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Everything posted by BOHNTR


    Unit 1 Semi live late archery hunt

    If you need help, let me know

    My 13A Muley

    Great buck, congratulations! Way to persevere and fight on.

    Shooting from one unit into another????

    Your question would be better served with a district attorney, game warden, and/or magistrate instead of the G&F Game Commission, as they do not hear criminal matters. The warden I just asked for you said, “most definitely a violation.” You should verify for yourself, but it’s fairly cut and dry, IMO.

    Shooting from one unit into another????

    Yes....it does state that. It is illegal.

    Shooting from one unit into another????

    You need to review the LEGAL definition of hunting.....not Webster’s but the legal definition.

    My Biggest Coues Yet.

    Great buck, congratulations!

    Credit card hits

    Wife and I have a Javi tag so far

    Unit 10 my beautiful blessing

    Wow....congratulations on a fine speed goat!

    Are the bulls still vocal !

    Bugling this morning at the house...
  10. BOHNTR

    Are the bulls still vocal !

    Bugling in my field this morning......
  11. BOHNTR

    My Daughter is Officially a Marine

    Congratulations....very proud moment, indeed.
  12. BOHNTR

    Got tickted by azgf

    I agree.....however, that is (should) be a different violation the man the 440 yard rule. Perhaps 17-312 would be applicable for someone shooting a firearm towards a dwelling even if they’re 440 yards away.
  13. BOHNTR

    Got tickted by azgf

    You don’t understand the legal definition of ‘occupied’ for this statute. It’s not your Webster’s definition but the LEGAL definition. I spent 30 years enforcing statutes.....ask any attorney, they will tell you the same.
  14. BOHNTR

    Giant Muzzleloader Bull

  15. BOHNTR

    Got tickted by azgf

    I have all that you describe, and my property line borders national forest. I still believe 440 yards is a bit much.
  16. BOHNTR

    Got tickted by azgf

    Doesn’t matter if the barn was occupied (vacant) or not.....it’s still a violation according to the statute and case law. I really don’t like the statute set at 1/4 mile (440 yards)......that’s a long way when you really think about it. Many states have a 150 yard rule, which seem more appropriate, IMO.
  17. BOHNTR

    Got tickted by azgf

    It’s been tried before......and upheld by the courts. A barn or shed, occupied or unoccupied, still falls within the 1/4 mile shooting statute. It was where I enforced the law as well.
  18. BOHNTR

    Got tickted by azgf

    For this section, the legal definition of an 'occupied dwelling' is, in fact, a barn or shed whether it is occupied or not. Many states have the exact same statute.
  19. BOHNTR

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    It’s usually written in each state’s statute. Not sure what it is for AZ? I believe CO statute considers anything that nets 165” (mule deer) a trophy and eligible for the Samson’s Law (punitive assessed fines) and IWVC.
  20. BOHNTR

    Help Arrest this poacher!

    I’ve previously been asked by G&F departments to measure animals (officially) for suspected poaching cases to determine if they meet the ‘trophy’ statute and/or B&C/P&Y. Perhaps I may get to measure this one as well? dang shame it taken from us in this manner.
  21. BOHNTR

    6 - 400” bulls - Can it be done?

    Actually I originally said there are always a few 400” bulls killed annually, not just this year. Having been on the last 6 panels, I can attest to that......and those are just the ones entered. I believe you’re correct, there will be more this year, as some have already been displayed via social media. But I do know that SOME of the numbers thrown out there are a bit inflated. Whether that’s ego driven (gross plus standard guide addition) or simply folks ‘thinking’ they know the correct way to measure. 😎. Either way, awesome bulls and year.......just don’t be surprised if some of those original numbers come in lower.
  22. BOHNTR

    6 - 400” bulls - Can it be done?

    The problem exists when the measurements themselves are done incorrectly......so the posted score sheet means nothing. I offered to measure an elk (officially) for a local ‘famous internet’ guide so he could advertise an accurate number......funny he wasn’t interested in that. 😎