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Everything posted by JMP

  1. JMP

    Stinging and Biting Critters

    i nearly stepped on a 4-5' rattler sunning himself with his head in a bush only two weeks ago while scouting in 33. I'd figured they'd all gone underground, and just carelessly went walking up the hill.
  2. i know it's been illegal for bears and some birds... but i didn't know that baiting was ever illegal for other big game. i've always known guys to be dropping salt blocks. and you're probably right about the comments and stories, envy is a nasty thing.
  3. JMP

    baiting, salting

    He might be busy doing other things, like his job. you mean not everybody is checking new posts every half hour???? gotta say, my wife really hates this website.
  4. JMP

    Late Nov success

    i really wish i woulda gone with man. congrats to all you guys. i love it that jordan shot the biggest one.
  5. JMP

    baiting, salting

    at least Jim Hefflinger had the decency to stick around and discuss the justification for the altered hunt structures, and increased number of tags in the heavy hit unit 33. that was a long post, and he kept responding to everyone's concerns. This guy, Mr. Day, posts bogus statistics, and dissapears. this thing is already done.
  6. that's a sweet buck. love the eye guards.
  7. JMP

    baiting, salting

    how is there nothing natural about it?? don't the crocodiles wait for the zebras to come get a drink? a crocodile isn't a cheetah, but does that make it less of a hunter? to each his own craft. it's not like the deer are hearing the feeders and running in for their dinner salivating the entire way.
  8. JMP

    baiting, salting

    sounds liky bobbyo may be right
  9. JMP

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    one other thing... wasn't 2006 a year of extreme drought through the winter? wouldn't that suggest that archers sitting water would be more likely to see animals, since the number of water sources was limited?
  10. JMP

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    i was actually really surprised he posted those numbers as a way to justify this new rule, any high school junior that has done statistics sees right through them. i truly believe that most of the game officers are good at heart, underpaid and overworked, but with the way these numbers were thrown on here, it makes me wonder if he just didn't understand them, and took them at face value, or worse. At least in justifying the new November hunt structures, and increase in permits in units like 33, they had good(ish) statistics. I was encouraged to see everyone here tear through the harvest data the officer posted, and brought up many objections to the rule and the justification for the rule that, most of which i hadn't thought of. Jay
  11. JMP


    2) not for the rule. i can smell the stink of it from here.
  12. that's a big deer too. another 3 point at that. cool story with that hunt.
  13. it's not mine, and i don't know the hunter, i think they're pretty particular about posting pictures that don't belong to you here. if you want to pm me your email address, i'll email it to you off the site. it's insanely big. i'm surprised it's not been talked about more... but of course i don't know the story... it could be years old. like i said, i just got an email saying it was shot in the early november hunt.
  14. JMP

    baiting, salting

    how does it go? "lies, dang lies, and statistics"
  15. i got a picture in an email this morning of a non-typical buck from 35A taken in the early november that says it'll go 150, i don't think it's a new record, but a fine buck nonetheless. any body else see it?
  16. JMP

    hunting the flats

    i typically don't hunt them, just for that reason. i love sitting on a vantage and spotting the deer in my binoculars, planning a stalk, and using the terrain and cover to get close. that said, i think i'd want to have a site established, salt perhaps, or water, and have a rough idea of what is using it and how often. you can often get behavior patterns down pretty well. you could always try to still hunt it, though i would certainly not waste my time doing that. i'd rather find somewhere else to hunt. i just don't have the patience to move slowly like that without knowing where the deer are.
  17. JMP

    salt and feed no more in 2009

    first salt. then tactical scopes. then who knows?
  18. JMP


    i was talking about this with mountaingoat this weekend scouting 33. how did the australians lose their guns? at what point do we stand up and say no. at what point do we resist? how far does it go? how do we communicate a plan, and form a bond of citizens unwilling to give up the right bear arms? seems like it could be a subject that gets real ugly. but what do we do. they can't have my guns or ammo or bow or knives or anything. i looked at the results of the elections, and it really seems to me that more than anything there's a attack on the country/rural/traditional way of life by the growing urbanization and liberalization of the culture in a lot of ways. bailouts and arms bans among them.
  19. JMP


    all of the austrian economists are coues hunters!
  20. JMP


    i think it's funny that the stock market is the most oft referred to barometer of the economy. first comes inflation, then comes deflation and a complete destruction of the dollar. i say bring it on. we should have done away with the fiat dollar years ago, fiat currencies just don't work, the same as socialism just doesn't work. time to go back to precious metals as our currency and NO MORE CENTRAL BANKERS! and very little central government.
  21. JMP

    coues habbits?

    don't worry goat. you'll find that buck on friday. you better, i want some steaks for all that walking and glassing you had me doing down at d.face c'mon
  22. JMP

    Huntin' For "Sticks"!

    good H that thing is awesome!
  23. JMP

    Garmin Rhino guestion

    i'm not sure what HCx really means, but I think the only real difference is the ability to use expandable memory with the microSD card. I have the older version.
  24. JMP

    Where to go 'yote hunting?

    seriously, drive down any road, throw a rock out the window and call from there. dang dogs are everywhere.