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Jimmer Negamanee

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Everything posted by Jimmer Negamanee

  1. Jimmer Negamanee

    2 point dead head

    Great find and cool photo! Thanks for posting.
  2. Jimmer Negamanee

    Huntin' Jokes

    'nuther huntin' meme.
  3. Jimmer Negamanee

    Az shed hunting video

    Wow! Great finds and cool video! I loved that you involved the family too. It's a great family pastime (and your kiddos are adorable)! Thanks for posting.
  4. Jimmer Negamanee


    Both scopes sold. Thank you.
  5. Jimmer Negamanee


    Both are SPF. If the sale and back-ups fall through, I'll re-post. Thank you!
  6. Jimmer Negamanee


    I live in south Tempe roughly by Kyrene Rd. and Warner Rd. PM me if you want to inspect either scope.
  7. Jimmer Negamanee

    Kowa or BTX

    Which Kowa is being discussed here? (I'm currently looking for a swaro and was going between the STS and STX but I've not considered Kowa.) Thank you!
  8. Jimmer Negamanee

    Introduction Jim Cloninger

    Welcome to CWT.com! It was very gentlemanly of you to introduce yourself and give us some background. (In today's world, people are understandably cautious when someone's first post is to sell something.) Although your hunting days may be over, as long as you can make it to a computer you'll be able log on to CWT.com and experience other people's hunts vicariously. And, hopefully, you'll share some of your hunting experiences gleaned over the last eight decades. I bet you've learned a thing or two. Again, welcome.
  9. Jimmer Negamanee

    Recommend me some books/novels please

    Anything by Ed Abbey. Desert Solitaire is his most famous and is great but there are others. Maybe a perfect book for reading in a deer blind is Ed Abbey's A Voice Crying in the Wilderness (Vox Clamantis in Deserto) - Notes From a Secret Journal. It's small (very packable) and is a collection of his aphorisms, some only a sentence long, so you can read it, then look up for deer while you're thinking about it, letting it percolate, and deciding if you agree with it our not.
  10. Jimmer Negamanee

    It all starts from a simple part....

    This is a fun thread! I'm looking forward to updates. Thanks for posting.
  11. Jimmer Negamanee

    1976 JEEP CJ5 Factory 304 V8

    Someone should buy this Jeep. You could sing this song every day:
  12. Jimmer Negamanee


    Come on Hurricane Bud!
  13. Jimmer Negamanee

    Custom Leather Works?

    I had an old K-Bar knife that was my grandfather's. The leather sheath was cracked, brittle and not usable. I found this leathersmith in Oro Valley. I sent the knife to him and he made a custom made a sheath for it. I love it. We'll get another 3 generations of use out of it now. (I can send or post pics if you want.) http://www.thorshammercustomleather.com/
  14. Jimmer Negamanee

    Spotting scopes for Truck and Pack

    I'm looking forward to your review. A lot of us are in the same boat, meaning we're looking for a spotting scope and weighing the pros and cons of the different types.
  15. Jimmer Negamanee


    I'll be heading down there on or about June 19th. It may be longer than he wants to wait for it but it could be an option. Also, I have no idea how big, heavy, and oily a motorcycle clutch assembly is and I'll be in a compact car with luggage, so there's that too. But I'd be happy to help if I can. PM me if you need me and good luck!
  16. Jimmer Negamanee

    Carpet cleaner guy?

