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Everything posted by coyotekid
Good morning all. Well I just got done shoveling the real nice grader berm. and thought I would post some pics. Here in flag its hard to tell how much we actually got but I shoveled the drive way 4 times yesterday and the first two times there was over a foot of fresh and the last two there was over 6 inches each time. but my back yard has over 4 feet and my front yard has like 20 inches. the wind was so nasty all night that the drifts are really crazy. NAU closed and the final exams were canceled. I was hoping to get an early start down to go look for my couesies for this weekend. but most like they wont be able to see over the top of the snow! Enough with the chatter, here are a few pics I took from a minute ago. maybe I'll post more a little later. Hope every one stays warm and safe. -sam
I just got my 08 northern AZ buck back from the taxidermist. It was just like an early Christmas. Danny Lee in Dewey, AZ. did a great job. He has done probably close to a dozen mounts for my family and all are top notch. This is my first mount and i couldn't be happier. Dan's web site is http://www.artisttouch.net/ if you want to check him out.
first off welcome to the site. and secondly that is an awesome buck for anyone let alone a youth. Congrats to the hunter, and glad you got your rig fixed up. Thank God for good friends. -sam
I think what your picture is missing is called clarity and focus. but all that aside you could show that picture to anyone on here and they are gonna tell you that you should do you best to SHOOT and keep shooting! It looks like you did just that, Congrats on a great buck and I hope some one offers up a picture for you. -sam
CouseforLife, Just thought I would throw in my two pennies. the slik tripods are great, they are pretty dang tough. and the sprint is a good light weight option but stout enough to keep ya from most the wind vibrations. Have used the Bogen pan head allot and I still do when it doesn't involve packing it very far because it is dang heavy and 055 bogen tripod isnt the feather weight model either buy it is nice for standing and for shooting off of. I know you said you don't stand and glass and I would prefer the same as you to use a stool but some times I need to get up over some brush or sitting just doesn't work so its nice. For packing in my pack I got a Outdoorsmans pan head, let me just tell ya it will blow your mind! I have use a Jim White also and it is of equal caliber. I think it was FirstCoueswas80 that said in another thread recently that it is gods gift to glassing or something like that, he is right. but you will pay for it a little in the beginning. Another side thought on the tripods is to look at the Dynatrans that Amvona carries, you can find them on ebay and they have a web-store front too I believe. Im not going to say they are as good or any better than a bogen or slik or velbon, but they are pretty dang good for the price you can get them for. I also have one of their models that weighs about 2 pounds and goes up to about 55 inches. It is so beat that I cant really read the model number on it though. but it makes a great spare. Hope you can find a good set up. it makes glassing so much more enjoyable when all you have to worry about is glassing and not how much you wish you had a different set up. Good luck -sam
sent ya a PM.
ya might have put this in the wrong topic. maybe try a post in hunting in AZ or rifle hunting. Unfortunately I cant help ya much with 20C., I have only been quail hunting there a hand full of times and didnt see much for deer. Good luck -sam
Lance, Those are some great bulls and good stories. Congrats to you and your hunters. Also those are all very good pictures because you make each one look like the trophy they are instead of "just a bull". some times it is hard to portray how much of a trophy you got with just one picture and one line but you did them all justice. -sam
Guess the Score Contest - Nov 09
coyotekid replied to CouesWhitetail's topic in Contests and Giveaways!
128 even. and a big congrats to Scott on a life long dream buck. -sam -
Gregaz, I use the generic one on a nikon scope and it works really great but my hunting partner has the swaro 80 and i can take pics through it but he got the DCA gizmo... it is AWESOME. there is no other digiscope adapter that you can get all set up, then swing it out of the way, look through your scope and then swing the camera back into place. Now, that said it has its limitations, the size of the camera that will fit on it is kinda tricky. point an shoot digitals and small cam corders (i use sony handycam mini dvd) work great but Im pretty sure you couldn't get away with using a DSLR with out making some sort of mount relocation device for your camera ( not very hard with some ingenuity) So my $0.02 says to save your $0.02 for a while and do the right thing an get the swaro DCA. Good luck -sam
spent a few days out in the woods just glassing and videoing some coues bucks and a few smaller bulls. the rut definitely didn't seem to be gitting started yet. We only heard a hand full of bugles and most of them from adolescent bulls. Glassed up a tone of elk though. I just cant wait to see the bigger bulls come in a start whooping up on the lil guys. Dave, Raul and I also glassed up quite a few couesy bucks. Just hope they make it through till december. the Videos arent that great but hope ya get the Idea. We got poured on both days and it looked like so did the rest of the central part of the state. It made for some nice pictures though. Good luck to all the archery bull taggers out there. -sam PS. just for those of you wondering the pics and videos are all taken with a Pentax optio W60 (weatherproof 10mp) camera and swaro 15x56 slc binos on a bogen tripod and the camera hand held. I love this set up and its super easy. most of these videos and pics are of bucks and bulls over a thousand yards.
Thats awesome! Congrats. and what a cool place to have that memory.
