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Everything posted by JMP

  1. JMP


    two cams and an 80# limb. speed may be overrated, but kinetic energy is not. and if you only get one shot on an animal, i'd prefer the energy for a pass through.
  2. ask the crocks that wait in water for the wildebeasts. it's not easy... just effective.
  3. and right when you get off the res expect to run in to locked gates. at least it was that way this time last year.
  4. JMP


    I'd find a rocky area. call near there. an electronic caller helps, cos they'll spot the slightest movements.
  5. JMP

    Glassing Strategies

    this is henry david thoreau's advise. i think most people on here got this part covered We cannot see anything until we are possessed with the idea of it, and then we can hardly see anything else. In my botanical rambles I find that first the idea, or image, of a plan occupies my thoughts, though it may at first seem very foreign to this locality, and for some weeks or months I go thinking of it and expecting it unconsciously, and at length I surely see it, and it is henceforth an actual neighbor of mine.
  6. pretty sure the road up stowe canyon is closed off. i was in there about two months ago exploring, and couldn't get through.
  7. JMP


    Steve is a heck of a good guy! Wish his family the best.
  8. JMP

    Photo Radar

    even if it is an atm machine, i'd rather see this than a new or increased tax. i rarely exceed 70mph anyway, so it doesn't bother me.
  9. JMP

    Hey DotShot

    great looking cat. how's the fur this time of year?
  10. so they pass the fleecing of americans and the market still closes down. could it be that the market didn't really react to this bill one way or the other, and that our economy is seriously inflated?
  11. JMP

    Big mountain lion

    good to know. like i said, don't know the guy, just got the email.
  12. I recon if he knew you he'd be a little more respectful.
  13. JMP

    Big mountain lion

    these aren't mine, and i don't know the guy... email said it weighed 250 lbs.
  14. JMP

    Big mountain lion

    i saw one take off the san carlos that was 250lbs or so. that one was huge. i can't imagine +500 lbs. did it have a mane?
  15. Amen to that one brother! +1. Finally they got something right. I was quite proud of the republicans for saying no to socialism. the dollar is already screwed, this woulda just made it that much worse... and all those people saying something has to be done are dead wrong. the austrian economists have been talking about this for years. we need less government intervention, and let the market work itself out.
  16. Amen. the austrian economist have been predicting this for years. and they were mocked and chided all through the good times of the bubble. ron paul was laughed off the stage by romney and mccain and giulianni, and he's the only one of them that had any kind of sense about the situation we are in, and how to get out of it. he currently has proposed an act to do away with the federal reserve... too bad we can't get back to a small federal government, no central bank, and a system of governance that the founders gave us.
  17. Instead, I’m in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in a We Deserve It Dividend. What would you do with $297,500.00 to $595,000.00 in your family? The problem is not the price tag they putting on it per se... and it's not that we have to stave off an recession... that's what got us into this mess. the problem with the whole situation is really two fold, as I see it. First, it's about the dollar. why stop at $595,000? why don't we make every american a millionaire? because it doesn't matter how much money they hand out, the dollars are worthless because they are not backed by anything. and this bailout is just going to make that more severe. we need this recession so that we can rebuild. I for one don't want the idiots on the hill to do anything. i want the medicine now. is it gonna hurt? dang right. but we'll all be better off in a few years. if, alternatively, the fed and paulson insist on propping up house prices up (price fixing) by passing this bailout, then they'll just prolong the recession that is inevitable. read about the depression. it was prolonged and made worse by price and wage fixing. this is another new deal, and it's bad news. the second, and biggest problem i have with it, is how quickly we can move toward socialism (under a "conservative" administration). we're now talking about government ownership of property and equity in the private sector. essentially it's a government seizure, because the money they are paying for these assets is printed and has no intrinsic value. and i look at it like this. three weeks ago bernanke and paulson told us the economy was essentially sound, which mccain and palin unfortunately echoed over and over. now they are saying that if something isn't done within 48 hours we'll have an economic meltdown. this tells me one of two things about these two men. Either 1) they didn't see this coming, which says they are entirely incompetent and should be removed from their positions, or 2) they did know it was coming, lied about the economy until lehman brothers failed, and then wanted to act, in which case they should be removed from their positions. The same idiots that keep telling us it's ok it's ok are now telling us what we must do to avert a meltdown? please. thank god for the house republicans blocking the bailout. i just pray they someday begin to act prudently with the sweat of our brows.
  18. JMP

    Unit 32

    last weekend i was down near private land in 31 scouting, and noticed in a prominent camp site that there was trash thrown everywhere, concentrated in the fire ring. it could have been hunters, it could have been kids out drinking, it could have been anyone. i picked some of it up. do any of the sportsmen organizations organize trash pickups? perhaps that could help with landowner relations, if it is truly a vanalism/litter issue. some how, though, i think that's just an excuse to close off access. i talked with the cowboy at deer creek ranch one day last year, he said the owner just doesn't like people being there period.
  19. JMP

    Neat little creature

    i remember seein em as a kid, and thinking or being told or something... don't know that there's any truth at all... that they were highly poisonous. someone please correct me. i haven't seen one in years.
  20. JMP

    Unit 32

    do any of these people lease the public lands around their property... why not deny leasing rights to those who block off access.
  21. i have a hunch about all of this spending... and it is not good. time to get rid of these people on the hill.
  22. JMP

    Unit 32

    deer creek road is still open (as of last weekend)... one of the funnel spots everyone uses to access the wilderness.
  23. JMP

    Unit 32

    Just found out today from the AZGFD that last year a lot of the Ranchers were letting 25 people go through there land to hunt as long as you paid a $25 fee. (That is why last year I was able to go places that I cant this year) Found out this year an Outfitter went to all of these ranches in 32 and made a deal with them to put up gates and locks for X amount of dollars. The only way you can go through this private property now is if you book a hunt with this Outfitter group which is $1000. Mercer Ranch and other ranches will not let you through this year. GF didn't give me the name of the Outfitter group. This is the case on the east and west side of the Galiuro Mtns. GF said they are working with the state and federal government to build roads around these private properties but will take several years. So good luck to anybody that has a 32 tag! If that's true, it's a prime example of why i don't care much for some of these outfitters. GF told you this??
  24. JMP

    Swarov. Doubler 4 Sale

    Yeah, wasnt quite what i expected, I thought it would turning my 15s into 30s would be cool, but it takes too long to take the objective off, and put the doubler on, I hate taking my eyes off the game, just to switch it into a minocular. Oh well, maybe some one else might want it or like using them. put it on ebay. you'll sell it there. i got 250 for mine a few months ago. they're pretty much worthless.