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Everything posted by cohntr6

  1. cohntr6

    AZ tags in mail yet ?

    I havent got my tag yet but my wife and daughter got their refund checks a couple days ago.
  2. cohntr6


    Helping others out is a heck of great feeling. Then you get the bonus of all the antler! NIce!! Jeff
  3. cohntr6

    My wife's first shed

    That's cool! I can't wait for my wife to find her first shed! Jeff
  4. cohntr6

    Some antlers from this season.

    Nice! Congrats and thanks for posting!
  5. cohntr6

    For All You Lucky Tag Holders!

    Yikes!! One of those bulls doesnt happen to be in Unit 27, does it?! Thanks for getting me all jacked up! Jeff
  6. cohntr6

    Archery Unit 27 with Horses

    I had a cow tag in unit 23 (New Mexico) several years ago and hunted behind Alma/Glenwood and it seemed like all the elk were coming in from AZ. LOL. NOw I have the same tag as you and I have thought about checking out Alma Mesa for the same reasons as you. However I dont have access to horses. I have spent time looking for sheds around Rose peak and i believe the elk are only there in the later seasons. I have spent time in Beaver Creek area and Campbell Blue and will be checking those areas out more thorough because I have been there camping in October and liked what I saw!
  7. cohntr6

    Post you results

    Looks like i drew your 27 archery bull tag neighbor!!
  8. cohntr6

    Post you results

    I drew the same tag!! Congrats!!
  9. cohntr6

    Post you results

    I drew the same tag! My daughter had the jr. hunt last year in unit 1 and it was a blast!!! Jeff
  10. cohntr6

    Post you results

    Unit 27 archery bull!!! Jeff
  11. cohntr6

    Guess the Date and Time Contest

    I give up!! Jeff
  12. cohntr6

    Guess the Date and Time Contest

    wednesday, March 28th---10:00 am
  13. cohntr6

    My 118 inch late whitetail

    Congrats! Incredible buck! I am glad your dad didnt get cut by the broadhead! Jeff
  14. Maybe have to go after him with the bow! I think this was a big 3x4 last year. Score away!!! Jeff
  15. cohntr6

    Another Giant! 127 3/8

    Yikes a bee! Yes more pictures and congratulations on a monster!
  16. cohntr6

    My Late December Coues......

    I'm thinking 104-106!!! Very nice! Thanks for sharing and let us know what he scores. Jeff
  17. cohntr6

    coues on the last day

    congrats. the anticipation can be a killer when you want to get out. Very nice bucks for you both. Jeff
  18. cohntr6

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    94 people are reading this thread right now...wow..i would have thought draw results were out! LOL
  19. cohntr6

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    THANKS FOR MAKING US ALL AWARE..Everbody needs to look at the language of the bill, who is writing it and WHY?? Should be interesting...... Jeff
  20. I took video of this buck from 400 yards with my cell phone and binoculars. It was a first. I ended up shooting him. story and pictures: http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29411 Jeff
  21. cohntr6

    Nice late season buck

    great story! Sounds a lot like my hunt with familiar country.LOL Congrats! Jeff
  22. Just pictures for now. Sorry Story and more pictures to follow.. As he lay..
  23. cohntr6

    Ward's Outfitters Dec Harvest

    Very nice! How is the rut on your side of the hill? Jeff
  24. cohntr6

    Ward's Outfitters Dec Harvest

    Very nice! Jeff
  25. cohntr6

    MY late whitetail

    Where is a good place to post the video? Jeff