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Jimmer Negamanee

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Everything posted by Jimmer Negamanee

  1. Jimmer Negamanee

    Tempe Town Lake...Urban or State

    This link should help: http://www.tempe.gov/lake/boating/
  2. Good eye! You have to respect a guide who under-promises and over-delivers.
  3. Jimmer Negamanee

    velvet summer bulls

    Thought the same thing! Cool pictures. Thanks for posting!
  4. Jimmer Negamanee


    These pictures (along with the ones Azlongears posted) are awesome! Thanks for sharing them. I took one of the pictures and with my limited computer skills tried to make a funny. Here's my lame attempt:
  5. Jimmer Negamanee

    Took Isaac out for a few hours

    He found it for sure! And not just technically, in every sense, that's his shed! Great post! Thanks for sharing.
  6. Jimmer Negamanee

    The Huge bull that walks away!

    Wow! Whopper of a bull. If I was there you'd be all "Jimmer, there's a..." And I'd be all "Bang!" (And maybe a few more. )
  7. Jimmer Negamanee

    FIRST 2012 BROWN!!!!!

    Great job! Way to keep after it. Thanks for posting.
  8. Jimmer Negamanee

    Elk Draw Results Update

    :lol: Too funny!
  9. Jimmer Negamanee

    Bear Puppies

    Bump. Because everytime I read your signature, especially "Well... that and everyone Wang Chung tonight." I laugh.
  10. Jimmer Negamanee

    HECK YEAH!!!

    Awesome! Spartacus is your lucky charm! And because he's a pup, you'll have lots of years roaming the hills with him.
  11. Jimmer Negamanee

    Buy American

    Are you talking about tactics unions use like strikes? Or are you talking about tactics used by company owners like lockouts and hiring replacement workers?
  12. Jimmer Negamanee

    Lions, beavers, bighorns and more

    AGREED! Thanks for posting this.
  13. Jimmer Negamanee

    Buy American

    Yes, a couple of examples come to mind. 1- an employer that has collectively bargained a contract. A contract that was negotiated by both parties, not just crammed down the employers throat by a union. That means it was agreed upon by both parties. 2- a federal employer that provides health insurance for federal employees is my second example. Thanks. I was actually thinking more about how it originally came to be that employers are expected to pay for insurance. Was that largely because of unions? Amanda, According to this article, “Our employment-based system was not the product of a carefully designed health policy. It was a byproduct of evading wage controls during World War II.” http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/05/22/is-employer-based-health-insurance-worth-saving/ There are many who criticize the current employer-based system. For example, the following which states, in part that the employer-based system “happened through a weird combination of historical accidents, and it makes no sense. Why should an airplane manufacturer also be in the healthcare business? Why should you lose your health insurance if you get laid off?” http://motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2012/03/employer-based-health-insurance-going-way-dodo Conservatives decry our current system as reducing our competitiveness but the Left is none to pleased either, as this article shows. http://www.pensitoreview.com/2012/03/20/u-s-free-enterprise-employer-based-health-insurance-system-coming-apart-at-the-seams/ As stated previously, I do buy American where possible. But I don’t blame American workers for our lack of competitiveness by asking for a living wage. I don’t blame unions either. It takes two to agree to a contract. CEOs who can increase profits without increasing revenue by decreasing costs. So they find a foreign country with people willing to work for less than Americans then send the manufacturing jobs there. Increased earnings make the stock price go up and, as this article observes, “And ‘while we’re all uncomfortable with the amounts some companies pay,’ shareholders want companies to hire the right people who will make the stock prices go up, Johnson says. ‘It’s a competitive market,’” http://www.usatoday.com/money/companies/management/story/CEO-pay-2010/45634384/1 While CEO bashing may be popular (or unpopular depending on who you hang out with), “the most recent study in the same series found the figure in 2009 was 263 times the average worker pay.” http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2010/dec/21/bumper-sticker/bumper-sticker-says-ceos-make-431-times-what-their/ You may have asked me what time it is and I told you how to build a watch but I hope this is helpful. -Jimmer
  14. Jimmer Negamanee

    Shed hunting with the kids!

    Great story and pictures! The beautiful shed is a nice bonus too. Thanks for posting.
  15. Jimmer Negamanee

    Snow in elk country!

    Sweet pictures. We can use all the moisture we can get. We even got some here in the flatlands. We could use this much tomorrow too. Thanks for posting.
  16. Jimmer Negamanee

    Antler Crafts

    WOW! Well done! Very creative.
  17. Jimmer Negamanee

    Buy American

    My Nissan Xterra was made in Tennessee while my dad’s Chevy Tahoe was made in Mexico. We’ve argued for a while which one was more “American.” Personally, I go by where it was built, not where the CEO lives. (Plus, American CEOs get paid many times what the average American worker gets paid, whereas for most foreign CEOs, the multiplier is much smaller.) My logic is that if I buy something made here it will stimulate our economy because American workers will get the benefit (a pay check) and will, in turn, buy stuff here with that pay check and stimulate our economy even more. I’m not an economist but that seems to have a magnifying effect. Here are my preferences, if given a choice: 1. American made by an American company. 2. American made by a foreign company. 3. Foreign made by an American company. 4. Foreign made by a foreign company. Needless to say, I love my Outdoorsmans tripod because it’s made in Arizona (Payson) by an Arizona company. (And it’s super light, works great, has a great warranty and Outdoorsmans in a CWT.com sponsor!) I’d love to buy a Ruger made in Prescott too (but I’m not sure which pistols, if any, are actually manufactured there).
  18. Jimmer Negamanee

    New place to hunt yotes.

    Not to make light of a serious situation but I envision the conversation going something like this: “Oh, look, a coyote! Awww, it’s coming closer. Honey, get the camera! OUCH!! Son of a Biscuit! Call 911!”
  19. Jimmer Negamanee

    AZ Borderland Sheds?

    Great first post! Welcome!
  20. Jimmer Negamanee

    Spotted Cat

  21. Cool video. Funky right side on that bull. Thanks for posting.
  22. Jimmer Negamanee

    95 Jeep Wrangler Oracle

    Bump because of the CWT.com sticker. Looks good on there.
  23. Jimmer Negamanee

    Ran Over Gun!

    Whoa! What a story! And what a great buck! Thanks for posting.
  24. Jimmer Negamanee


    How sad. And scary. This girl’s nuttier than squirrel poop. Hope they never let her out. Reading the whole article is quite shocking.
  25. Jimmer Negamanee

    3 couessheds

    Awesome! My quest to glass up a shed continues but I'm always happy to hear about others doing it. Great job!