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Everything posted by 450Dakota

  1. 450Dakota

    RCBS Dies

  2. 450Dakota

    RCBS Dies

  3. Sold-1 box of factory Barnes Vortex 300 Remington Ultra Mag with Barnes 180 gr tipped TSX. $35 I am located in Peoria, AZ. Prefer local pick up.
  4. 450Dakota

    RCBS Dies

  5. Delete, no longer for sale
  6. 450Dakota

    RCBS Dies

  7. I sold my 300 RUM and have 70 pieces of unfired Remington brass. It was loaded but I pulled the bullets and deprimed with a universal deprimer. Will need partial neck size I would guess. I'll throw in 14 pieces that have been fired a couple of times. I'm in Peoria. $55 shipped, $50 picked up.
  8. Looking for 4, 6.5 PRC cases you are not going to use, enlarged primer pockets etc, to check the feeding on a WSM action. Prefer they are resized to hold the bullet and I can seat with my WSM die. In Peoria, can send a couple bucks to cover shipping.
  9. Sold-Excellent condition, like new. $80 shipped to continental US.
  10. 450Dakota

    Backpack stolen from truck

    Wow, that is awesome. I'd buy a lottery ticket if I was you.
  11. 450Dakota

    WTB Lead Shot (2 25lb Bags) any size

    Be careful with a lot of weight and wood stocks. They've been known to split on the lead sled. Energy has to go somewhere.
  12. 450Dakota

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Still waiting for you to answer. Were you there or is this your buddy feeding you the story! Did you see a biologist take a DNA sample much less 2 biologists? That's how you confirm genetic make-up. Maybe Colt or Shane mentioned the buck to another who sold them out to A3 and they decided if it was going down it was going down in their camp. Things that make you go hmmm! Looking at the AZ guides list there are a couple of C. Johnsons. Maybe you guide for A3 and don't like getting beat! Hmmm. Maybe said hunter shouldn't of went for a hike around the mountain when other people just walk up and shoot it in the flats. Hmmm. A lot of maybes but there are n your side of it as well.
  13. 450Dakota

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    C. Johnson, you never answered my questions. Did you see a biologist take a DNA sample of this deer. You keep spouting Hybrid but did you see a biologist take a sample? were you actually there when as you say Duwane talked to the A3 spotter? You keep downplaying this as it is a bs deer because it is a hybrid, which you have no proof of. Secondly, what tag did the hunter for A3 hold. A fricken whitetail tag and someone's panties are in a wad because they didnt kill it!
  14. 450Dakota

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    There were no samples taken.
  15. 450Dakota

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Did you see 2 biologists take DNA from this deer? That is the only way to truly confirm. Did you personally see Duwane talk to the A3 spotter?
  16. Excellent condition, only used a couple of times. Includes Alpha Bravo Bipod Lock. $75 shipped to continental US.
  17. 450Dakota

    Sold-Harris S-BRM Bipod $75-Sold

    PM'd back
  18. 6-9 inches With leg notches and Alpha Bravo Bipod Lock. Like new used 2 times. $75 shipped to continental US.
  19. 450Dakota

    Sold-Harris S-BRM Bipod $75-Sold

    Price reduced to $75