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Everything posted by cohntr6

  1. cohntr6

    Would You Shoot (2) ? - Video

    Good video. Did you get my email? Jeff
  2. cohntr6

    Big 9 Bull

    How about some details on that big bull!? WOW Jeff
  3. Pretty darn good show especially to see such familiar territory close by! Congratulations! I tried to vote but couldnt find it on the website. Seems to have older seasons/episodes Found it on facebook though Jeff
  4. cohntr6

    The teasing begins (update #2)

    The deformed bull looks very unhealthy. MIght have some disease. A week ago I saw 2 bulls like the big bull you have a picture of. I think it is going to be another pretty good year Thanks for the pictures! Jeff
  5. cohntr6

    Hit it big today!!!

    Hornhunter10, Yes, I did find the other side. I put a post in this forum last month about them. I wouldnt be suprised if we found the antlers in the same unit or even closer than that. I hope to find him this fall and put a tag on him Congrats again to you. Jeff
  6. cohntr6

    Hit it big today!!!

    34 inch thirds!!!! Holy crap! I cant help but think these bulls are related becasue of the thirds. Of course the sheds i picked up have 18" thirds. LOL Same side Jeff
  7. cohntr6

    Hit it big today!!!

    Yep, that is awesome. +1 on putting some tape to them. I would guess about a 370-380 bull. Jeff
  8. cohntr6

    2013 antlerfest?

    Sounds like May18th
  9. Is it going to become a second annual gathering.........? Jeff
  10. cohntr6

    My biggest set ever!!!

    Finally found some good antlers here in AZ and what a find they ended up to be! They ended up being about 75 yards apart. I was jumping up and down yelling and I was so excited my binoculars hit me in the face when I saw the tips of the other side behind the log. Jeff
  11. cohntr6

    One Good Shed

    Very nice! 160" is my guess. That G1 is 25" alone!! Jeff
  12. cohntr6

    Old buck dropped already?

    I realize deer at this time of year dont look in very good shape but this guy look like he is going to barely make it another step. I was suprised to see he has shed his antlers already. Seems pretty early doesnt it? The date and time are correct on the camera stamp. He looks old and emaciated to me. Jeff
  13. cohntr6

    Old buck dropped already?

    Not sure the angle you are taking on the comment bonecollector but, yes, I put salt around there over 6 months ago, one time, and it has been long gone. TJ, We didnt have much snow this year and when we did it was gone the next day. I hope he makes it too. Jeff
  14. cohntr6

    2nd time around

    It's always nice to pick up some you may have missed! That is some great growth on that bull already! Thanks for the post. Jeff
  15. Thats cool. Can you post a picture of where the base attaches to your bolt gun? Thanks!
  16. cohntr6

    Horns and Bro's Big Deadhead

    NOw that is a pretty good haul! How long are the beams on the dead bull!? They look a mile long! Jeff
  17. cohntr6

    NM 2013 Sheds So Far

    Very nice spring so far! Jeff
  18. cohntr6

    My biggest set ever!!!

    Thanks for all the comments. I need to put up better mass pictures of these. The mass is crazy. ZBAR, Yes, I drew again and hope I can find this bull and put an arrow in him I am super pumped!! 6ANUT, I measured the left side at 175 and the right at 168. The right G3 is broken and measures 13" broke. The left G3 is 18 1/2". With a conservative 38" spread and missing roughly 5" of broken he still scores 381. Both main beams are 52" Jeff
  19. cohntr6

    Big bull in NM, score??

    Great bull! I'll give you 380-390. How far were you from him? jeff
  20. cohntr6

    A few sheds

    very NICE! jEFF
  21. cohntr6

    Arizona Unit 27 Archery Elk

    StanB...PM replied to. GJMauro12 I drew last year with 7 points (5 points +1 hunter ED point + Loyalty point) And I drew the tag again this year with my hunter ed and loyalty points= 2 I guess I got pretty lucky =) Jeff
  22. cohntr6


    My inlaws are very familiar with 3a/3c and I have been able to see some of the country with them. PM me jeff
  23. cohntr6

    Draw Results Out

    Unit 27 archery bull last year and AGAIN this year!! Wooohooo!! My daughter drew unit 1 jr. cow hunt (2nd tag in 3 years for her!) Jeff
  24. cohntr6

    dont hate

    Yep. I have some friends that are hating!! I drew unit 27 archery bull last year and this year!!! Jeff