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Everything posted by cohntr6

  1. cohntr6


    Congrats on a incredible bull! WOW! Jeff
  2. cohntr6

    my sons 1st buck

    Congrats! Still trying to get my daughter her first! Jeff
  3. cohntr6

    Dreams come true.

    Sweet! Jeff
  4. cohntr6

    Unit 1 Youth cow Hunt

    Good luck Lex and Preston. Sawro6 let us know how you all do. Jeff
  5. cohntr6

    Unit 1 Youth cow Hunt

    My daughter had that hunt last year. Check your inbox. Jeff
  6. cohntr6

    6 Yard Bull - video

    Very nice! I just had a hunt like that a few weeks ago! Jeff
  7. cohntr6

    Dallon’s First Bull

    Congrats to your son! Great bull! I was getting a little worried it was a bull i shot on my hunt but I dont shoot Rages and I didnt hit where you descibed the hit to be. Were you able to go to any of the places I suggested? Jeff
  8. cohntr6

    Beyond my wildest dreams!

    Great bull! Cool you were able to see him before the hunt and then kill him. Congrats on an amazing bull! Great rut pictures BTW. Jeff
  9. cohntr6

    unit 27 help

    Check inbox!! Jeff
  10. cohntr6

    Brent's Unit 27 Bull

    Looks like you were done the day I got there! I never saw that bull, however the country looks awefully familiar! LOL. Congrats! Jeff
  11. cohntr6

    3 days in Unit 27

    i was hping to find the monster bull in this picture but was unsucessful. I did manage to chase bugles for 3 days. It rained a lot while I was there. Yesterday evening I found a bugling bull in the rain and managed to get less than 75 yards from him and his cows but got soaking wet in the downpour (I was only going to gone from the truck a few minutes so I didnt think I needed my rain jacket! LOL) I was worth it as he looked to be about a 360 type bull This isnt him but I have some video and picture of other bulls I saw in the few days I was up there. [media=] [/media] Over all the rut seems to be going very well. Tuesday morning was a little slow but was made up for yesterday as it seemed like bulls were bugling all day wherever I went. One of the better bulls i saw: [media=] [/media] Not sure what killed this calf but it had been long enough for rigamortis to set in. Mom was real close to it and had no visible marks on it, weird. Good luck tomorrow all! I'll be out there shortly! Jeff
  12. cohntr6

    3 days in Unit 27

    Heading out tomorrow till I stick something or the season ends!! Woohooo!! Jeff
  13. cohntr6


    Thats pretty dang cool! Congrats to your sister! jeff
  14. cohntr6

    3 days in Unit 27

    Thanks all! Did the video clips work? Jeff
  15. cohntr6

    Early Rut ?

    I talked to my buddy last night and he said with the barley the forest service dropped in some areas of unit 1/27, mild winter and great moisture this year, this year is the year to have a tag!!! He has done some flying in these units and has seen lots more mature and bigger racked bulls this year. I am heading out to scout for a few days!! Jeff
  16. cohntr6

    One Week to go!!!

    Great pictures! Yes, i am all jacked up even more now! Jeff
  17. cohntr6

    Wolfpack Outfitters SC Bull

    Looks pretty big to me! Thanks for the post and congrats to the hunter. Jeff
  18. cohntr6

    New Mexico Bull down

    Very nice and congrats! Your getting me all jacked up for my hunt! Jeff
  19. cohntr6

    Daughters first buck with a bow!

    Big congrats! I need to show my daughters this post! Jeff
  20. Very nice! Great video Jeff
  21. cohntr6

    Unit 27 Archery Bear!

    Scott showed me pictures of the other two bears today! Austin's bear is BIG! Congrats on your bear! Jeff
  22. cohntr6

    Who's getting excited about Sept?

    I am counting the days...... jeff
  23. cohntr6

    Early Rut ?

    I think on Monday and Tuesday there will be lots of reports of rutting (or lack of) activity! Keep the reports coming becasue I cant get out until the week before the hunt to scout some more! Jeff