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Everything posted by Shiras

  1. I went out tonight to hang a stand and prune some trees for my climber. I sent Amanda some photos from my 3 hour excursion and was pleasantly surprised. As I was leaving, there were deer everywhere. The photos are poor quality, but keep in mind I was hanging out my window trying to to take these pics. I kicked up a few deer pruning trees, but nothing like when I was leaving. The one fell into place so perfect. I just wish the pic did. 2 does and a fawn practically posed for me. There's another pic of a forkie (although it's hard to tell) along with some does. Keep in mind that these are Oklahoma deer. It's about as close to a coues as I can get this year, striking out on AZ and NM. Oh yeah by the way, the last picture that I sent her shows that the turtle rut is in FULL SWING!!!!! -Shiras
  2. Shiras

    24 wildlife cam in Africa

    Amanda, Have you checked into the whole expense of the live feed? I know that there would be other logistics as well, such as vandalism, theft, etc.. But, that would be one of the best things ever done with technology! I am glued to this African cam. I got up @ 2 last morning and saw 4 Springbok. I'm pitching in if you need to pool the expense! -Shiras
  3. http://www.blacktailcountry.com/html/blkpage.htm Interesting that this site claims that the mule deer is a hybrid between a blacktail buck and a whitetail doe. If that is true the 2 species should be WT and BT. -Shiras
  4. Shiras

    My broadhead through tire test

    Bull or cow tire? I hear those radials make for some outstanding backstraps...
  5. This only falls in line with the consistency of the left. They are going to persuade the naive and ignorant with the underlying premise that guns are evil. Would expect anything less from them? Just as an example... I heard an "official" CNN poll the other day on who thought the President dropped the ball on Katrina. Survey of 500 people +/- 3% error . 87% believe the President was to blame!!!!!! OH wait a minute, lets look at the people being surveyed. They were all people who were "less fortunate" to exit the city in a timely manner. ALL New Orleans welfare recipients. That's a small example of how the left not only controls their sample group, but portrays it to America as if these people speak for the rest of us. Oh yeah by the way, For me, screw the handgun, My double barrel is full of buckshot needing a home inside the neck and chest of a would-be robber or true evil doer, and yes MY 3 CHILDREN ARE WELL AWARE OF IT!!!!!!!
  6. Bill Q, Sounds like you've experienced it all when it comes to the deer family. Tell me, which of the species was the most exciting, difficult, stenuous etc.... Where does the Coues rank? It's only a dream to me now, but I'm working on changing that.... -Shiras
  7. Shiras

    Got my deer yesterday

    Congrats GMM! Good looking buck. I envy all of you all who are bowhunting this time of year!! -Shiras
  8. You may be right about the desert and mountain. I just did a search and that's what the video they were selling said. http://www.identicards.com/products/videoindiv.asp?id=30 As far as Chuck Adams, you are right, not only did he get them all, but all are in P&Y. Geeez, poor guy. What's left in life? Sucks to be him....- -Shiras
  9. Shiras

    Whitewing Heaven

    Looks like quite a honey hole there scotty boy. I went out here in NE Okla. near the Amish community, where over the past 3 years, we've limited out in 45 minutes or less (opening day that is). This year I think they all flew your way. Absolute nothing (so to speak). The dove we did kill, we gave to other hunters. We are going again next weekend, but so far it's been about a 1 on a scale of 1-10. Congratulations on your incredible success. -Shiras
  10. Shiras

    broadhead comparison

    125 gr. Zwickey Eskimo 2 blade. I have had flawless performance out of a 12 pack for 7 years. You could shoot 500 deer with the same broadhead. Easily shrarpened, cut on impact, tough as freaking nails. Although a "traditional broadhead" (promoted for longbows, recures, selfbows), it certainly can be used for compunds. I have shot several deer with the Zwickeys from my compound (that I no longer own). For longevity, durability, sharpenability.... there is no way you can go wrong... -Shiras
  11. Shiras