    We live in Tempe and have used JB & the Butler (Fidel Rosales, owner/operator) for probably 15 years now. He does great work and doesn't try to upsell stuff like some of the bigger outfits. (e.g. "If we don't clean these air ducts for you, your grandbabies are gonna get pneumonia!") Just tell him what areas you want cleaned and he'll give you a price. (And the price has always been very reasonable.) Our carpet is the original they put in when the house was built in about '96 and when Fidel cleans them they look new. We have dogs and although they're house broken canine companionship always comes with the risk of stains for one reason or another and Fidel makes the stains go away. He's also honest, trustworthy and works hard. We're a year away from getting new carpets and have been for the last 6 years or so, all because the clamor for new carpet quiets after Fidel does his work. Here's the contact info I have for him. JB & the Butler, Fidel Rosales Work: 480-461-1441 Mobile: 602-920-1008
  17. Jimmer Negamanee

    When to buy Point Guard

    I used to donate a little extra to AZGFD when I applied and what I got in return was the good feeling of knowing I helped fund wildlife projects a little more. But with point guard, you get more than a good feeling. You also get the peace of mind of knowing that if something catastrophic happens and you can’t hunt, you won’t burn your bonus points on hunt you can’t go on. So I say buy it. It’s kind of like a straight up donation but also like insurance. I think it’s worth it. Although I plan my work life and personal life around my hunts, crappola happens. “Man plans, God laughs.” as the saying goes. Emergencies happen. Car wrecks happen. Major illnesses happen. You may as well hedge against those things and even if you don’t directly benefit, the money goes to a good cause. And when you consider the cost of a hunt, $5 is insignificant.
  18. Jimmer Negamanee

    Bear shed

    Awesome! Glassing up a shed is on my bucket list. Great shed. Thanks for posting.
  19. Jimmer Negamanee

    Konus Pro KonuSpot-80 20x60x80 Spotting Scope #7120B

    Hey Doug, Do they make a straight version of this? Thanks.
  20. Jimmer Negamanee

    Couldn't pass - taxi pic added

    Gorgeous! Amazing bull and Clay did a great job (as usual) with the mount. Thanks for posting the update.
  21. Jimmer Negamanee

    Coueswhitetail.com Calendar

    I'm a big fan of the Darren Freestone's Coueswhitetail.com calendars which are available for sale through the CWT.com store. In fact, I bought four through the site last year. Anywho, the buck for May is amazing and when I saw it I was struck by how much it looks like the CWT.com outlined buck which, I believe member, Bill Quimby designed. (If I'm wrong about Mr. Quimby designing the CWT.com buck, please correct me.) I'll post a pic of the May buck with the CWT.com outline buck in the lower right corner. Maybe it's just a coincidence but does anyone know if there is a relationship between the picture and the art?
  22. Jimmer Negamanee

    Menace to Society starter pack - free in Tucson

    Bump for one of the funniest posts I've seen in a long time. P.S. I recommend you keep the slingshot your dad made you. Even put it up on the wall. It's a great conversation piece and I think will be meaningful to you as the years go by.
  23. Jimmer Negamanee

    best book about how to hunt desert muleys

    I know this is an old thread but I'm familiar with and have empathy for your situation. Here's a possible solution. Don't put in for the same hunts. If you get the tag, hunt it your way without him. Up early. Hike far. Glass hard. If it's his tag, go with him and help him but let him hunt the way he wants too. It is still frustrating but you can help by repeating the mantra "He can't ruin HIS hunt." Maybe it's just being outside with his boy (and his dad too) that gives him the satisfaction of hunting. By letting him drive the bus on his hunts, you are freed from all responsibility and emotional investment (except from the joy of being outside with your dad). Let him wake up when he wants. Let him head out into the field when he wants. Let him leave the woods/desert when he wants (even though it might be right before "prime time"). Your job will be to be ready when he's ready and help to the extent he asks for it. If he asks you where "we" should go just ask him what looks good to him. There's still frustration involved but it is so much less once you adopt the "He can't ruin HIS hunt." mentality. It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. And the instinct to hunt is strong and persists past our physical ability to hunt in any real sense. In the end, we're all here for only a short time. Enjoy your hunts to the absolute fullest. And enjoy your dad's hunts and just time to be with each other and be in nature.
  24. Jimmer Negamanee

    My 1st Turkey

    Awesome hunt and great write up! Thanks for posting.