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Everything posted by cohntr6

  1. cohntr6

    Bergara 6.5

    It's a stretch...still for sale?
  2. cohntr6

    Sold Delete

    Bump for a phone number. Jeff
  3. cohntr6

    Long Tailed Weasel

    Hopefully the video works. VID_20230921_093305505~2[1].mp4
  4. cohntr6

    Long Tailed Weasel

    I got a video of one while I was elk hunting last September. Unfortunately I didn't get a video of it with a mouse in his mouth. Cool encounter. Jeff
  5. cohntr6

    Aero Precision lower $110

    Seconds if it falls through. Sending PM. Jeff
  6. cohntr6

    Womens Hand Gun

    My daughter bought a Sig 365 Rose (365XL that is compensated) last week and enjoyed shooting it. We'll see if she carries it. Jeff
  7. cohntr6


    How much are brass are you looking for?
  8. cohntr6

    22 Short ammo

    What are you willing to sell them for? Jeff
  9. cohntr6

    2024 Governors Lion Tag

    Awesome! Congrats on a fat cat! Jeff
  10. cohntr6

    WTB Swarovski ATC spotter

    Sorry to keep derailing parkerbailey's OP but that is one slick set up!! Jeff
  11. cohntr6

    Sig 365 X Macro

    Sending PM Very interested Jeff
  12. cohntr6

    Found an enormous deadhead (coues)

    WOW! Impressive deadhead. Congrats!
  13. Let us know how it goes and stick with it. Glass the north slopes really slow and for as long as you have the patience for, then do it again! I think my inlaws hunt the deep canyons at the north end of the unit close to the rez. Jeff
  14. cohntr6

    Colby’s junior deer hunt

    Great write up and pictures. LOL on the haircut and congrats to your boy. Jeff
  15. cohntr6

    October bucks

    Glad you had good luck on the full moon. My brother in law was the opposite. Congrats to you and your wife! Jeff
  16. cohntr6

    Daughters first mule deer

    Looks like things worked out well. Congrats to your daughter. Jeff
  17. cohntr6

    Unit 31

    If you remember where you hunted before I would go there. A couple big fires have happened over the last 20 years so some areas are pretty thick from the re-growth (mostly from the Nuttall fire in 2004). The Frye fire from 2017 cleaned some of the old burn scar up but also cleaned up a few other areas. A good vantage point just about anywhere on Mt. Graham will produce deer, a good buck may require some sweating. Jeff
  18. cohntr6

    NM unit 24 coues

    Are you able to do any scouting HuntAz199? What is your hunt dates? Jeff
  19. cohntr6

    First Bugle Of The Year!

    Thanks! Good to hear. LOL. The nursery herd. Jeff
  20. cohntr6

    First Bugle Of The Year!

    Spent Friday, Saturday and Monday in 27 and never heard a single bugle. Saturday I finally found some bulls and they were still in bachelor groups and the cows I saw had no bulls at all with them. On Monday I was glassing as the sun went down and saw a small 6 point chasing 2 cows. Really weird as the different places were about 20 miles apart. Still have 9 days left 😁 Jeff
  21. cohntr6

    How long until cards are hit??

    I wonder how the next few days will turn out and when results hit the portal after this! LOL I thought it was over till my brother in law text tonight (721pm) and said he got a charge, then a friend from work (754pm), now someone in my family was drawn (wife, daughter or me!. Wahooo!! Congrats everyone else. Jeff
  22. cohntr6

    How long until cards are hit??

    Congrats! I could probably help if it is 28! Jeff
  23. cohntr6

    Savage b-mag 17 wsm with ammo

    Sending PM
  24. cohntr6

    Unsuccessful hunter in 22S in 2022?

    What unit did you draw? How was the hunt?
  25. cohntr6

    Unsuccessful hunter in 22S in 2022?

    I didn't really see anyone respond to the OP! Sorry Umpqua, but I don't have an answer....just waiting for someone who does.