli never did nothin' fer me. lee
  18. biglakejake

    Reverse who was I?

    no surprise...we have a nimrod amongst us who got an A in creative writing. not just high school his whole dang career! lee
  19. biglakejake

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    heck no-i like peeking at your little pink panties. i did quit worryin' so much. you two remind me of somethin' i once read.... lee the trash men BY CHARLES BUKOWSKI here they come these guys grey truck radio playing they are in a hurry it’s quite exciting: shirt open bellies hanging out powerlines overhead they run out the trash bins roll them out to the fork lift and then the truck grinds it upward with far too much sound . . .
  20. biglakejake

    Proud son of my 91 yr old father.

    is that a model 788 carbine? my dream abouts 1972.... lee
  21. biglakejake

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    Just like this whole sordid story it gets more painful every post. Now you're calling someone names who's wearing an oxygen tank. Somebody should mop the floor with you tough guy....... lee
  22. biglakejake

    Reverse who was I?

    kinda like juan valdez?
  23. biglakejake

    Reverse who was I?

    i agree. notice how quiet it is-there are some fellas with their noses in the internet-on the hunt! lee
  24. biglakejake


    please delete
  25. biglakejake

    Who am I?

    john butterfield