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Everything posted by D.F.M.

  1. D.F.M.

    Unit 9 fire?

    Anybody heard the latest on this?
  2. D.F.M.

    Unit 9 fire?

    Thanks for the update.
  3. Yo great job nice video congrats.
  4. D.F.M.

    Draw Results post here

    Unit 9 late bull for my son. 12a East early for me. Can't complain
  5. D.F.M.

    Bedded down animals?

    O.k. here's the question you have an animal deer ,elk whatever bedded down it's getting late and it doesn't look like the animal is going to get up before the legal shooting hour ends. Do you leave and try tomorrow? Do you make noise to try and get the animal up knowing there is a good chance it will just take off and you won't get a shot.Or do you shoot it while it is bedded down? Just thought I would throw that out there. Oh yeah this is a record book animal.
  6. D.F.M.

    Robert Kay's amazing NT Muley! 283 5/8

    Yo thats a beast cograts to all.
  7. D.F.M.

    stoen cameras

    I agree it doesn't matter if your right or wrong its all good.
  8. D.F.M.

    unit 8 draw

    P.M. sent good luck.
  9. D.F.M.

    stoen cameras

    So what did we learn from all this? Not a got darn thing .
  10. D.F.M.

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    7/22/11 at 6:01 pm
  11. D.F.M.

    2010 Unit 10 December Archery deer hunt.

    So let me get this right if you shoot an animal and game and fish finds it first its there's. Now I am no brain sturgeon but something is wrong with that.You would think with all the intelligent people at G and F thats somebody could figure this out. Am I right or am I wrong.
  12. D.F.M.

    Help with Wooly Worms?

    P.M. sent good luck.
  13. D.F.M.

    Video footage finally posted

    Excellent job great video
  14. D.F.M.

    For you tree stand hunters

    I have a gorilla trees stand and climbing sticks easy to set up , take down and comfortable.
  15. D.F.M.

    Unit 10 Late Bull

    P.M. sent
  16. D.F.M.

    Unit 10 Late Bull

  17. D.F.M.

    2011 Draw Results

    Nothing for me but the boy got a unit 9 Nov. bull tag .
  18. D.F.M.

    Video of The Devil Bull

    Yo excellent videos great job.
  19. D.F.M.

    Archery buck

    Congratulations excellent job.
  20. D.F.M.

    Looking for a weapon

    I say 270 once you get it sighted in your good to go and its good for just about any animal. Plus when you take aim at an animal deer ,elk or whatever I guarentee you won't feel the rifle kick like it does at the range. And yes I have a 270 and a 7mm both excellent rifles. Have taken deer, elk, antelope and coyotes with the 270 no problem. Thats just my opion though.
  21. D.F.M.

    Trophy Art

    That is great work.
  22. D.F.M.

    Wanted to hold out....

    Nice buck great job.
  23. Just got back that is rough country gonna have to really work for a deer but that's what makes huntin the gray ghost so much fun. Was all over the eastside.
  24. D.F.M.


    P.M. sent.
  25. D.F.M.

    Prickly Pear

    Usually get are's on the way to payson around the rest area .