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Everything posted by cohntr6

  1. cohntr6

    27 scouting

    Great to hear! I cant wait to get up there!
  2. cohntr6

    My Nov is free!

    Check out Freeport McMoran. They are in Phoenix and are always hiring. www.fcx.com Jeff
  3. cohntr6

    Pictures of a few bulls and Wallow burn

    Bigorange, Feel free to let me know how the scouting went I wont get be able to get up there again until September 6th or 7th Jeff
  4. It is a bit slow for this forum for being so close to archery elk season!! Everybody must be out scouting. LOL Here is a few pictures of Unit 27 and some of the Wallow fire. ***All the dates are correct on the bottom of the pictures*** Jeff
  5. cohntr6

    Pictures of a few bulls and Wallow burn

    Some of the dark color is from the burnt trees but most of it is the lighting. I took the picture in the late afternoon when the sun was geting low. If you are able to zoom in look at the center bulls' 2nd point on his left antler it goes on forever!! But is is hard to see because it is "blonde" in color matching the grass from the way the sun was hitting it. Also ther was no rubbing going on because I took the picture July 12th. Just over 4 weeks!! I cant wait Jeff
  6. cohntr6

    Unit 24 New Mexico

    Keep an eye out for whitetail LOL
  7. cohntr6

    Where will you be huntin Elk?

    Unit 27 archery bull in 5 WEEKS!! I havent bowhunted elk since Colorado. I am pumped Where are the Unit 27 archers camping? I will be in the Campbell Blue area. Jeff
  8. cohntr6

    9mm makarov kbi inc. pistol $200 *PICS added

    What has the price been lowered too? Condition? I may be really interested in a few weeks! LOL (Wont have funds till then) Jeff
  9. Wow! I am very intersted in the doubler. I will contact you in a few weeks!!! Jeff
  10. cohntr6

    G&F Updating Website

    Maybe it was a good thing!! Now the results are out as of a few hours ago! Jeff
  11. cohntr6

    Results Are Out!

    Use the LINK above or your bookmark, or history
  12. cohntr6

    Results Are Out!

    Wohooo!! Kaitlyn...#1160 My wifey....#1110 Me.....#1110 3 for 3
  13. cohntr6

    G&F Updating Website

    This morning the "draw results" button was working when I checked but is gone this evening! Interesting......I havent noticed that in years past. I am hoping for tomorrow!!! Jeff
  14. cohntr6

    Card got hit today!

    You and me Scotty! Will you be heading this way if you are drawn?
  15. cohntr6

    Unit 27 early rifle bull

    Good luck to your son! Hopefully there will be one less bull for your son to choose from though! LOL I have the archery hunt in 27 right before your son. This weekend I will be up there. We'll see what happens. jeff
  16. cohntr6

    Lion on camera

    What is he coming in to? Cool pictures, still waiting to get a lion on one of my cameras. Jeff
  17. Looks like I am short $1300! Nice .243
  18. I have a .257 weatherby and I reload for it. Let me know Jeff
  19. cohntr6

    Covert "Special Ops"

    Isnt that camera able to send pictures to your email? Rather than worrying about phones....i do have t-mobile though...hmmmm Jeff
  20. cohntr6

    White Mountain Elk Contest!!!!

    Hopefully I will be there with a archery bull from Unit 27!!
  21. cohntr6

    Age of this buck?

    I was curious how you found his sheds.....I have a buck I have on camera for 2 years and am having a heck of a time trying to find his sheds. I have seen him in October (during my daughters' youth hunt-missed him!) and have trail cam pictures of him in December. All the locations I have seen him or have pictures of him are within 1/4 mile in steep terrain. Did you have luck finding his bedding areas, watering, feeding? I guess I am looking for some help. I would guess your buck around 4 or 5. He does look a little bigger than 90 inches though! jeff
  22. The most updated map of "closures" is Jan. 2012. I sent an email to the forest service to make sure it was the most updated map and this was the reply: "Yes that is the most accurate map of the Wallow Fire. They are planning to have almost all campgrounds open this summer, but you will need to call before making the trip to see is the campground you want to stay at is open. 928-333-6280" It looks like the only area still closed to any access is Escudilla closure area in Unit 1. All the areas in unit 27 that were closed last season are Open to Entry but Closed to Camping. I am excited for my archery bull hunt in September and cant wait to even get out and start poking around. Hopefully I can get some pictures of my scouting trip posted up. Main page for Apache-Sitgreaves wallow fire info: http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/asnf/landmanagement/resourcemanagement/?cid=stelprdb5324213 Map: http://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5323957.pdf Jeff
  23. cohntr6

    Most Wallow fire closures are OPEN!!

    Congrats!! My daughter had the junior cow hunt last year in unit 1. It was a great hunt. Burned areas held elk and we didnt have a problem finding them. I would still scout and hunt the areas you are familiar with. Jeff
  24. cohntr6

    AZ tags in mail yet ?

    Got my unit 27 archery bull tag a couple days ago!! Jeff