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Everything posted by azbow

  1. azbow

    Good Deer from Mexico

    Great Buck, I just love those 4x4's !!
  2. azbow

    Mexico eases Travel Requirements

    Thanks Ernesto and daryl ! One more thing, do I need to get my gun and optics registered at the customs office in Phx to get them back into the US, or can they do that in Nogales when I cross? Do you get special auto insurance for Mexico? (guess that was two more things)
  3. azbow

    Mexico eases Travel Requirements

    Does everyone need to stop and get a Visa or will a passort take the place of the Visa? What do we need to take for proof of vehicle ownership? Title? Are there signs in English at the Nogales entry to tell where the places are to get in and out of Mexico? Customs, USF&W office etc.?