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Everything posted by BOHNTR


    Another first for my son!

    That’s awesome!

    Last Day Bull (pics)

    It was a TOUGH hunt where I was at in 6A......almost no bugling the entire hunt. The first week, I found 4 mature bulls feeding together down low and not a cow in sight! I knew it was going to be tough. After several passes on smaller bulls throughout the hunt, I finally got lucky and sneaked in on this bull while he was raking a tree. He was all alone and only bugled twice after daybreak. Pure luck I was able to come across him in the rain. One arrow at 36 yards did the trick...he was down in 25 yards after a bugle stopped him once he was hit. I feel very fortunate to have this bull on the last day!

    Elk bugling in 6a?

    They sure weren’t bugling by this past Friday. Weird.

    Credit Cards

    Trust me, buy a pre-paid credit card for the amount of your draw entry....no fraud holds occur and the card number is new to the ‘web’ as it will only be used at one location (state you’re applying for). No worries when I use them.....or some annoying bank rep freezing your account for something ‘they’ believe is suspicious.

    Wifeys AZ Rim Country Archery Bull (Pics)

    Way to go, Lorie! Great bull for a special couple.....happy for both of you. Lots of good eats for your upcoming feast party!

    Rut Activity

    It was quiet in 6A again this morning. Only two bugles, but was able to sneak in on one.....finally!

    Anyone have a 3 man blind I can borrow?

    I’ll be back by then. You can borrow mine if need be.

    Anyone have a 3 man blind I can borrow?

    When is your hunt? I have a couple you can borrow....once I’m back from my hunt.

    Rut Activity

    Nothing bugling over in 6....bulls still together too!
  10. BOHNTR

    Cold Meat Storage Near Show Low

    There’s a processor on Porter Mountain Road that I’ve heard will store meat for a fee.
  11. BOHNTR

    Rut Activity

    Here's the culprit!
  12. BOHNTR

    Rut Activity

    Had a 100 or so elk in my field this morning.....couple of nature bulls. Bugling and posturing.......then one of them destroyed my beautiful Austrian Pine on his way to the tree line! Ones of the hazards of living here, I guess.
  13. BOHNTR

    Which weapon would you choose?

    I’m a bowhunter....no brainer for me. For you, use what you want and will fulfill what you’re really looking for.
  14. BOHNTR

    Old quad tires

    I just replaced mine on my 1999 Suzuki QuadRunner 500.....they were original and simply got low on tread.....but were bullet proof. However they were an 8 ply tire
  15. BOHNTR

    Archery goat 2019

    Whopper! Congratulations.
  16. Bulls were bugling all night near my place in the White Mountains.
  17. BOHNTR

    First Archery Buck

    Right on.....hope he’s just the first of many for you.
  18. BOHNTR

    Dream Buck

    Great looking buck......congratulations!
  19. BOHNTR

    Wife gets it done

    That’s awesome!
  20. BOHNTR

    Out of state hunters

    I understand that....but why the VELVET restriction? It seems they have 'invented the wheel' on that issue! If you're going to implement statutes based on "caution" or fear without scientific and factual data to support the restriction, then why not just ban ALL out-of-state cervid animals from being imported into that state if you're REALLY concerned about the spread.
  21. BOHNTR

    Out of state hunters

    I think he supported most of it......but he also said there were knee jerk reactions that created some unwarranted polices by panicked decision makers who didn’t know enough about the issue......which we’re still learning. He remembers what happened in WI (mass killing). He’s also one that believes CWD has been around forever.
  22. BOHNTR

    Out of state hunters

    Ha...both, he’s a retired MT Region 1 warden. I’m aware of the document.....it’s good read for those not familiar with CWD issues. Again, there has been NO case ever documented where CWD has been transferred by means of velvet antlers. That’s my only issue with this new push.
  23. BOHNTR

    First velvet buck

    That’s a great looking Coues.....big time congratulations!
  24. BOHNTR

    Out of state hunters

    I would say it’s a tissue, but I’m being told there is NO velvet antlers restrictions in MT.
  25. BOHNTR

    Out of state hunters

    Velvet antlers are allowed in MT