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Jimmer Negamanee

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Everything posted by Jimmer Negamanee

  1. Jimmer Negamanee

    1970 Honda trail 90 - Offers?

    Bump for a cool machine. Please buy this so I'm not tempted to buy at and not tell my wife about it. I doubt she'd believe I won it in a raffle to help starving children.
  2. Jimmer Negamanee

    Crazy Bear Skull !!

    Very interesting. Did the hunter report any odd behavior or movements (like limited range of head/neck motion)? Could you post a "typical" bear scull for comparison? Thanks for posting.
  3. Jimmer Negamanee

    critters, sheds and a dead head

    What an awesome day! Thanks for posting.
  4. Jimmer Negamanee

    Behold...the future of our country

    That's an interesting historical question to ask someone at a party. In her defense, if the 4th of July party happened in Arizona, north of the Gila River, she'd be correct. "We", being what is now Arizona north of the Gila River, won our independence from Mexico during the Mexican-American War which ended with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848. (Below the Gila River was bought by the U.S. from Mexico via the Gadsen Purchase in 1854.) But, of course, if by "we" your friend meant the 13 original colonies, then she was wrong.
  5. Jimmer Negamanee

    Never underestimate a house cat

    After seeing this video, I officially take back all the bad stuff I ever said about cats. Had the attack continued it would have been fatal. The cat saved the kid's life.
  6. Jimmer Negamanee

    shed with the family

    Well done! That would be a great find after an all-day hike. It's amazing that your wife found it so fast. You'll be calling her "Eagle Eye" from now on! Thanks for posting.
  7. Jimmer Negamanee

    Buck in the Grass

    Awesome picture! Thanks for posting.
  8. Jimmer Negamanee

    like it or not, there coming

    This plan seems overly generous to the livestock industry which already pays less to graze on public land than they would on private land. This plan gives public money to the livestock industry not just for direct losses but for losses they can imagine. (I would have cut and pasted from the article or from a Word document with references to the article but for some reason my computer won't paste to CWT.com anymore. Not sure why. If you've encountered that problem and figured it out and wanted to share your solution, let me know. Gracias.)
  9. Jimmer Negamanee

    Question for the Cope lovers

    It's good that you're concerned about it and I agree with everyone on here who encouraged you to quit. Sounds like you have a good start on quitting. (I don't know what it is about chew but from people I've seen try to quit and eventually quit, I'd put quitting chew up there with the hardest stuff to quit.) You can do it!
  10. Jimmer Negamanee

    Matched set of browns

    Beautiful set! Thanks for posting.
  11. Jimmer Negamanee

    Ashlyn's 1st spring turkey hunt

    Congratulations! You did a great job on the hunt and got to have fun with your dad. Way to go. (You're an excellent writer too.)
  12. Jimmer Negamanee


    Ok, it's not a trailer but if I ever had to live in a van, down by the river, I would give this serious consideration: http://www.sportsmobile.com (Check out the 4X4 section. For some reason I can't cut at paste the full link, or anything else for that matter so I had to hand type it in.)
  13. Jimmer Negamanee

    another ammo plant explodes

    If only we could reduce or eliminate the burdensome regulations of oppressive federal agencies like OSHA and instead unleash the power of the free market to fix these types of problems we'd have much safer work places because labor would gravitate towards safer work environments and corporations are moral beings and they want to do what's right by their workers and society as a whole.
  14. Jimmer Negamanee

    Mearns Quail

    All great pictures but that quail in flight picture is exceptional. It shows off your camera's trigger and shutter speed AND just looks cool. Thanks for posting.
  15. Jimmer Negamanee

    Double down on 2 Long Beards

    Well done! Great picture too. Thanks for posting your success. It gets us all excited for the hunt.
  16. Jimmer Negamanee

    3 more

    Great finds! (And that squirrel meme is hilarious.) Thanks for posting.
  17. Jimmer Negamanee

    First half of my yr.

    Wow! What a haul for one year. Don't think I'll find that many in my lifetime. Well done.
  18. Jimmer Negamanee

    My Season So Far

    Well done! Some sweet finds there!
  19. Jimmer Negamanee

    Just a few(updated)

    Great finds! Thanks for posting.
  20. Jimmer Negamanee

    Right sides only

    Cool finds! Thanks for posting.
  21. Jimmer Negamanee

    My first matching set

    Sweet find! (And great "as they lie" picture. I love those."
  22. Jimmer Negamanee

    When will we see the first CC Hit??????

  23. Jimmer Negamanee

    Can't Fix Stupid

    To each, his own. But I guarantee that Mark and his staff were polite, professional and accommodating (and didn't laugh until after he left). If they had the 10 rounders, I'm sure they sold them to him and if they didn't have them I'm sure they offered to special order them. (Mark's really good about ordering all kinds of stuff.) Now, if he asked for 10 rounders and asked that the mags be plugged to only hold 6, they might have looked at the guy funny.
  24. Jimmer Negamanee

    Credit Card Hit!!!

    Grrrr, TJ, you're so mean! I got all jacked up until I saw the date and notice you cleverly revived last year's thread. Not sure the what the sanction should be for your insolence but it should be swift and severe.
  25. Jimmer Negamanee

    head shed

    Cool! Great pick up! Funky tops on the right side. Thanks for posting.