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About sforce68

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  1. sforce68

    want to buy 243 for youth

    hi Bird Dog,,, i have heard of a ruger no #1. what is a 1V. do you think it would be to heavy for a youth ?? my 3 sons. A 1-V is the varmit barrel with a target crown on a 24" barrel. It is not any/much heavier than a standard rifle but it is certainly no "youth" model. Lighter is not always better when shooting but packing could weigh a kid down or better yet keep them slowed up for their dad. Also, the heavier a rifle the less felt recoil no matter the cartridge. This 6mm is very pleasant to shoot and is what I started my wife last year on before elk. She did great. The trigger pull I believe is <13" "and has fit me well. I am not very tall 5'7"and average arm lenght. I personally have grown to love the Ruger no.1 because it is a single shot and extremely strong actioned fpr hand loading. Also, because it is a single shot it has slowed me down to make a better shot with a "single" shot. I grew up shooting bolt actions, but matured with a single shot! Although I say this I can make the old 6mm sing when needed and get off nearly as many shots at running coyotes as someone with a bolt. Another benefit I see is you get a shorter rifle over all with a longer barrel because the action length is shortened being a falling block. Here is a picture I was thinking of posting if you can see it. I do think it is easier to tell on a single shot when it is not loaded even though "a gun is always laoded" because there are less bullets involved. I have also heard that the Savage rifles are good shooters especially for the price. I hope this helps and I surely would love for this rifle to go to a family if possible. I hav a Ruger No.1V That I cut the stock down for my 9 year old son to use, it enabled him to use it, and it made it fit me better as well. Anybody that has shot a Ruger No.1 knows that you have to have a scope with a very generous eye relief because of the placement of the scope mounts. The combination of it's short reciever and shoetened stock make it very menuverable and the added wieght of the varmint barrel helped him stesdy it from a rest in the box blinds we hunt from. The rifle shoots extremely accurately and he shot his first deer with it htis season. He harvested a mature doe with a perfect heart shot at 90 yds. He loves that rifle now, and he says it's like shooting a .22 as far as recoil goes.