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Stray Horse

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Everything posted by Stray Horse

  1. Stray Horse

    Who would want to eat a javi?

    Clean and cool in the field +1. I cook them slow on a wood fire. Perfect
  2. Stray Horse

    New Rifle

    What a classic! Nice too Bill!
  3. Stray Horse

    Big Bobcat

    It's as big as a Lynx! Ive only seen one close to that size.
  4. Stray Horse


    No sorry
  5. Stray Horse


  6. Stray Horse


    Thanks guys pulled for now.
  7. Stray Horse


  8. Comes with Leupold Vari x IIc 3x9x40 and Leupold rings and mounts. $650 480-201-6570 Thanks, Don
  9. Stray Horse

    Winchester 70 Classic Stainless Walnut 30-06 Leupold SPF

    Thanks Scottyboy. Reduced to $650 firm Trades
  10. Stray Horse


    Thanks Traded
  11. Stray Horse


  12. Stray Horse

    guns for sale

    PM sent
  13. Stray Horse

    Emergency: Looking for Gunsmith

    Mesa Gun Shop John Emery
  14. Stray Horse

    Held at gunpoint

    You can bet they're in unit 23 too. Harvesting dope.
  15. Stray Horse

    Held at gunpoint

    What border problem? You mean the one that has been a problem for 30 years.
  16. Stray Horse

    San Carlos Apache Rez Elk, Bighorn, Mt. Lion

    Great pictures. You guys should check out The Golden Age of Elk Hunting.
  17. Stray Horse

    Glock Model 27 40cal, SOLD

    G27 is my constant carry.
  18. Stray Horse

    22-250 vs 243

    The Vangurd line does have a compact model.
  19. Stray Horse


    They need to all leave period. ILLEGAL is ILLEGAL.
  20. Stray Horse

    22-250 vs 243

    I'd go with the 243, 257 Bob with mule deer in the mix. My son will use a 6mm Remington soon.
  21. Stray Horse

    Grandpa's Buck

    He looks like a happy man.
  22. Stray Horse

    Remington 600's, 660's and mohawks

    I've got one in 6mm Remington. It's very accurate and easy to carry. I also had one in a Mohawk but sold it. My son will use it soon.