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Everything posted by rageinthesage

  1. rageinthesage

    Ruger M77 22-250 Red Pad 1977

    Great looking rifle
  2. rageinthesage

    Custom Rifle 7mm WSM complete set up

    Would you part ways with any of the ammo?
  3. rageinthesage

    1948 Winchester Model 70 in .270

  4. rageinthesage


    Was the front sight removed?
  5. rageinthesage


    Sick rifle
  6. rageinthesage

    Ruger #1 7×57

    How much without the scope?
  7. rageinthesage

    Ruger no. 1 300win $1000*

    That Ruger is bad arse, wish I had the money!
  8. rageinthesage

    Weatherby 300wby mag for sale or trade

  9. rageinthesage


    What stock is that?
  10. rageinthesage

    Hurricane, Utah

    I’ve heard of Hurricane, Utah….
  11. Are they 10 power or 8?
  12. rageinthesage

    Ruger. 243

  13. rageinthesage


    Hopefully you’re not selling these to get the Pures, nl’s suck compared to these..
  14. rageinthesage

    16ft aluminum fishing boat SOLD

    Great little fishing boat f/s. 50hp outboard, electric trolling motor with depth finder, live well. Asking $3k obo. Located in New River, AZ. Sorry for the sideways and upside down pix😂
  15. rageinthesage

    16ft aluminum fishing boat SOLD

    New River off I-17 just north of Anthem.
  16. rageinthesage


    What sleeping bag comes with it?
  17. rageinthesage


    Message sent
  18. rageinthesage

    Trap thrower-SOLD

    Pm sent
  19. rageinthesage

    20 Gauge Mossberg

    Where are you located?
  20. rageinthesage

    Hardtop for TJ (sold)

    Why are you selling it?
  21. rageinthesage

    Mathews QAD Integrate MX

    Selling this rest in perfect condition $100.
  22. rageinthesage

    Mathews QAD Integrate MX

  23. rageinthesage

    Mathews QAD Integrate MX

  24. rageinthesage

    Bee stinger Stabilizer

    Selling 20” windbar stabilizer, excellent condition $100.
  25. rageinthesage

    Bee stinger Stabilizer
