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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    SOLD----- Ford f-150 1999 4x4

    4.6. Auto. Overdrive. Freewheeling front axles. Dual exhaust. New air within a year or two ago. Newer posi traction rear end. There's a list he just hasn't sat down and put it all together for me. I'll probably grab the receipts from him and then go through it and then I'll be able to give you a better idea what's been done
  2. hoghntr

    SOLD----- Ford f-150 1999 4x4

    The hood of this truck was getting a little dull, I just saw my dad and of course the hood is repainted LOL looks nice
  3. hoghntr

    The best part of waking up...

    Is bison & elk chilli in my cup! πŸ˜ƒ
  4. hoghntr

    Hunting with muzzle brake?

    Definately NOT the way to go about using a brake. I refuse to shoot without hearing protection. My left ear is so damaged its caused more fights with my wife then I care to admit. Im ignoring her, I'm ignoring the kids "you heard what I said" etc etc etc. What he said☝. I'm not sure I used hearing protection much till military service but after viewing year after year of safety videos about hearing loss I am a real believer in using it. As I type this I sit hear with tinitus so bad it often makes me want to flat out jump off a dang cliff. Some from a 243 going off in truck at 10yrs old but it's real bad now due to a botched medical procedure 20 months ago. Trust me you do not want the noise I hear! I must sleep with tv on and bathroom time requires fan or if no fan must run water the ringing is that loud. Protect your ears and the ears around you PLEASE
  5. hoghntr

    Motorola Handheld radios

  6. Its a boy but sure hoping not a mini Mike... 😯 I was hoping for a girl to balance things out and I miss my baby girl something fierce.. 18 and Independent boy / girl I love them all the same but the way my daughter clung to me when she was tiny will always be cherished. All I know is wife is pretty bad off at 6.5 months and might have to take her work leave early so PRAYERS appreciated.
  7. hoghntr

    wanted someone to purple camo daughters bow

    That's cool
  8. hoghntr

    wanted someone to purple camo daughters bow

    Where exactly is cracktown located? I live pretty close to methstone. I had to look up his profile. L.O.L.
  9. hoghntr

    wanted someone to purple camo daughters bow

    Heck man I want purple camo!!!
  10. hoghntr

    Hunting with muzzle brake?

    I'm with azdiamondheat orange plastic around neck kind.
  11. hoghntr

    HK USP 45

    Tucson correct?
  12. hoghntr

    Kimber 8400 classic walnut

    I have a 84m 243 I cut down for wife that has same dark walnut stock as this and I love it. As tempting as this is with a $200+ scope, $175 in ammo, $200 brake all on a $1100-$1200 gun I am gonna sit and wait and see who buys it. Or am I??? Dang you! This seller bought my friends ruger red label last year and was nice guy and stone cold quail killer
  13. hoghntr

    WTB Leica Rangefinder

    Ok don't go look for mine in 22 cuz I found it in my messy office/gun room/cat room😑/storage room. Many many Leica on eBay if your still looking. Just depends how fancy you want. I still have a old Leica 800 LRF that works excellent, has magnigication, and has Leica clarity and you can pick those up cheap. The 2000b not so much cheap
  14. As a broken body veteran I can tell you it's about darn near impossible to go sleep on ground anymore. Sure wish I had bought a cabin when they were not so expensive. Anybody that has had some operations will agree the cold can be rough place! Now if I sleep in a nice warm, cozy cabin I wake up ready to roll.. Ok well still takes couple hours. L.O.L. Good luck guys! I have a donated tag for 22 bull gonna see if I can get'r done Lord willing.
  15. hoghntr

    Who needs a good tent $$ drop

    Yours Looks pretty good with the giant muley laying By tree.
  16. hoghntr

    Eberlestock J107 Dragonfly $175

    I just got 1 of these today and although I have not used it sure seems NICE!
  17. hoghntr

    Crossbow permit info

    What greyghost said. Also it must be permanent injury not a broken arm that's gonna heal in 3 months that's what point guard is for. **I'm unaware of any temporary permits** Take form to doc and like in my case doc said "anything to get you to stop jackin yourself up and having more surgeries" :] They give you a permit and a maybe 8x8 card for dash so when people report you as violating law g&f sees card and knows all is well. Crank cocking devices are huge aid cuz going from a 60 or 70lb bow to a 175lb is not really a help ya know.. Yes having it cocked and ready to roll is but getting there could injury someone worse if no help of person or crank aid
  18. Dang man and I thought 2 years to the day was a long wait with temps taken and plastic cups in awkward quiet rooms with doors with 3 gap below them and cold recliners and and and.. L.O.L. CONGRATULATIONS! Holy smokes 17years. I'm not sure I could have handled 1 more day let alone 17yrs. So awesome
  19. I was gonna have a t-shirt made but.... Well wife said her tummy was enough proof. :]
  20. hoghntr

    ISO 9mm

    S&w shield can be found used for $300-$350 I really like them and they fit all hands.
  21. hoghntr

    Badlands OX Frame Pack

    Them suckers have quite a frame! Dang
  22. hoghntr

    ISO vortex vultures 15x56

    I had that happens just before friends sheep hunt so I called and they said they were shipping in morning and I asked if I could pay extra shipping and they quickly expedited and I had them following day. πŸ‘
  23. I made a point of speaking about some of the details cuz I know multiple guys that have had testicular cancer, injuries, std, you name it. Some have either head their chances at having kiddos killed or reduced significantly and I'm here to say WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. just remember it's not always the way we thought it would happen or what we hoped for or prayed for etc.. Seems GOD knows what's best and when. My wife and I could have saved ourselfs some stress had we just practiced what we preach.