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About Young

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  • Birthday 12/19/1980

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  1. Young

    2a Antelope

    Obviously it’s complete luck. I’m just as shocked as anyone. Don’t know much about the unit. Looking forward to our scouting trips and seeing some new country
  2. Young

    2a Antelope

  3. Young

    2a Antelope

    Congratulations on a fantastic buck! Looking forward to finding one of my own
  4. Young

    2a Antelope

    Just drew a 2A antelope tag. Tag #15 outta #15. Super excited to get to work on finding a good buck. Best of luck to all on their 2023 hunting adventures
  5. Young

    Sold delete

    Do have any interest in a trade for a .357 revolver and some cash for your rifle? I have a 11 year old with his 1st coues and Java tag and I’m looking for a newer rifle for him. If you have no interest, I get it. Just thought I’d ask
  6. Young

    Sold delete

    Is this still available?
  7. Young

    Remington 700 adl youth stainless rifle 7mm08

    Is this still available?
  8. Young

    PSE X-force hf Long draw

    You mind me asking here for a phone number he could reach you at? He's interested
  9. Young

    PSE X-force hf Long draw

    Is this bow still for sale? I have a buddy who might be interested
  10. Young

    2010 January archery successes!

    Shot this buck on 1/21/10
  11. Young

    2010 Archery Success

    Thank you for all your kind post's. I'm still all jacked about killing this buck. Good luck to all in 2010
  12. Well, I filled my 2010 deer tag yesterday with this desert muley and I couldn't be happier. It was the last day to try and fill our pig tags so that was the goal for the day. I had a dentist apointment at 8:00am and we were headed to the hills from there. The weather forcast called for HIGH winds and rain but we figured we would give it one last shot. We arrived to our spot around 10:15am and sure enough we were greeted with the HIGH winds that the news had reported. But the good news was it was only overcast with very light sprinkel's on and off. We knew with such HIGH winds that the Deer/pigs would be bedded tight and probably in thick cover but if we could glass something up, we could use the wind to our advantage. So we set out to an area we saw pigs a couple weekends back and that is where the fun began. I split from my dad to do some glassing in a big wash that had some cuts sheilded from the wind. I sat down and put the binos up and began glassing the first cut. I started at the top and slowly worked my way down and found this buck feeding about halfway down the cut. He was working his way towards the top away from me at about 150-175yds. I had a very strong SE to NW wind so I went for it. With the buck slowly feeding and his head facing away from me I ran the first 100yds or so before I knelt down. I put the binos back on him and at this point he was raking his antlers in a bush. Still with know idea i'm anywhere in the country I push on another 40-50yds and set up behind a large prickly pear cactus. Now he is just standing and feeding so I range him at 51yds. He is standing broadside but behind some brush so I have no shot. About a minute goes by and he turns to head up east and out of the cut we are in. I draw and grunt at the same time stoping the buck. Now he is quartering away but I feel I can still make the shot. I let arrow fly and it flys true. The buck rears up and takes off down the canyon and beds under a palo verde tree about 90 yds below me. Turns out it wasn't the greatest shot with the arrow only hitting the liver. I know that this buck is hurt so I put binos on the tripod and and waiting game began. I called my dad on the radio to let him know I had a deer hit and then got him into a position 100yds down wind(in case the buck got up to move on and bed again). As we watched this buck he looked very alert for the first 45mins to an hour. Than his eyes began to look very heavy and he would lay his head down but only to lift it after a couple of minutes. This went on for about an hour when the rain began to fall. Without seeing what kind of blood trail this deer had left after I hit him, I was afraid the rain could wash all the sign away including the sign under the palo verde he was now bedded under. I felt I should try to get another arrow in him or things could turn really bad for us. So I snuck down the cut and up and behind him where I found him laying with his head down again but his chest cavity still moving up and down. I closed the distance to 20yds a snuck an arrow through a bush to finish him off. Now with the buck down we had to get him out. There was no way my dad and I could of done it without being out of the hills before night fall so we called in some help. I called my cousin carl(aka YOUNGUNZ) who was glad to come out and give us a helping hand. He brought out his frame pack and we deboned him right there. With the meat in the pack and my dad with the head and cape we made it back to the truck an hour before dark. Thanks cuz, couldn't of done it without you and I hope to return the favor soon. And on a side note, our 2010 piggie tags went unfilled. But thats OK! My Buck
  13. Young

    tagged out!

    Excellent job Tyson. Now I want to see one of those BIG grey ghosts down for 2010. Congrats again and a job well done on your 2009 success
  14. Young

    The Rut

    Watched a small 4x4 muley with 5 does yesterday for about 20 minutes. He wasn't pushing any of the does around like he was in the rut, but he didn't stray to far from them either. With this cold front pushing through this weekend I would guess we should have some activity in the next week or two
  15. Young

    The giant spike

    WOW! There's something you don't see every day. Congrats on a nice spike