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    Crossbow permit repeal

    It was brought up and did not make the requirement of a bow and arrow. If someone qualified for CHAMP they would use permissible to use a crossbow.

    Crossbow permit repeal

    There were 5 civilian members. The rest were G&F personnel.

    Crossbow permit repeal

    He is a crossbow permit holder

    Crossbow permit repeal

    Eddie Corona representing CHAMP was on the focus group.

    Crossbow permit repeal

    I’ve used a mouth tab ‘to make it happen’ one season when I had shoulder surgery. Many bowhunters have. Where there’s a will there’s a way.

    Crossbow permit repeal

    First off, it is apparent that you have little no true understanding of criminal law and what is needed by an agency to secure a charge that would withstand a trial and or judge. Having been in that field for over 30 years, I may have a bit more understanding. It is difficult for an agency to invalidate a physicians signature the way the permit system is CURRENTLY implemented. As such, the department has elected not to challenge some of those abused permits. Instead, they have ‘revamped’ the entire system AND redefined what archery equipment should be……essentially closing the loophole. Crossbows, except for those legally permitted through CHAMP, did not fit their definition. Good luck with a civil ‘challenge’. It’s been tried before in other states and failed. The fact is, you must prove that there is NO opportunity for permanently impaired sportsman who NEED to use a crossbow. That simply is not the issue here, as the system provides many opportunities the use a crossbow providing they meet the requirements. Additionally, other weapon systems are available to use instead of a crossbow. Nothing prevents you from hunting with a muzzleloader, pistol, etc., and a crossbow is not a legally ‘guaranteed’ weapon system. No weapons system is. It’s ironic that you believe Russ is slanderous towards handicapped people…..especially when he deals with a special needs family member daily. Perhaps you should look at this issue objectively, analyze factual data, and then form an opinion. Your rhetoric above depicts an emotional response, which usually doesn’t bode well in these types of proceedings. Having said that, I still understand your concerns, I just don’t support them.

    Crossbow permit repeal

    I have no problem with Russ or Marvin’s comments. Spot on, IMO. But I understand your concerns.

    Crossbow permit repeal

    1. I do. The fact that they do not have to be drawn while the animal is there, can be shot off shooting sticks (a demo was provided of this), and is a shouldered weapon makes them much different than a hand drawn bow. 2. I was part of the committee (focus group is what they call it) for this issue. The data (2 years of mandatory reporting) that was given to us was very revealing. Some units that closed early had over 40% crossbow kills! One startling fact given to us was that no unit would have closed early had it not been for crossbow take. 3. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I find it interesting that some units only allow, say 10 archery deer to be taken but issue hundreds of general (mostly rifle) permits WITHOUT requiring mandatory reporting. Hmmm 4. That was a recommendation to the department from our group. We suggested a few November elk hunts and some metro hunts for crossbows. Not sure why that wasn’t originally recommended to the commission. However, perhaps that’s on the horizon. It is difficult to place a ‘new’ hunt, as many of them are stacked up already. I think this is a good start for the department to address the obvious abuse by many utilizing the temporary crossbow permit system. Something needed to be done and they realized you’re not going to make everyone happy. Now if they would just make mandatory reporting for ANY/ALL big game hunts and species. JMO

    Crossbow permit repeal

    I don’t believe they are banning anything but rather moving them to the more appropriate season/hunts? The department simply defined what a bow and arrow is, and crossbows didn’t fit that definition. Having said that, they realize they’re a viable weapons system and have a place. Again, those that qualify for CHAMP would still be able to lawfully use a crossbow during an archery hunt.
  10. BOHNTR

    Crossbow permit repeal

    If someone is permanently disabled and eligible for CHAMP then they would be eligible to use a crossbow in the AO season(s) for all species.
  11. BOHNTR

    2024 Archery mule deer

    Congrats, Houston......great photos, too!
  12. Sorry, just saw your message.  I'm getting ready for a hunt, but if you're up here, I'll be free (measuring some other stuff) tomorrow and then not until February......have some hunts to do.  

    1. wildwoody


      Thats pretty short notice. Im fine scores don't matter to me anyway. Its for others  Good luck hunting.

    2. wildwoody


      Sorry I guess tomorrow was today. Thank you again.

  13. BOHNTR

    Wild horses in unit 8

    There are no ‘wild’ horses……they’re all feral and invasive.
  14. BOHNTR

    Whats my score

    Yes. Both B&C and P&Y
  15. BOHNTR

    Whats my score

    That’s a great looking buck…..if you want to truly know what it scores, I’ll measure it for you and you can see where it’s at. Either way, very nice deer, congratulations.