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Everything posted by BOHNTR

  1. I was able to call this bird into bow range (20 yards) this morning for my adult son. One arrow did the trick for his first turkey. Good times.

    Son's Opening Morning Archery Gobbler

    Vortex American Archer

    Camping for turkey in unit 27 ideas

    You can camp A LOT of places right now. Many are relatively snow free just out of Alpine. Of course the higher stuff south of Hannagan will be tough to get into, as many roads are still impassable due to snow drifts. All that country from Alpine to Josh Ranch is good to go.

    Card Hits!

    It’s not supposed to yet…..man, lots of impatient people nowadays.

    Sick to my stomach!!!!!

    Not if you purchase them from your bank (which is what the original post indicated). I would not get them from Home Depot, grocery stores, etc., as they can be skimmed and used.

    Sick to my stomach!!!!!

    I have always purchased a pre-paid card from my bank just for draws. Never have to worry about fraud, and the amount $ on the card covers that particular draw. If I don’t draw, I simply use it as I would a normal card until it’s cashed out.

    Rivers are Running!! Fill them lakes up

    IMG_4410.MOV Canyon that feeds Scott Reservoir. It’s been running for a months now, albeit not to this level. The reservoir has been going over the spillway for four weeks, as well as Show Low Lake.

    Official scorer ?

    The service is free. If it makes the records program, the entry fee is $40. Go to the B&C website and click on ‘find a measurer’……click on Arizona. There will be a list of measurers there for you to choose/call. If you are up in the White Mountains anytime soon, I can measure it for him.


    Wife and I got lucky and arrowed two seconds apart. Both nice boars for Chorizo!
  10. BOHNTR


    They were both in a herd of about 20 pigs…..I think there was a few boars trying to move in on the gals.
  11. BOHNTR


    Had a solid 175-180” buck chasing does in my field this am.
  12. BOHNTR

    Spring tags

    Mine arrived today
  13. BOHNTR

    Go Vote

    The tribes vote Democrat!
  14. BOHNTR

    Pls delete :)

    .....all you need now is a man bun!
  15. BOHNTR

    Colters 2022 Elk Hunt

    That’s pretty cool! We’ll done.
  16. BOHNTR

    Recommendations for Lodging around 3B?

    I’m in there a lot throughout the year, including the shed season. Never seen one in there or their tracks….at least on the south end. The rancher has a variance, but he’s (Milo) isn’t in there too often. How often are you in the Houston?
  17. BOHNTR

    Recommendations for Lodging around 3B?

    I have a pair in both vehicles at all times during winter. I’ve needed them a few times, but if you don’t have them, you’ll probably need them.
  18. BOHNTR

    Recommendations for Lodging around 3B?

    An ATV in the Woolhouse? I’ve never seen one in there…..ever….and I’m in there quite a bit.
  19. BOHNTR

    Recommendations for Lodging around 3B?

    I can’t think of one place in 3B you would need an ATV, as long as you have a 4WD vehicle for inclement weather. I live here year round and my jeep or truck goes anywhere I need to on these dirt roads.
  20. BOHNTR

    Recommendations for Lodging around 3B?

    Double B cabins are used to be fairly reasonable…..some of them have kitchens, etc. might be worth a call.
  21. BOHNTR

    Got my archery bull

    Way to go, Coach!
  22. BOHNTR

    When A Rifle Hunter Goes Archery Hunting

    Congratulations on a fine bull!
  23. BOHNTR

    First Archey Bull

    Great job! Congratulations.