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Everything posted by Condor

  1. Condor

    Jeremy Ennis

    Ya I read that too, pretty awesome article! I m gonna try and get him to sign my bow
  2. Condor

    10 Gauge and .257 Weatherby

    I bought it, I have Christians number so I just called him and told him I wanted it, pure luck I looked at the forum when I did
  3. Condor

    Marlin 30/30 SOLD

    PM Sent
  4. Condor

    Vortex vs Brunton

    I have vortex viper 15's and love them they are solid, clear and easy on the wallet. I would wait for the Vortex Kaibab's they sound like they are going to be really good even compared to higher end optics
  5. Condor

    WTB .357 or .40

    I'm looking for a .357 with a 4" inch barrel ruger, s&w, ect. I'm also looking for a .40 xd or xdm please let me know if you are selling or have a link to another forum with either for sale thanks connor
  6. Condor

    09 Archery Javelina

    Friday seemed like a good day to go out to take a break from a hectic week and go hunting. I woke up at 4:30 to start my drive. I got to the spot right before sunrise and started looking for pigs. I hiked and glassed a bunch of canyons and drainages until about 2 right after lunch I got into them. I made my stalk down and around some thick cat claw to get to the pigs. As I got closer I smelled them so I knew I was close. When I looked down to plan my next few steps I heard a snort really close to me. I slowly look up and there is a Javelina broadside right in front of me in some thinner brush. His vitals were exposed so I draw back and put my pin 2 or 3 inches back from the middle of the white collar. I release clean and watch my arrow do the rest. I hit clean and the pig runs off. I look to where I hit the pig and see pinkish blood, that was a good sign. I find my arrow about 10 ft behind where I hit the pig. The arrow also looked good. So I start part 2 of archery hunting, finding the animal I hit. With my past pig experiences in mind, I have not had the most fun time tracking pigs so I proceed with close attention to detail. I follow the trail 20 yards to the top of the hill following tracks and blood. I wait another 15 minutes on top the hill and glass around to see if I could find him. No luck so I keep tracking. I make my way down the hill and find a a bunch of spray on rocks and then I huge smear on the ground. I look 4 feet in front of that and there is my pig. I looked at his teeth and they were pretty chipped and worn down, I am going to take pictures of the teeth to see if anyone can help me age it because it think it is a pretty old guy. Thanks for reading. Connor
  7. Went down to texas to our friends house for a snow goose hunt. The weather was not ideal being that it was bright and clear out so the geese were not decoying as well as they would when they cant see as well. Had a spread of about 300 wind socks. Got 9 snows and 2 speckled. One of the most amazing experiences of my life with flights of 2000 or more birds circling around and calling. You can hardly hear yourself think which one you want to shoot at. Thanks to Gary for letting us stay at your house and thanks again to justin for letting us hunt on your land.
  8. Condor

    The Claw

    you guys could also try this http://shop.outdoorsmans.com/product.sc;js...mp;productId=14
  9. I need a Outdoorsmans Binocular Adapter if you have a stud that fits a vortex even better. Thanks Connor
  10. Condor

    Mixed Bag

    Thanks I will, here are the pics.
  11. Me and Brent went out duck hunting. I brought 12 dekes and a baby mojo for our spread. We set up in some reeds and got the day going. A group of 3 wigeon gave our spread a good look but never dropped in. We got some pass shots on some divers a bit later. We ended up getting a wigeon, a ring neck and a ruddy duck. After about an hour without seeing any more ducks flying we packed it up and decided to jump some other spots. I saw a drake goldeneye. It dove under and I closed the gap to 70 yards. Then it dove again and I got to about 30 yards and when it popped back up and then it flushed, hit it twice before it went down. It turned out it was perfect and I didn't shoot it up that bad so I'm going to mount it. If anyone know a taxidermist that does good work for a flyer mount at a reasonable price please let me know. We jumped some teal up and brent got one and the other one flew my way and I got it on the third shot. It fell into some thick reeds. We found some blood splatters and followed them to a puddle of blood with some fresh raccoon poo and after about 20 minutes of searching around there we concluded that the raccoon got it. Thanks to Josh for giving us some insight on where to set up! My mojo has not been "pulling" ducks down like I had hoped so if anyone has some tips on how and where to use it in a spread it would be greatly appreciated. Pics will be up soon.
  12. Condor