    Scouting NM

    I was in 23 last year and saw squat. We hunted near salise pass and hunted up toward Pueblo park and as far south as Glenwood. Lots of carp doe, (1 fairly big buck and was actually in unit 16) especially at Salise pass. No coues, except 1- 2pt shed. (That means nothing, due to me being an eastern WT hunter) Oh well, good luck. I envy you. I missed out on 22 and 23. I was all ready to use Tommy's expertise/service and then somehow I misread the application and closed it out after only applying for the Burro's. Geeez. Didn't you hunt the Burro's last year with your son? Wasn't that you? Good luck -Shiras
  12. Does the camera use a usb port to download the pics? My wife does all our pics, so I am in the dark about all that stuff. We have a mac and it seems like we had to get a special set up for the camera. How simple or complicated is it? -Thanks -Shiras
  13. As always, great pictures Josh. Oh, the deer are pretty nice too -Shiras
  14. The simpler, the better. Too much clutter is not easily recognized to the casual observer. One very easy to recognize image, sharply contrasted to the t-shirt, hat, mug or whatever it is on, is probably the best bet for CWT.com maximum exposure, imo. Great idea -Shiras
  15. http://www.bowsite.com/BOWSITE/features/articles/pysummit/ This is part commentary and part opinion seeking. I was just on the website I have posted about bowhunters against crossbows. I personally shoot a recurve, and am on the opposite end of the spectrum of understanding the thought of really calling it BOWhunting. Maybe "Assisted-bow enhancment" or something like that. Albeit, not bowhunting per se, these people are out hunting with about the same handicap for an ethical shot as a compound hunter, minus the draw and hold (a big factor). This is my humble opinion. ALL of us who hunt should build one another up. Do we criticize someone because he ONLY goes out during a certain season (like here in Oklahoma)? What about the smokepole hunter? He certainly doesn't receive the scorn the crossbow hunter does. His limit far exceeds the crossbow hunter. And are we to ostracize the rifle hunter for his upper end being 500 yards? The main concern is that they are out there during "bowhunting season" with a crossbow. SO WHAT! You mean to tell me if YOU had a completely disabled arm, you wouldn't take advantage of this? And even if not, if this is the only thing that got you into hunting, that would be a bad thing? There are certain limits and restrictions in each state to bowhunting, I understand. Disability being the main cause. That means that they can't be out there too? I think this is ludicrous and a detriment to our sport. Let the law abiding folks (meaning those that are disabled and not disabled, depending on what state they live in) partake in the heritage of hunting. Not bogged down in the politics of what may give an edge or whatever. At the end of the season I could guarantee the crossbow kills would make barely a dent on the harvest report. It's not THAT advantageous. I suppose the most important issue here is that we are fighting among ourselves. There are much more potent enemies that don't want us using crossbows, longbows, muzzleloaders OR rifles, such as PETA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If any of you would like to respond, I would love love to read it. I just cannot see why people are so offended be this. Maybe I am in the dark about some evil conspiracy the crossbow hunters have against the "rest of us". Enlighten me. -Shiras
  16. I really see no humor in that commercial at all. It's just a subtle way of jabbing at EVERYONE on the right. Hunters are just the easiest target. Easy to stereotype, by all the idiots that make the news. You know, -the ones that the liberal media jumps on (the .0001% of all hunters)- like a pack of hungry coyotes on a dead animal. When they see anyone that differs from their marxists views, they attack. There is little to no thought put behind what they are saying. They are as UNAMERICAN as they come. Socialism, communism, marxism (I will not capitilize his name), however you wish to look at it, it all heads down the same road. Just a few of my favorites..... -"Guns kill.....not people" (So very hitleresque) -"Save the forest" (not the innocent unborn babies) -A quote from March of the penquins. "Not only did the mother die, but rather 2 lives. Her, and the EGG that the father was tending" OH GEEZ LET ME THINK. A FREAKING EGG OF A BIRD IS A LIFE, BUT NOT A HUMAN INSIDE A MOTHERS WOMB? Read Psalm 139. You see, it's the obscure "reasoning" of the left that are killing us as a nation. Please don't bury your head in the sand about this seeming "meaningless and harmless" propaganda the left tries to pound into all of us everyday as FACT. -This crap really fires me up, so sorry if I'm a tad too political- I just really want our nation to be a nation that our forefathers had envisioned us to be. One Nation Under GOD.
  17. I'm actually thinking of buying a pair of "bad boys" to boost my self esteem. Who in this world could not resect the American Flag, Rex-kwon-do pants???? Peace out, I'm going to meet Lafonda.
  18. I'm sorry for such a lame topic, but I just watched that movie for the 5th time and it gets funnier everytime I watch it. Fortunately for me, I'm already married and can afford to slack off on my bowhunting skills. Although I am working on my bowstaff skills, computer hacking skills, and most important of all, my nunchuck skills. I'm freaking 35 years old and think that movie is funny. Maybe I need to be sent off to the guys wearing the white suits.....Talk to you later, Tina needs some ham.
  19. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/rnj95/album?.dir=/13fb I'm not too sure if this is going to work. If you can't cut and paste these pics, I'll send them to Amanda. A friend I work with hit this deer last September while delivering a pizza. As I boiled the skull I discovered that the jaw was broken into. These are Japanese deer mind you. Story goes that a guy back in the 80's had a game farm and went bankrupt. Instead of the bank repossing the animals or whatever they do, (I'd love to see the repo man try that) he let all of them go into the wild. This herd of Sika has been thriving for over 20 years here. G&F does not recognize them as a game animal, but feral/nuisance. I did a little research on them and it looks like they were in full rut when he hit him. Noone was interested in the head, so I got that, and 30lbs of meat out of the deal. One man's road kill is another man's longbow holder.
  20. It is very interesting how the west and east differ. It reminds me of my younger years when I was "into surfing". (Yeah I know, an okie liking surfing. My parents used to take us to Hawaii every other year growing up, so I learned a little about it.) The east coast (Florida) would call an 8 ft wave an 8 ft. wave. From the front,-or the beach perspective. But the Hawaiians would call the thing a 3-4 footer. Why? They were looking at it from the swell side-----the back side. Can we draw comparisons from my surfing analogy? I have no idea. Just thought I'd toss that in, since that's what always comes to mind. My friend from Phoenix told me last year that he killed a 2x3 in 24B, and until I saw the rack, I didn't realize, in "Okie terms", it was a 7 point. Here in Oklahoma that just does not fly. I guess we want full credit for every inch and point there physically is on the head......I'm not sure. I think modesty is at the root of the problem here. Maybe this is why the east and west don't see eye to eye. The west is modest. And east of New Mexico.......is insecure????? Not sure. Just my 2 cents.-Shiras
  21. Shiras