Weekend Scouting trip to Mexico!
coyotekid replied to CouesWhitetail's topic in Coues Deer Hunting in Mexico
awesome video and pictures. Can I ask what software you use to edit and piece together your video? and what Video Camera you were using? Thanks again -sam -
Unit 21- HELP !!!... First time in Unit
coyotekid replied to Michael1's topic in Coues Deer Hunting in Arizona
OK, I'll share with you. You get into the unit and find this dirt road. Go down it to where it's washed out and pick your way through the washout. There's a great big mountain on your right , but don't hunt that one. It's all mulies. You keep going another 3.47 miles and there is a barrel cactus on your right with the yellow fruit on it. (They love this stuff) Now park just around the bend and hike up that draw. When you get to where the two washes come together take the right fork about a quarter of a mile and then hike uphill to the bench above the creek. Now there is a big mesquite there and it's a good place to have your morning movement. (make sure you put the paper under the small flat rock. The small one, not the big one, there's a present under the big one) Now about a hundred yards up the hill is a ledge which is a real good place to set up your big glass. Now look across the drainage and you'll see some thick brush. It's fairly open below this down to the wash. The secret here is that there is a seep down there and the deer will go across the open area from the cover to water. Now I've never personally seen a deer here but it sure looks like it has potential. EBB that's the best description of how to get to 21 ever, but its actually spot on. except by the time October gets here there might be one or two more washouts... an the lil yellow fruits might be getting dried up. -
man you guys slayed um... and back before school that's impressive. Im way jealous.
way to go man. you are gonna have a fun next couple of years tryin to top that hog! beautiful buck! Congrats. -sam
I see this truck several times a week and have never been able to meet the fellow CW.commer who drives this silver quad cab new model dodge. shoot me a PM. I'd love to shake hands some day. sam
NAU Capital assets lot, silver doge new model
coyotekid replied to coyotekid's topic in Sticker Sightings!
couesdiehard, thanks for giving your buddy a bump for me. I think its awesome that we could narrow this down to being in contact with each other with in a few hours! Ya gotta love this site. as for my truck.. Im embarrassed to say I don't currently have a sicker but I feel one is in order now! I just have a white toy pickup stickerless for now. and for the crack about nau... I gota say I love it here but it does take some getting used to ignoring alot of the freaks that are around! but its SOOOO close to all the woods that I love. and its not above 90 degrees almost ever. thanks guys sam -
NAU Capital assets lot, silver doge new model
coyotekid replied to coyotekid's topic in Sticker Sightings!
firstcoues, no sorry, I was referring to the flag campus, specifically the south campus lot buy the capital assets building. but thanks. -sam -
its kinda a half cloudy day and i thought i would try to catch a few fishies in the creek. i made the drive out to the edge and grabbed my fishin stuff and of course my binos and headed down the trail, i got about a hundred feet down the second switch back and thought i should stop and glass for a min. it took me about two minutes to glass up and down the canyon and find a dang elk horn. this was the start of a lot of bad decisions on my part, I now had to figure out if it was a good one or not. i was looking about 900 yards through my 10x and now i had to go get the spotter, hiked back to the truck chucked the fishing gear and grabbed the tripod spotter and video camera. when i threw the spotter on the horn it didnt look that big but the problem was that i was 99% sure i could see the other one in a bush below it about 20 yards. the other problem was that i saw no way to safely get down to where the horns were at and worse yet i saw no way to hike back out with out a winch rope dragging me back up. i took a good video through the spotter but havent gotten it uploaded to the net yet so the pics will have to do for now. but these stinkin horns were a solid 860ft vertically from the top of the canyon. oh well there was a matched set of horns down there and i was off to get them. it took me 40 min of sliding on my but and hanging on for life that i got down above the first horn. saw it was a decent 6 but nothing special. the awesome part was the other horn that i thought i had seen was right there and for sure the match. got down to the ledge where this bull had chucked his bones and said to my self how and why in the heck is there. i tried my dangdest to follow the trail (or should i say terds) but the elk trail would just end up on another point and would just dead end. the moral is the it took me the better part of 3 hours to get these dang horns but they are pretty cool at that. if you gave him a 40 inch spread he would be 310 inches. not huge but he is still out there some where growing them bigger and better this year for some lucky fool with a tag(not me) they are this last years horns wiht all brown on one side and white on the other i will try to get the video soon. enjoy and have a good week. -sam
Hey jeff, Im back in flag but that was a 6a bull. but boy howdy have i been seeing some big boys up in the park. even a few sheep.
went out tonight just cause it was a beautiful day and thought we might see something cool. Turns out we saw a ton of elk. saw several bulls but no new growth on these one yet. saw one lil spiker who felt the need to still pack around last years horns. Called for some turkeys but didn't hear much back. All in all was a good Sunday drive out in the woods. Hope everyone has a good week. -sam
email sent. Thanks for giving me something to waste away a little bit of my day that DOESNT have to do with work.
so here is how we BBQ'ed in flag tonight. The wind blew so much last night and this morning that some places have like 4 foot and others only have a foot. but overall its about 26" average.
I havent been out and about all over flag today but on my side of town (lake marry road) there is a solid 2 foot. to say there are a few stuck out of towners would be like saying the sun is only kinda bright! they are EVERY WHERE, i feel bad cause you can only help so many of them. anyways sorry i dont have any way cool pics. maybe tomorrow. -sam