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Everything posted by bustinbucks

  1. bustinbucks

    Another Buck to share !

    Id seen a better buck but needless to say he went on a nother ranch and stayed on it .i figured he might come back because of the hunter pressure but we didnt see him again so we took this one.
  2. bustinbucks


    No im not gunna make it to mexico this year ,to busy chasin whities here.
  3. bustinbucks

    Another Buck to share !

    You bet Amanda thanks for having us!!!
  4. bustinbucks

    A KING from SONORA

    Good Luck !!
  5. bustinbucks


    The buck was hit far back n the flanks!
  6. bustinbucks

    Finally joined coues

    Mine was a little higher country but just across creek .lol
  7. bustinbucks

    A few AZ.sheds !!

    Thanks for pointing that out havent lived there in two years.
  8. bustinbucks

    Finally joined coues

    Congrats and welcome ,i shot his twin didnt draw and gettn close to last day,plus at 25 yds couldnt resist.
  9. bustinbucks

    Coues success

    Congrats nice buck !! Also nice peak in the back ground!
  10. bustinbucks


    I found this buck on new years day last year,i had took two bucks already an was waitn 4 my next hunter two come in when i found him,the next hunter came in on the third of jan. i didnt see this buck again for seven days,then when we found him we made a stalk on him the buck was in thick ocotillos and was hard to get a clear shot at him,he finally gave us the oppurtunity to take him, plus we were raceing against the sun going down so mick shot and missed him but the next shot connected the buck humped up an went into a mesquite thicket.I decided the best thing to do was come back in the mourning and find him.Well to make a long story short we found him three days later everything ate but the head spine and a hind quarter,that is why we dont have any feild pictures,i am just so glad we found this buck .
  11. bustinbucks


    We harvested this buck last jan.
  12. bustinbucks

    One-Ten or nuthin', Buddy!!!

    God bless those giant coues bucks they keep are hearts pumping through r veins !!
  13. bustinbucks

    One-Ten or nuthin', Buddy!!!

    Thanks, B-dog! Good luck on Thursday Morning! Any time pal ,go arrow one 2morro then back to the basics.
  14. bustinbucks

    One-Ten or nuthin', Buddy!!!

    Great story and a great buck congrats !!!
  15. bustinbucks

    first coues buck at 124

    Looks like that cactus on the o bow. congrats
  16. bustinbucks

    first coues buck at 124

    wow u the man
  17. bustinbucks


    Hello everybody how is the Wild World of Whities treetn everybody!!!
  18. bustinbucks


    We will be in 22 on elk hunts,would rather be on whitie hunts.
  19. bustinbucks

    Mexico buck

    the buck officially scored 139 sci and will be number 10
  20. bustinbucks

    Mexico buck

    Hey Vinnie you forgot to tell them he is 140 4/8ths sci and i would like to see his daddy too.