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About kmwellslv

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  • Birthday 10/12/1977

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  1. kmwellslv

    Can you find your sticker in this video??

    That...was awesome! Couldn't have been a better soundtrack either. Nice work!!
  2. kmwellslv

    Shout out to CMC Skull Works!

    the bugs definitelt do the job! Ive taken a few 'yote skulls to Cole before and he has my '11 archery buck now. One tip I might add, freeze your skull when you get it back, sometimes those lil buggers get stuck in the nasal cavity or somewheres and you definitely dont want to introduce any live dermestid beetles to your taxidermy collection.
  3. kmwellslv

    border patrol questions

    i took the written test in 0ct 2010 (got a 95) and am scheduled for the oral board feb 8, 2011. I imagined it would be a lengthy process but should be well worth it. good luck to you.
  4. kmwellslv

    moon phases

    i would think a full moon would allow them to be more active at night, so...imo i think no moon would be best. but what do i know, im sure someone will correct me
  5. kmwellslv

    How old should my boy be?

    my daughter started bird hunting with me when she was 2, in a child backpack thing, & with ear plugs of course. shes almost 7 now and always goes bird hunting with me. she even got to come on some archery hunts this year, just to tag along of course. when she was 5 i got her a small bb gun rifle and she carries that when we chase quail and dove. she has a list of rules to abide by and when she no longer breaks a rule EVER she will graduate to the cricket(which im thinking will be her bday in dec). this way she can learn how to care for her weapon, keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, etc. and i dont have to worry about gettin shot in the back! your boys 5, get him out there! i recommend ear plugs(the little squishy ones you jam in your ear) so he doesnt freak out or become gunshy when you unexpectedly start unloading.
  6. kmwellslv

    photo radar ticket

    I speed every single day, if I am looked at as a criminal in the same sense as a thief or a murderer then there are some stupid people out there. this is hilarious. are these the same people who defending speeding that denounce illegal immigrants as illegals cuz "theyre breaking the law". a civil law mind you not criminal. this thread made me smile today...thanks guys. btw, im an advocate of the border fence and stricter immigration laws, so dont think im stickin up for them, im just pointing out the similarities in justifying what wrong doing youre partaking in as ok.
  7. kmwellslv

    photo radar ticket

    is this a joke?! are you people kidding? youre mad cause you got caught going 10+ mph over the speed limit?!?!? & now youve got to find a way to weasel out of it instead of being responsible for your actions. theres an easy solution, SLOW DOWN!! ten over, really? i dont see whats wrong w the things, put em everywhere. you dont like it? obey traffic laws!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. kmwellslv

    Snakes for Sale

    you have a female juno rd, alterna? im looking for specimens w hardly any orange, i think the ones that look like lepidus are cool. are they eating unscented mice?
  9. kmwellslv

    Snakes for Sale

    alterna or blaires? you have locality data?
  10. kmwellslv

    lake pleasant info

    thanks for all the info! hopefully i can do as well as some of you.
  11. kmwellslv

    lake pleasant info

    So im planning a trip to Lake Pleasant next weekend and wondering if anyone can give me their 2 cents. First off, it's not spring break is it? How quick do the full hookup sites fill up; ie if i get there friday eve will i be s.o.l. im comin from Tucson and i dont want to take Friday off if I dont have to. Ive never been there before so any tips would be helpful, ie. where to fish, what youre using, etc. Im hoping this post isnt considered "e-scoutin". thanks yall
  12. kmwellslv

    Obama's on the ball

    Wth? How come thinning out the herd doesnt apply? Theyll just starve if we dont kill em...were doin them a favor.that only applies to what you want to kill? Dont get me wrong im an avid hunter but i dont do it to help the animals, nor do i push my beliefs on Anyone else.
  13. kmwellslv

    My Lion Story

    man that sux! 2 injured animals in one day and no recoveries...bummer.
  14. kmwellslv

    So what happens if......

    doesnt matter who we vote for...right? but hopefully the electoral college will do the right thing.