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Everything posted by cohntr6

  1. cohntr6

    Did Unit 1 get shot out in 2013?

    I too would be curious where your buddy got his information. I dont mean to discredit him but he is wrong. First off AZGFD is way to conservative to let any age class of elk in unit 1 get shot out. Yes, the last 2 years tag numbers have gone up, harvest has gone up but so has the population (thanks to the wallow fire)! When you draw a tag the G&F dept sends a survey card out and they only break it down to calf, cow, spike or a bull with x by x number of points. Unless teeth are collected or there is a check station in the unit (there isnt) there is no way to see specific age classes. I do have a friend who is one of the two wildlife managers in unit one and when they fly for sex/age ratios that is all they are really looking for as well. With all that said I wouldnt burn any points in unit 1 or 27, they are over rated. Try unit 9 or 10 . Or what units the other folks are suggesting Good look in the draw! Jeff
  2. Saaweet again! I guess I should have taken that last floater on Tuesday! LOL Cant wait to see the rack! Congratulations! Jeff
  3. cohntr6

    awesome hunt in wilderness

    Pretty cool to have got a picture about one of those bucks from a friend at work several weeks ago and now read the story and see more pictures! Congrats on a couple great deer! Jeff
  4. cohntr6

    My daughters last day buck

    Good to hear of some rutty deer. Congrats to you and your daughter. Jeff
  5. cohntr6

    Last Day Bruiser Update

    When you get a chance, post up the score of that sweet buck! Congrats on a huge buck! Jeff
  6. cohntr6

    Johnnys Huge 2x3

    I like the back pack! Congrats on a great buck! Jeff
  7. cohntr6

    Just need sun and piggys!

    Pretty cool!
  8. I could use your help in one of my spots! I have a tag but have never glassed a lion up. Congrats! Jeff
  9. cohntr6

    Help in 31 late Dec

    Have you been able to do any scouting yet? HIking in to places is a good idea! Jeff
  10. I was wondering when these posts were going to show up! Congratulations on sweet success for you and Hunter. We are hoping for some "firsts" too, soon. Jeff
  11. cohntr6

    What rifle are your kids shooting???

    Phillyphan, Cutting the stock to fit is a good idea (keep the cut piece for the future) In my opinion fitting the gun comfortably is crucial for a good shot. Bullet constrction and shot placement are equally important. This is the 2nd cow my daughter has wacked with this gun. She is extremely sensitive to recoil so I looked at recoil charts between 243, 7mm-08 and .250 Savage and 250 Savage had them beat. I am not knocking those calibers but simply went with the savage becasue of the milder recoil. I never had a problem finding factory ammo or brass for the savage either which initailly had me worried. I also load IMR SR 4759 (reduced load powder) with 87 grain bullets for range practice (recoil is equal to a 22 mag!) and a regular handload for hunting. I also love the Leupold becasue of the long eye relief. Bottom line, I love the gun. Jeff
  12. cohntr6

    What rifle are your kids shooting???

    Here it is .250 Savage Remington 700 action 24" fluted w/taget crown Douglas barrel 1-10" twist MPI ultralight stock cut to fit her (11" LOP) Glass bedded-free floated Leupold Vari-X3 3.5-10 I love to shoot it!! LOL It is a tack driver. ----Unit 1 youth cow hunt this year 115 Barnes X--150 yards--1 shot Hopefully I'll be posting pictures of my daughters with this gun and a couple whitetail bucks in a couple weeks Jeff
  13. cohntr6

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    I made it home from work, kissed the wife and kids and came straight to see if you posted the story! LOL 112 has to be a net score if it was scored right. LOL Either way its got to be the buck of the year! Jeff
  14. cohntr6

    What rifle are your kids shooting???

    .250 Savage
  15. cohntr6

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    Oh yeah...128 is my guess...
  16. cohntr6

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    I cant believe I was going to skip this post! I think it is time for the score, story, etc!!! Congrats big time! Jeff
  17. cohntr6

    2013 Leftover Buck

    What a leftover buck! Congrats. Jeff
  18. cohntr6


    Over the years I have noticed the psychological drain that sitting and glassing can be when you dont see a buck. You guys did awesome! Congrats! Jeff
  19. Very nice to see the story and pictures here on CWT and in person! Jeff
  20. cohntr6

    San Carlos Unit B.....MONSTER!!!!!

    The first time I saw a picture of this buck I just about cussed... "saying holy chit that is a monster whitetail"...I dont cuss usually..LOL Congrats Hoss! The thing is incredible. Jeff
  21. cohntr6

    2013 leftover tag buck!

    Nice job neighbor! Jeff
  22. cohntr6

    Unit 1 bull

    That bull looked like that in MAY?!! WOW I did see video of a bull that had thirds that layed out like that bull. The video was taken on opening day of archery elk. Was it close to unit 1/27 boundary? Jeff
  23. cohntr6

    My 13 year old's 2nd elk

    Getting two elk tags in three years is pretty good so we made the best of it. The elk camp at Greens Peak was awesome and the folks with Youth Outdoors Unlimited are incredible with the time and effort they put in to encouraging youth to hunt as well as keeping us well fed! We should have been done opening day but it took a few extra days. (I didnt mind chasing elk and hearing bulls bugle) Opening morning was 16 degrees and had crunchy snow from a storm on thursday. It gradually got a little warmer and windier each morning and monday morning Kaitlyn shot this cow at 150 yards, uphill and with the rising sun in her face. I am super proud of her! I hiked her and hiked her with no complaints. I even started to get tired! LOL Thanks Jason for all your help Monday! Jeff
  24. cohntr6

    10 year old son's first buck!

    Pretty cool hunt! Congrats! Jeff
  25. cohntr6

    Youth Deer and Javelina Video

    Great video/hunt! I had to say to my girls.. KBS was kill big stuff despite the back of the t-shirt. Congrats to the boys. Jeff