    FS: Gamo Nitro 17 AirGun

    I have a Gamo Nitro 17 airgun for sale, need some money I am a poor college kid. It has only had about 100 pellets shot through it and shoots them at 1000fps. It comes with a 3x-9x 40mm scope on it. Great squirrel gun and is pretty quiet. It sells for 179.99 at BassPro but can be be yours for 100. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...r:referralID=NA Thanks Connor
  13. I fail to see the packable patron bottle or other supplies in the picture
  14. Went out out to oklahoma for thanksgiving and didn't get a deer but decided to try my luck with ducks and quail. Got into a covey of quail and tripled and then got a single and jumped a tank and tripled on mallards. Only problem was I didn't bring waders so I had swim out to get the ducks in 35 degree weather so my little (well younger) brother got a laugh out of it. We came to the conclusion that we need a dog because my little bro shot 4 or 5 quail and found one and I ended up going swimming.
  15. Condor

    10 years of waiting part 2

    Holy carp I mean crap nice bucks man, CONGRATS
  16. First of all sorry for the lousy pictures the only ones I have from the field are on my camera phone, I had to take these with my computer. So I drove down the thursday before the hunt to do some last minute scouting and to see where all the people were. There were people every where!!! I have never seen anything like it (there are a lot of road hunters!!!!!). We went to the southern part of 22 near Roosevelt to glass for this big buck we've been watching. When he didn't show up we crossed the road and saw some guys parked in the middle of the road. We kill the engine when we saw a guy a little ways off the road about to shoot. I throw up my binos and see a 2x1 carp about 70 yards away from the shooter. He shoots 3 times and misses before the deer trots over the hill. We keep driving up the road and pull off and start hiking. We glassed there for a couple hours and didn't see anything. That night we glassed up in the northern part of the unit and saw a spike and a doe. Pretty uneventful overall. The next morning we got to the trail head a little late so we had to run in the dark to get to the spot on time (about a 3 mile hike). I dropped my gun hiking up this near vertical ledge but luckily my buddy who also had a tag is not as clumsy as me and said I could use his gun. We get to the spot right at first light, completely out of breathe when 6 or 7 whitetail bucks jumped up and start booking it over the next finger. One buck broke off from the rest and kept hauling way far away. He was by far the biggest. We get glass on the rest as they each peak. There was a 3x3 and some 2x2's and I think a spike. As we make our way over the ridge still out of breathe my buddy finds the 3x3 again which amazes me because it was invisible through my bino's and when I looked through his swaro's it was obvious. My buddy with the tag passes him up because he has killed several bucks over 100 inches. I think its a great buck so me and BJ go in after him. We put some country in between us and creep around to get a shot but he had already peaked and dipped over the next ridge. I was pretty bummed but then we see a buck working its way towards us on the same hillside. I get glass on it and see it's a solid 2x2 that crabs inward. That got my heart going so I decide to shoot. I throw my buddies gun up on the tripod and get a range, 360 yards. I have him in my sights and the fever creeps up on me (increased heart rate, butterflies, everything) He stops for a second and I start my shooting sequence, breathe out and start to squeeze and he moves again. Finally, after working his way back to me at 210 yards he stops hard, slightly quartering towards me. BOOM!!! The buck jumps 5 or 6 feet in the air and gives one last hard kick, stumbles 5 yards and falls. Buck down! I hit him right above the heart and through both lungs. We gut him and make a backpack out of him and i throw him on my back and start packing him out. The pack out was one of the toughest things I've done with the steep country and loose rock everywhere! This was perhaps the most fun weekend of my life!!! He rough scores 68 inches. Thanks to Tyler, Nick and BJ without you guys this wouldn't be possible!!! Also thanks to Cory for scouting with me, we missed you out there but when your a big time lawyer we will be your entourage lol.
  17. Condor

    My First Coues

    .243 actually and i was really surprised at the damage that little bullet did! my next .300 win mag load i do is going to be really light im thinking.
  18. I'm selling a Hoyt UltraMag with Winner's Choice strings and a meta peep 28 in draw length 60-70lbs(No other accessories included) 350 obo 6022148918
  19. Condor

    I'm out

    On Randy's sheep hunt a while back he used hand signals and no radios and he has used hand signals on several other hunts so he can do it both ways just my .02
  20. Condor

    Archery season

    gonna bring the bow scouting for sure
  21. Condor

    Long Sleeve CW.com shirt

    1 L Prarie Please
  22. Condor

    Rage Broadheads

    I have never had a problem with vortex opening, my friend gave a pig a buzz cut with a vortex. It opened just by hitting the pigs hair and there was a a 2 inch chunk of just hair missing. He got another shot and ended up harvesting the pig but i think there is a pic in one of the hunt books at archery headquarters
  23. Condor

    Rage Broadheads

    I thought it was kinda weird that no one has said anything about Vortex Broadheads. They are very basic mechanicals and shoot just like field tips for me. Anyone have anything good to say/horror stories about Vortex?