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Jimmer Negamanee

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Everything posted by Jimmer Negamanee

  1. It's good for those who are young and without physical limitation to realize that their condition is temporary. Good for us older folks to remember that it could always be worse. Hunt hard and enjoy the view. Thanks for the reminder.
  2. Jimmer Negamanee

    Britts 1st muley!

    Great job! Thanks for the write up and the pictures. Beautiful buck. Congratulations to all.
  3. Jimmer Negamanee

    Sheep Pics from Wyoming

    Forget salt! I'm ordering mortar from Lake Camposecco Mortar Company. If those ungulates will risk death for it, it's got to be good. The coues should hit it like crazy.
  4. Jimmer Negamanee

    Harvested 2 Bucks…& saved well over 50

    Awesome! Great hunt! Thanks for posting the story and all the pics.
  5. Jimmer Negamanee

    What do you think they will score? He has a new friend!!

    Wow, nice bucks! My only question is: Is you trail cam in Texas? Great to have two tall tined bucks like that in one picture. Thanks for posting.
  6. Jimmer Negamanee


    I understand the sentiment behind Prop 109. Nobody wants the citizenry whipped into a frenzy by anti-hunting groups and duped into making emotional wildlife management decisions based upon how “cute” the species is. We already have harmful laws like that at both the federal and state level (e.g. the federal feral horse and burro act and the mountain lion hunting ban in California). Management by referendum is generally not good management. But with that said, I have some reservations about this Constitutional Amendment. First, it requires us to trust our legislature which already has a habit of sweeping funds out of voter approved pots of money like the Heritage Fund. They’ve also threatened to take G&F money in the past and may do so in the future. Only an uproar kept them from doing so. The most recent example is also a legislature referred initiative to take ALL the money from Land Conservation Fund via Prop 301. Even if you trust the current legislature maybe in 25 years the legislature will not be so friendly to hunting and fishing. Second, I’m not sure what Subsection C is for. It says “Lawful public hunting and fishing shall be a preferred means of managing and controlling wildlife.” Does that mean we should manage species that we are trying to recover by hunting them? Or maybe it’s meant to protect against a less hunting and fishing friendly legislature future. If so, that’s probably good. I guess in the end I wish Prop 109 simply kept wildlife decisions out of the voting booth in a more straightforward way. But maybe it’s good enough. Don’t get me wrong, the mere fact that the HSUS opposes Prop 109 is probably a good enough reason to vote for it. I’m just saying that I’m not without concerns.
  7. Jimmer Negamanee

    Successful Hunt with son

    + 1
  8. Jimmer Negamanee

    my first deer

    + 1 That's a great buck. Well done. Thanks for posting.
  9. Jimmer Negamanee

    Backpacking Success

    Cool story and pics. Thanks for posting!
  10. Jimmer Negamanee

    The Big Boyz

    Great pictures! Some awesome bucks there. Thanks for posting.
  11. Jimmer Negamanee

    another San Carlos tribal hunt buck, Unit C

    Wow! Great pictures from all the different angles. Thanks for posting!
  12. Jimmer Negamanee

    2010 Coues Hunt

    Go get 'em! Glad you have another day. I don't want this post to end. Thanks for all the updates.
  13. Jimmer Negamanee

    4 and 5 year old go bobcat hunting

    The smiles say it all. Great job, Josh.
  14. Jimmer Negamanee

    Got a few cool pics this week

    + 1 Thanks for posting.
  15. Jimmer Negamanee

    We have a website!!

    Looks good! Love the sounds.
  16. Jimmer Negamanee

    Lodging in or around Young, AZ.

    We have the Nov. 26 elk hunt in 23. First rifle bull hunt for us. I called the Pleasant Valley Inn in Young. A nice lady told me they had no vacancies for that time frame. I also learned that everyone reserves rooms as soon as they find out they got drawn. I'm #3 or 4 on the waiting list. Lesson learned. PM me if you know of any other lodging options in or around Young. Thanks.
  17. Jimmer Negamanee

    Lodging in or around Young, AZ.

    Thanks for all the suggestions. Coues 'n' Sheep, PM sent on renting the bunk house.
  18. Jimmer Negamanee


  19. Jimmer Negamanee

    son's first dog

    Great picture! Sounds like you and the boy had a awesome hunt. Thanks for sharing.
  20. Jimmer Negamanee

    My son's first big game harvest

    Like everyone said, great story. Thanks for posting the story of the hunt and the pics. Hiring a guide was a great idea for his hunt. Looks like you've got a huntin' buddy for life. Well worth any price. Congratulations.
  21. Jimmer Negamanee

    Digiscoped Bulls

    Awesome pics! Thanks for posting.
  22. Jimmer Negamanee

    Checked cams

    That last buck is a whopper! Thanks for posting.
  23. Jimmer Negamanee

    Mexico Coues mount

    Awesome buck Mark! Clay, great job on that mount. You make them live forever. Thanks for posting.
  24. Jimmer Negamanee

    My archery bull

    Great bull! Glad you're keeping the wire on. I'm looking forward to pictures of that mount. Thanks for posting.
  25. Jimmer Negamanee

    Another birthday bull

    Like everyone said, great first post! Welcome to CWT.com. Thanks for posting.