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Everything posted by coyotekid

  1. coyotekid

    Swarovski Lense Cover

    just one more suggestion, I have gotten swaro lens caps from Jason at Ross Outdoors. He is really helpful. http://www.rossoutdoors.com/ They have a store in prescott valley and phx. hope this helps.
  2. sun of a gun! that sure is an awesome buck. I'd like to just see one like that. congrats
  3. WOW! Big congrats to you. I hope some day I will get to just even see a buck that big. coyotekid
  4. I guess I'll throw my $0.02 out there and say that I like to shoot what ever I have that I feel comfortable with. that said I have shot a couple of coues with my 22-250 with 55 grain trophy bonded bullets but my favorite is my 6MM it served me well this year and in several years past. I hope no one here has heard of my legendary shooting/ missing and as far as your " .270 war" goes, I sure do like it, just dont have one of my own yet. coyotekid
  5. coyotekid

    My awesome december buck

    I have to admit that this hut was awesome for stumbling on quite a few sheds over the course of the hunt but Im ashamed to say that I didnt take a single "as it lay" picture. I will try to get some of the them on here soon though. thank you all for being so welcoming. 96" and change by the way sam
  6. Hello all. This is my official first post here on your site. I’ve been reading avidly for quite some time and a while back I actually jumped in and became a member. I was looking at pictures of my last buck that I was blessed enough to take back in December of ’07, and I just can’t help but smile a little bit and finely admit that I have Coues fever bad. I have had my fair share of attempting to hunt mulies but I guess I have just had better luck with these sneaky little dudes. I have had some mixed emotions about making my first post as a brag instead of posting to congratulate some one else but Im just going to do it. I hope there isn’t some unwritten rule that says that I shouldn’t. I don’t know about the rest of you but I really love reading the moderately long stories and then getting to the end with the pictures, so I apologize if I get a bit long winded. This last December, like I said I was blessed with an amazing hunt. It started when I received my 7th late Coues tag in the mail. I thought that I had hit the jackpot. I was very familiar with my area, and I did a fair amount of preseason exploring of new areas too. My dad (who is my best hunting partner) and I had a pretty good game plan of where and when we would seek out each of our “hidin’ holes.” The next ten days consisted of us hiking our butts off trying to find all the bucks we “thought” we knew were there. I don’t know if any of you guys figured out that the addition of tags to the early hunts severely messed with our plans. We usually have no problem finding a 80 incher or so with in the first few days. I guess that this was just another small part of the blessing, because I usually proceed to drill that first 80’er.  We did finally see one three by that would have been in the low 80’s but he was a better part of 1200yards and the options were limited on putting on a sneak with the 30 mph winds that day and I was not about to be a hero and try the ‘ol 800 yard shot! We decided to leave him be and that would be our last day ditch effort. On the second to the last day of the hunt, we were both wiped completely and decided to head home and rest a day before the big finally. That morning my good friend called me and offered to go with me to a spot that he was pretty proud of and said that I wouldn’t believe how easy of a day it would be. So I left dad at home to catch up on sleep and off we went. Jimmy and I were off. This was our first coues hunt together. He is pretty much a mountain lion when it comes to it! Three min out of the truck and we had a small three by and a doe. Ten min. later we had the heaviest buck I have ever seen (good news he was only about 4-5 miles a way!) about 12 min after that we see one with in stalking range. We argue about it for a little while, I told him that this buck was way to narrow and not very tall, turns out I should keep my mouth shut and do what he says! We made a mad dash of about half a mile (we found 2 coues drops) and then popped out of the trees and there he was. There was a little too much shooting (my fault) and then some laughing and then a lot, a lot of sitting and him telling me that we just had to wait. The buck was hit but the cover was so thick we couldn’t see a thing. After what seemed like a year we finally walked over and there he was the most awesome buck. My buck! We took some pics, threw him over my pack, a short walk out to the road and a jog to get my truck. We were home by 2! It made all the miles days earlier all worth while. I just wish that my dad and brother could have been there. I’ll wait a lil while before I let out the score. Its not the biggest ever but its my biggest thus far. Thanks for having such a great site. Sam (coyotekid)
  7. coyotekid

    My awesome december buck

    ya I've been really lucky with the coues tags but thats it. And the story with the "he's too narrow and not tall enough" was that I was getting ready to shoot this guys little brother and didn't see this one till we got closer. COUES'N'SHEEP- yes, he is a really good guy. and I will tell him hi. Thanks everyone for all the replies.