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Everything posted by cohntr6

  1. cohntr6

    It's official!

    Thats awesome! Have you told the story already? If not I would love to hear it! Congrats! Jeff
  2. cohntr6

    Covert II Elk Videos

    Dude, I can move those cameras for you! LOL!! Great to have elk that close to where you are. Jeff
  3. cohntr6

    Lion, bear, and some coues

    Good to talk to you last night. I guess my user name is cohntr6! I thought is was my name. That doe looks like she is going to drop a fawn any second. When were those pictures taken? See you at softball.
  4. cohntr6

    Party at Jim Reynolds' house!

    Here are a few more. Worth the drive! Great food, sheds and heads, and good company! My son had hard a hard time holding these up! One wall! Jim Reynolds Same sheds as 1st picture, my favorites
  5. cohntr6

    Party at Jim Reynolds' house!

    I may be there with one of my little ones. I am new so take it easy on me! LOL Jeff
  6. Did anybody catch this on the news last night? Are they talking about SB 2474? http://www.kpho.com/video/19795181/index.html Love the metro pink sunglasses guy! Jeff
  7. cohntr6

    They are up!!

    I finally got through on the phone tonight (a little while ago!!) put in all my info only to find out they are expirencing "technical difficulties"!!! AAHHHH!! Jeff Oh well a shed hunting trip shoould get my mind off things!
  8. cohntr6

    first of 09 for me (more pictures and other side!!)

    Very nice! Any luck looking for the other side? Jeff
  9. cohntr6

    Baby boy names

    Congrats!! I had 2 girls before we had a boy. We had a struggle on his name. My wife wanted Dierks ( yes after Dierks Bentley). I wouldnt have it. I wanted Curtis Jeremiah (Jeremiah being a 5x great grandpa) or Bridger Crockett (wife's maiden name Is Crockett) so we decided on Bronson Ryder It fits well. Good luck!
  10. cohntr6

    #2 NT Coues

    CLICK ON THE LINK REDRABBIT PROVIDED. Not that the vevet buck isnt a pig but the other one isnt too shabby!! Jeff
  11. cohntr6

    A Picture worth a 1000 words!

    congrats on the success. How did you like the weather down here? 70 degrees today and probably the rest of the week. I am sweating to death! I need some CO weather! Jeff
  12. cohntr6

    Congrats to a Member!!!!

    Does anybody else think that is one of the biggest 318 bulls ever!! It must gross 350!!! Congrats to the hunter! jeff
  13. cohntr6

    my december coues

    I think tha qualifies as a monster whitetail! What did he score? Looks like unit 31 to me. Thanks for sharing! Jeff
  14. So this is my 2nd season bowhunting whitetail in AZ and I was wondering if all the eastern whitetail (in general) calls/grunt tubes works on coues deer? If so, what calls are the best or give the best results for calling in a buck? I did call a doe in last year with this piece of crap Primos "Hyper buck and doe". i cant get this thing to grunt or snort to save my life but it makes this terrible bleat or fawn distress call. Rattling? Decoying? Your expirences welcome (good or bad)! Thanks. Jeff
  15. cohntr6

    Best grunt calls for whities

    Yesterday I still hunted an area that had so many deer tracks it made my head spin. I grunted a few times here and there and nothing, not a doe! Getting frustrated and I have yet to see any rutting activity. Thanks for the link, I'll check them out. Jeff
  16. Yep that is a monster! Congrats to the old man!! Thanks for sharing it with us. I was going to say 204 Jeff
  17. cohntr6

    COUES 08

    It has to vary from one side of the mountain to the other is the conclusion I have come to. I have not seen a buck rutting yet. I have seen several does off by themselves with no suitors following, on the other hand i have seen a few bucks that were hanging together or by themselves, feeding and showing so signs of being rutty. This has been in unit 31. I have been bowhunting since Jan. 3rd (shot a buck Dec. 3rd with a rifle) and been in the spots I bowhunted last year that was producing mature, rutty bucks. WACKY! Jeff
  18. cohntr6


    Yikes! How about a story!? Congrats to the hunter! Jeff
  19. cohntr6

    Another Mulie down

    Now that is some road huntin! Congrats on a great buck.
  20. cohntr6

    Tamales on the ground!!

    That is a smoker buck! Congrats! jeff
  21. cohntr6

    Wifes first coues

    Congtrats to you and your wife! That is great looking deer. He looks big bodied, is he? My wife's first deer was a forkhorn mulie, 5 months pregnagnt! jeff
  22. cohntr6

    Allergic to Coues Deer????

    Yikes!! Those are some great pictures! Congrats on the great buck! Love the mass and beam length. It sure looks bigger than 96"! I thought I had it bad when deer blood (any) get on my skin I break out in hives, itch and sneeze. So... i have archery tag......and a couple days left of my 7 off..... Good luck to your son. jeff
  23. cohntr6

    Felicia's Dec 08 buck

    Nice job to both of you. Jeff
  24. cohntr6

    One-Ten or nuthin', Buddy!!!

    This is what my .257 weatherby and 100 grain Barnes triple shock did to my buck last month: Great bullet! Congrats again, that is a smoker buck. Jeff
  25. cohntr6

    Finally got kill with bow!!!

    I love the first picture! Congrats. Jeff