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Everything posted by coyotekid

  1. coyotekid

    1st coues shed for me

    hey great job on finding one of these elusive buggers hiding in the grass. and as far as giving it to your buddy its way cooler to just have a picture of the two of them together. good luck on huntin up some more sweet horns. -sam
  2. had off off school on monday and had a little bit of luck out by walnut canyon. I made three stands and had good luck on the first one and rolled this dog with one shot out of my 22-250 at about a buck-fifty. the last stand I had a dog comin in but some folks on horses were riding by so I just got up and left. I had managed to forget my real camera but I did snap a shot with the trusty cell phone and as horrible as it is it is kinda a cool picture I thought. Good luck to the rest of you who are calling yotes to stay busy this spring. -sam
  3. coyotekid

    Win a Covert II Trail Camera!!

    2162 beans with this many guesses some one is bound to hit it right on!
  4. coyotekid

    I set my new record

    well last week I was with my brother, dad and a good friend on my dads late bull hunt and the day before I had to leave to head back to flag I had my best horn huntin day thus far. one day-TEN horns! and the cooler part is we have THREE pairs and most of them are this last springs. none of them were the new world records but most are decent sixers with the biggest pair at about 335". It wasn't the most successful elk hunt we've had dad passed on a lot of younger bulls waiting for the big daddy we never caught up with but he did whack a rag horn the last night so we have a freezer full of steaks! After I had left dad found 4 more horns but I don't have pictures of those yet. Not to bad for a weeks long elk hunt. hope ya'l enjoy the pics, sorry I didn't have any of the "as they lay" photos. Good luck and safe travel to all you lucky December hunters. sam my little brother with the one of the better sets. talk about getting some funny looks going down road!
  5. coyotekid

    My best coues buck!

    congrats that is an awesome deer!
  6. coyotekid

    Thats what I get...

    neither my buddy or myself has any time to be out screwing around in the woods right now, thats why we were out lookin for elk this morning at 530 for his pop's up coming bull hunt, so that we could be back in town before any one knew we were gone! That was an awesome plan except for the wind this morning was brutal and the super secret elk garden had no elk. After giving up with trying to keep my tripod from blowing over, we just said screw it and decided to head back to the wheelers, after about 20 min walk through the ceder jungle that we had hid our rides in Dave's dad and I finally found them and then we realized that we lost Dave some where between the canyon rim and wherever the heck it was that we were. After waiting a few minutes I called him on the phone and asked where he had gotten off too, His answer was, " don't worry about it, and start the quad so I can find you." Shortly after we started the noise maker he comes walking in from some obscure direction with this piece of crap in his hands, What a! Ya think you know a guy and he goes off and finds a pig like this one just layin there for him to get to brag about for the rest of my life. In all reality, This wasn't really "my spot," I had only been there once or twice before, but we both had seen elk in there and hoped we would find some today. This buck was for sure jumped by a lion, it had its neck bones all tore up right at the base of the skull and was all drug under a tree funny like. I know there is a gray area as to if we could keep this head or not so there is that chance that one of you guys will stumble upon this dude hangin in a juniper someday, and I you do, remember, your in MY spot! He is a 3x3 frame with a little 1.5" kicker on the passenger side. 14 wide and 14" mains he has good mass but is short on all his points. all in all he comes out to 89.5-90" with my on the fly measuring. enjoy the pics. -sam
  7. coyotekid


    I found these on ebay the other night, just wish I had the cash and a donkey to pack them around form me! but until then the ol 18x Zeiss'ers will have to do http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=280286689739
  8. i bet that sucker dont weigh 80 pounds with the mud on his feet! cool pictures, were you really close or were those taken with an awesome trail cam? I know for a fact that those are not the biggest bucks in that unit good luck finding one. sam
  9. coyotekid

    little 3pt

    cool find. good luck on finding the other half or even the real McCoy. sam
  10. coyotekid

    Thats what I get...

    hehe, no the name on the jacket is the real deal his name really is Dave. I gave him a pretty hard time about finding something cooler than I could find but I was way happy for him. I can sometimes find more drops than he does but this is his second awesome lion kill that he has picked up in the last year or two. thanks for the posts guys. sam
  11. coyotekid

    coues deer

    GEEZ! I agree with Firstcoues, Is there a story behind this guy? or are you just trying to make me even sadder that I dint get drawn this year?
  12. coyotekid

    Buddy's buck

    holy widenesss! fricken sweet!
  13. coyotekid

    finally filled my tag!

    congrats! thats a great deer. If I had to lay down a guess it would be about 91" thanks for sharing. sam
  14. coyotekid

    Sarah's First Buck!

    great write up and awesome buck! cool extra points. congrats to you and your daughter. -sam
  15. coyotekid

    Back to Back 100+

    those are some great bucks. congrats. -sam
  16. coyotekid

    Chris "Chappy" Gravatt finds a nice one

    sweet horn! and awesome trail cam pic. good luck on finding the other half. sam
  17. coyotekid

    A perfect plan

    great bucks! glad all the marathon running you guys had to do paid off for you. sam
  18. coyotekid

    Another deer and lion story with pics

    great job on the buck and ever bigger congrats and a thank you on whacking that lion. Hope I can even get close to 41 tags when Im your age. sam
  19. coyotekid

    35A success

    good lookin deer. congrats. sam
  20. coyotekid

    Son's Deer

    AWESOME job man. good luck on your bull hunt sam
  21. coyotekid

    Unit 22 Sweet Success!!!

    hek of a job boys. your brother sure does owe you big time. congrats sam
  22. coyotekid

    Head Lamps

    all the petzls have good reputation and I like the tactica and the Myo5 that I have, that one has a xenon bulb and 5 LED's the Xenon bulb is super bright but chews through bateries in a few hours. the LEDs will run for darn near ever. BlackDiamond has a few really good lamps out including one that has several brightness levels for 3 LEDs and will even do a concentrated spot if you want it to. I also have one of the cheepo green energizers and it works fine if you are just wanting to carry it and use it once in a while but the petzls are worth it if you use it frequently or need that extra lil bit of light. just my $0.02. sam
  23. coyotekid

    Nat. Geo. Mapping software

    I use the natl. GEO maps all the time. it is very simple to use and the topos are the same great quality of the 7.5 min topo quad maps that cost upwards of $7-8 a pop. the only limitation you will have is how good/big of printer you have. but the program is well worth the money.
  24. coyotekid

    Long Sleeve CW.com shirt

    I would like .. 1 large Prairie long sleeve shirt thanks
  25. coyotekid

    Archery Turkey!

    wow! Great job. Its hard enough to catch up with the things with a shotgun let alone an arrow.