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Everything posted by THOR

  1. THOR

    First hunt(s)

    My first hunt was in unit 32 for coues when I was 10. It was with my father who taught most of all I know about hunting, thats what great about this sport, you learn something new everytime you go out. since then I have bounced around quite bit all over Arizona. he is a monster 3x3 I actually scrored him and he goes right 50" great time
  2. THOR

    Hunter blue

    great job....that time of year can't come soon enough!
  3. THOR

    My Desert Ram

    True very true....thanks for all the comments and if anyone ever gets that unit let me know. My father and I know it very well. Again thanks for the comments it was a blast!
  4. THOR

    My Desert Ram

    Yeah I remember that...I missed a nice buck that year, oh well it happens. I was able to spend almost a month down there on different hunts. You guys got some great bucks on that hunt. It felt great to get that sheep tag, its hard to explane the feeling. Im just glad I got it when i was old enough to understand what I had. I have been on many more sheep hunts since then, none of them mine, but still a fun hunt to be on. Its truly something you will never forget and will charish forever.
  5. THOR

    My Desert Ram

    December 5, 1997.....so more than ten years
  6. THOR

    My Desert Ram

    200 yards....one shot.....300 win mag. i shot him, he jumped up a rock and then did a nose dive into the rocks. i was scared until i walked up to him noticed his horns were still complete
  7. THOR

    found new spring

    oh and another thing "Catclaw" how is it possible to not know there was cattle there....they leave a pretty big track!?!?! Cowboy keep at it...I dont know you but the more time you put in the better things will get. it only gets more fun! be careful...its addicting!
  8. THOR

    found new spring

    catclaw.... i dont know who you are but if cowboy hunter is a young guy just starting out what gives you the right to talk ish!!!!! oh yeah...same one with cattle
  9. THOR

    Before and after photos!

    This has been posted before but it fits this thread well.....good times. Congrats for my Dad shooting this buck after I had him at 35 yards in January during archery season but his doe winded me and I think we all know how that feels, watching them flag up over the hill. January '09 Two days before the October hunt '09 Opening morning October hunt '09 112 6/8th Congrats Dad, glad I could have helped!
  10. THOR

    Indian Ruins

    Here are some pictures from southern Arizona. they are not the ruins but some pretty cool pictures. In an area there are not sheep anymore and probably have not been in a long time. Also a cool picture of a Coues deer and what looks like a lion chasing a person.
  11. Congrats on the first dirt nap. Good times! Good luck to you in the future and on future hunts!
  12. Here is my first....I was 10. a cool little 3x3. My Dad took me on this hunt into unit 32. From there on, I was addicted!
  13. THOR

    Finally They're UP

    Ill work on that... In the mean time learn how to spell COUES ya moron. BTW, its Firstcoueswas80, not is. But spelling and reading kind of go hand in hand. Yes I did spell the name wrong...good find! Now find a buck bigger than 80 that you can put on the ground. if you need some help let me know! Good luck to everyone on the draw!
  14. THOR

    Finally They're UP

    hey first couse is 80....we all look forward to this time a year...it is fun to BS about. we all want to know what we are going ot hunt before it is time to hunt the majestic couse....you are a piece of work....go and try to get something bigger then 80 and then start telling us how we should act..... go get some coyotes or foxes......have fun.
  15. THOR

    bonus points ?

    From what I have been told is that they always round up. I am pretty sure. If someone can confirm that would be great!
  16. THOR

    Black River

    Trout or Smallmouth? Fly Fishing or Spinning?
  17. THOR

    Guess the Score Contest - Jan 2010

    crazy cool buck...tough to score! 128 5/8 gross
  18. THOR

    18 years is enough , PICK ME

    I would say any year now you are going to get drawn. I had 18 bonus points last year and i drew in 4B. I would not recomend that unit though. there is going to be a lot of private property up there soon and there is a lot of poaching going on, even for goats. They are just doing it for meat ,but the numbers are dropping.
  19. THOR

    2010 Archery Success

    nice buck brotha....you da man! Congrats!
  20. Was this buck from the high fence ranch down there? That thing did not have a care in the world with getting shot at that much. Crazy huge buck none the less!!!!! Congrats!
  21. THOR


    I honestly think it is easior to kill a big couse then a big muley......my biggest muley is 172 and a couple others over 150, all desert. I have killed 4 couse over 100, they are much easior to keep an eye on. I am 28 and they all came from AZ. I would rather hunt Couse but to kill a big desert muley I think is a bigger challenge. Look at all the 100 inch couse that are being killed.....how many big muleys have you heard about?
  22. THOR


    Congrats man! Im still working for my first with a bow! heck of a great buck to start things off!
  23. THOR

    The 2009 100" post

    Too bad that 150 left this thread....its just cool to look at. congrats on a buck of many dreams!
  24. THOR

    The 2009 100" post

    My Dads buck 2009 January 2009 October On the ground October 2009 112 6/8