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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Condor

    First Bull of 2010 Down For Team Mullins

    that thing is a monster, congrats to the hunter and team mullins
  2. Condor

    120+ New Mexico Set

    very cool!!
  3. looks like a stud, thanks for posting the pics
  4. Condor

    what is best scope for 7 mag

    coues deer look really small at 300 yards in a 9x I would bump up the power a little bit, I like a 14 power because it is the same basic sight picture as my 15's in relative size of your target and its surroundings. just my 2 cents
  5. Condor


    How long do your batteries last in a moultrie d40 on 3 shot burst on the highest quality photo setting? thanks Connor
  6. Condor

    98 Weekend Warrior 22 ft

    Posting for a friend: Great Condition. A/c, heat, fridge, microwave, front bathroom. sleeps 4+, equalizer hitch included. $6950. Call 928-214-7288 (local Flagstaff number) to see. Here is a link to his craigslist add, so that you can contact him via email if you prefer. http://flagstaff.craigslist.org/rvs/1770746046.html
  7. Condor

    Camerland NY!!

    They have about 1000 dollars worth of my business and will continue to be the only place I buy optics!
  8. Condor

    7 deadlypins

    +1 for the spot hogg SD7 I have used one for several years and love it. I would definitely reccomend the micro adjust and get one with the hogg wrap too. The hogg wrap makes the pins so much brighter in low light situations and makes shooting during the day better. just my .02
  9. great photos i like the perfect double curl on the drake
  10. Condor

    Deformed Lion Skull

    Depending on where it was harvested I would say birth defect as a result of low gene variability
  11. Condor

    Enviro Wackos at it again

    +1 desertbull, it pisses me off that groups use animals as political pawns to advance their agendas, it makes all the good things that the endangered species act has done go unnoticed; however, the spotted owl, wolves, and condor are different issues entirely. Many of these people do not realize that hunters funded (almost completely) the recovery of many species. This about turned into a rant but ill stop here...
  12. Condor


    yep thats mine
  13. Condor

    While back...

    Thats Potter
  14. Condor

    white chevy single cab pickup

    I need to check this more often that was me!
  15. Condor


    Thats my buddy kenny. Me, Austin, and Kenny all rock CWT.COM stickers on the front. Austin drives a light brown new body style tacoma. I drive a beat up chevy silverado single cab long bed.
  16. Condor

    Excellent Coues In Mexico

    nice job mark, another 120+ buck for the trophy room ill have to stop by and see your bucks next time im in payson ty
  17. Condor

    Considering bullet change

    +2 for 110 Accubond, with the velocity of this cartridge I would definately reccomend a bounded bullet, there is a pretty good universal load that shoots lights out on my gun and the guy I got it from says it shoots really well out of 3 of his 257's. 110 Accuond 66 grains IMR4831 FED-15M
  18. Condor

    A DREAM START TO 2010....

    will you guys sign my bow?
  19. Condor

    2010 January archery successes!

    Congrats everyone!!! keep them coming
  20. Condor

    Which 2-Way Radios

    What 2 way radios do yall use?
  21. Has anyone used or looked through these? Any reviews or recommendations would be great. I want them for a chest pair but am wondering if the benefits of the 56mm are worth the extra weight? For 279 bucks brand new they are unmatched price wise. Let me know what yall think. Connor
  22. Condor

    Camera Land Service

    I ve bought all my optics off of doug and to be honest I won't buy from anywhere else! I have bought all demo units and they have all been in 100% condition
  23. Condor

    86 Toyota Pickup

    i stand corrected
  24. Condor

    86 Toyota Pickup

    I'm pretty sure 86's have a solid front axle, I would include that in your add that is major plus!
  25. Condor

    Hard Antler?

    We saw a hard antler buck 2 weekends ago, what would cause this buck to be like this?