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About skyhawkbowhunter

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/20/1994

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  1. skyhawkbowhunter

    1st Coues

    I had to miss opening day due to football, although i had just played an entire game going both ways and not getting to our hunting spot until 4:45 in the morning i was to excited to sleep. I was seeing deer almost immediately. This was my first coues hunt and even though i had the opportunity to shoot either a muley or coues i decided to try and get a coues since i already had taken two mule deer. i passed up some nice muleys which was extremely hard to do. When the first day was over i had seen about 20 muley does and 2 nice muley bucks as well as about 12-15 coues does. The next morning we were 100 yards out of camp when my buddy spotted a couple deer about 800 yards away, and the stalk began we stalked to 200 yards of where the deer were, we located them just as they we were going over the ridge so we hustled up the ridge and glassed them up 365 yards away and the rest was history. Although this is the smallest of all 5 animals i have taken this was definitely the animal i am most proud of. I am now addicted to these little deer!
  2. skyhawkbowhunter

    San Carlos Part 1

    Great deer! I cant wait for part two!
  3. skyhawkbowhunter

    1st Coues

    This is my first coues taken in 36a on the junior hunt 10/10/10
  4. skyhawkbowhunter

    2009 Muley

    i got it with my 3006 at 210 yards and thanks for the congrats
  5. skyhawkbowhunter

    2009 Muley

    I haven't been on the forum in a while so i thought i would share my deer from 2009 and once i find the picture i will post my 2010 coues deer
  6. skyhawkbowhunter

    Holy Mass!!!

  7. skyhawkbowhunter

    for all kids on this forum

    I am holding out for a 160ish buck unless I see a buck with good character or if its one of the last days of the hunt and I just want to put meat in the freezer.
  8. skyhawkbowhunter

    Rifle / caliber choice for youth elk

    25-06 will definitley work. I have dropped 2 cow elk with my 257 Roberts
  9. skyhawkbowhunter

    AZ Unit 10 Archery Bull

    Look for the cows. The bulls will be where the cows are when the rut starts
  10. skyhawkbowhunter

    when did you shoot your first big game animal

    When i was 11 i shot a cow elk in 6a
  11. skyhawkbowhunter

    for all kids on this forum

    doe or buck Buck
  12. skyhawkbowhunter

    for all kids on this forum

    I drew 12A west early rifle tag
  13. skyhawkbowhunter

    Great Grandfather

    Wow those are some great pictures
  14. skyhawkbowhunter


    My father shot one a few years ago in 29, And i have seen them in 36b and 27
  15. skyhawkbowhunter

    First Deer Hunt - Need Any advice

    I dont know any specific area but i have seen alot of deer south of crown king. If i were you that is where i would scout the most.