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Everything posted by cohntr6

  1. cohntr6

    Arizona Unit 27 Archery Elk

    Wohoo!! 2 years in a row for this tag!! if it is 1/2 as good this year as it was last year, it will be incredible!!! Jeff
  2. Found some windage and elevation covers at the Safford gun range today (3/29/13) Sitting right on the bench. I would like to get them back to the owner cause if I did that I would be pissed at myself!! Jeff
  3. cohntr6


    I am so glad I have a supportive wife! I have only checked G & F website 10 times today. LOL Now, if I could only get drawn again! Jeff
  4. cohntr6

    first brown of the year

    Pretty dang cool! How old are your kids? Jeff
  5. cohntr6


    Impressive! Congrats. jeff
  6. cohntr6

    Coues sheds? Any yet?

    Mature bucks might start in a month or so. I found 4 (2 white and a set from last year) a few days ago. And saw two spikes, they probably wont drop for 2 months. Jeff
  7. cohntr6

    Finally got our for a few hours.

    What is a good day? I would say 5 in a few hours is pretty dang good. How big is the set? Congrats. Jeff
  8. cohntr6


    Pretty cool! Jeff
  9. cohntr6

    left our trail cam out for 2 1/2 years

    Did you have your camera over water? I never get that lucky! LOL. the tree I put a camera on fell over and I got pictures of the ground! Thanks for sharing. Jeff
  10. cohntr6

    Feeding the Frenzy - Story update

    How far apart were the sheds from the trail cam pictures? I have been trying to find sheds off a couple bucks for years and I not having any luck. Any tips would be greatly appreciated Congrats on the finds! Jeff
  11. cohntr6

    Very cool video of close up encounter

    That clip was on one of Wayne Carlton's "Primetime Bulls" videos from several years ago~about 10? Great video! Jeff
  12. cohntr6

    Sally- My Trophy Buck

    Nice buck! Story? jeff
  13. cohntr6

    Craigs List Woes Part 3

    Thanks for the heads up! I was not aware of this scam. Jeff
  14. cohntr6

    Fawn killer caught in the act!

    Last November while glassing some does I saw a cat slip in on them and was sure I would see the predator/prey relationship in action but the bobcat didnt close the deal and the deer scattered a short distance. I tried getting over to kill the bobcat but was too late as it ran the deer into another canyon and I couldnt find them. Was very interesting to watch. I knew bobcats would take new fawns but didnt think it would go after grown fawns or adult does. My opinion has changed now after witnessing it. Jeff
  15. Here is a few pictures from some of my cameras. Smallest spike I have ever seen!! Jeff
  16. cohntr6

    Fawn killer caught in the act!

    Not meaning to high jack but that lion doesnt have a lion tail. Looks like a bobcat to me. Still, incredible trail cam video! Jeff
  17. cohntr6

    pictures off of a couple trail cams

    Looks like a great area. Thanks for the pictures. I can only imagine how good those bucks will be this fall!! Jeff
  18. cohntr6

    What a toad.

    Where is the story?!! Has all the hubbalub scared away the hunter from posting his story? Congrats on the buck. Jeff
  19. cohntr6

    120 sheds

    Yikes! Are you going to hunt him this fall?
  20. cohntr6

    This Had to Hurt

    If that is a fresh shed, I would say the buck is fine but might have some funky growth next year on that right side. Jeff
  21. cohntr6

    First lion on camera

    After using trail cameras for four years in the area i hunt I finally got a picture of a lion. Upon checking cameras today my buddy has a lion on his camera. I wouldn't be suprised if it is the same one even though the cameras are about a mile apart. I'll see if I can get his pictures up. Jeff
  22. cohntr6

    First lion on camera

    No fresh kill. I have a tag and would be sitting close if there was Jeff
  23. cohntr6

    First lion on camera

    Here it is a month later on my buddies camera.
  24. cohntr6

    2013 Utah Cougar Hunt Video

    Pretty cool, congrats! Jeff
  25. cohntr6

    FS: Rem 700 ADL Varmint 204 Ruger

    Sent you a PM last week. Jeff