    Leftover tags

    I was talking to a friend this morning that said he had a leftover tag a few years back and not only was he successful, but did not see it as a disadvantage after it was all said and done. Although he had to do a little extra homework, he did enough to bag his deer (carp). I am trying to stay as optimistic as possible....maybe a December 33 fell thru the cracks somewhere If that dosen't work, maybe I'll put in for the raffle for the once in a lifetime Desert Bighorn Peccary. -Shiras
  22. Just curious if anyone knows when the poor unfortunate souls who didn't draw a Dec.33 tag OR other, knows when the 1st come first served tags will be available for review.... Traditionally speaking , I am curious to see how many folks have had good success with these tags. From what I've seen, the units in 30 have a ton of private land, and oddly enough, a lot of leftover permits. Oklahoma is a long drive for a mediocre hunt, but would be more than willing to give them a thorough lookover if a positive response is sensed. -Shiras
  23. Shiras


    111, Are you a comedian by trade??????? If not, congratulations. For me...... ........next up to bat is Ronnie also known as Shiras.... It's a SWING...and a miss. Crapola. I guess I'll look at the leftover tags. Geeeeez. Oh well. Good luck to all y'all who drew. I guess I'll be chasin' my easterns back home. -Shiras
  24. Shiras

    arizona draw

    The 21st!? Oh man that could be the happiest or most sad day of the year for me. Oklahoma draw results come out same day......Elk, goat, and deer...... Anyone have a xanax to spare? I'll need that by Wednesday afternoon.
  25. Shiras

    arizona draw

    On the verge anyway.... must have checked AZGFD 100 x today. I just called and the "results are not available!!!!"