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Everything posted by Dan

  1. Dan

    October Success

    We went 2 out of 4 tags. Should of filled another tag but a case of buck fever took place , It was his first hunt so he's hooked .
  2. Dan

    Any killed in 23

    We got 2 out of 4 tags in 23. One fork horn and one 3x3. Saw a number of does and a few spikes. Was a good hunt.
  3. Dan

    Unit 23

    No deer in that unit Maybe a few-- And to think I used my first choice on that unit when I could of got a left over tag !!!!!!
  4. Dan

    Bino Preferance

    Thanks 270, A friend said the same thing . Said they were better in some a aspects. Looks like I'll try e'm out.
  5. Dan

    Bino Preferance

    Has anyone had any expierence with the cabelas euro's. 10x42 Heard the are a good glass for the price. $799.
  6. Dan


    Nice Bear!!!!! Spent 4 days in 23. Saw 2. One up too high, one across a DEEP canyon. Both too far. Congrats again on the bear,
  7. Dan

    Bear Pic

    Give me the GPS cordinates and I show how to hunt him! Good Luck!!!!!
  8. Well, went back in and seen a few more. One seemed to be a nice buck. Didn't get a real good look at him. Also seen a nice bear in a big drainage. Hopefuly will see him again Saturday!!!! Bear was down around 4800 ft. probably hitting the prickley pear.
  9. How many deer do you need to glass up in a area to consider it a prime area to hunt? Been scouting the last 2 weekends and have only seen a few does early in the AM. Got more areas to look at but was wondering what some of you thing would be prime? Will take a hike through the areas as soon as I see a few more deer.
  10. Dan

    Draw Results Available Online

    23 oct. whitetail
  11. Dan

    Who Drew What?

    Got 19-b antelope (didn't think they gave those permits out-- LOL) My son got 6a jr cow. No deer tags
  12. Nice buck. either side of 108.
  13. Great looking rack!! Nice thing about him being old is his genes should be out there in some of the young bucks in that area. (which you said was where ?)LOL
  14. Dan

    Coues alarm scent

    I remeber reading something years ago that a whitetail secrete a scent of some sort out of their tarsal glands when alarmed to warn other deer of danger. It was about hunting eastern whitetail. I have seen a deer catch my sent when hunting out of a treestand back east , snort , leave the area. Wind changes some-- (in my favor) different deer comes down same trail later on and at the same spot where the the first one made me this deer gets real jumpy--nervous-- tail goes up --just knows something ain't right-- then turns and hightails back up the trail. I think there is something to that although it would hard to prove.
  15. Been hunting three days. Seen 4 bucks 10 does. One nice buck but couldn't get in range. Other bucks were a 3x3 and 2 forkies. My son and I got all next week to hunt. There is a lot of rut activity-- scrapes -- rubs -- they are getting started in this unit ( 24-a ) Hope to get in range of the nice one I glassed up yesterday. Let ya know next week!! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL and a good and safe hunt to everyone with tags left !!!!
  16. I will be there most every day ( for dinner )after Sun. 12/18 till end of season. 24-a tags. White GMC 2002 pick-up with PVIC decal in window. (Son got a cow tag in unit 1 so gotta take him elk hunting )
  17. Dan

    dec hunts

    Got a 24-a Dec. tag ( 2 tags, me and my son). I took 2 weeks off to hunt. My son got a unit 1 cow elk Dec.16 also so hopefully a couple or three day elk hunt , then 10 or so day deer hunt. Been doing a lot of scouting (every week-end) but not seeing a lot of deer. Going to look at some different areas and maybe I can find the boy and me a couple of bucks
  18. Dan

    24A Shed

    Now where exactly did you say you found that shed?? That is one nice antler. I"ll be looking for him in Dec. (hope it was northern part of unit!!)LOL
  19. Dan


    When do coues water? Do they drink anytime their near water or do they prefer AM or PM. I know elk water in the PM-- I've heard mullies prefer AM-- How about coues??
  20. Dan

    Best time to glass

    Thanks for all the responses-- Will let you know how it goes!!
  21. Went scouting this week-end with my two boys in 24a for a Dec. hunt. Found a couple promising areas( northern section)but only saw a few mullies.(one nice buck) When you glass, when do you see the most whitetails-- in the early am.-- in the late pm-- ever at mid-day? We're going back this week-end to try to locate a few bucks. Thanks Dan
  22. Dan

    TOPO maps

    I also like maptech. There's lots of different features that are very usefull including 3-D look at the area's you choose to hunt.
  23. Dan

    I got my elk

    Nice bull Sounds like you earned him!!! Good job.
  24. Dan

    Funny thing happened the other day...

    Was calling down around Benson and had a mulie doe come in at a full speed to maybe 10 yds till she slamed on the brakes!!! She left as fast as she came in. Have had deer respond several other times--- come in and see whats going on-- but not like that one !!
  25. Haven't hunted this unit yet. Would you start your scouting in the northern section (Apache Mts.) or the southern part of the unit (Dripping Spring Mts.) What area do you think would hold more deer?