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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Misc treasures

    Where you at in Peoria? In by North phx sportsmans I could pick it up from steve for you when I see him if that helps at all.
  2. hoghntr

    Cleaning out the man cave

    I'm interested in the rem 700 stock. 6024994136
  3. hoghntr

    Misc treasures

    I will take the 222
  4. hoghntr

    Guide and Client wounded in Border Ambush

    I had to block Caseys comments long time ago but every once in while I click on that dang "view it anyway" L.O.L. my toe tag comment might have gone a bit far but if you start adding up the toe tags Mexican dope has placed on U.S. citizens toes then it starts sounding not so bad. How many families destroyed. How much land destroyed. Look how many people we gotta pay for their medical, their incarcaeration, food and cable tv while incarcerated, their travel back and forth accros border we pay for, our kids that speak only English must stay at same pace in school as those who are Esl, many hospitals don't even deliver babies anymore due to high amount of illegals who justbm dont pay bills but are good at making babies. I'm just flat out fed up with ILLEGALS the very word makes me cringe every time someone protects them and says they are doing nothing wrong ILLEGALS ILLEGALS ILLEGALS ILLEGALS so yes they are ALL DOING SOMETHING WRONG. What happened here sounds like attempted murder to people who were brave enough to speak up and stand up against real bad guys and they have paid a price for it. I'm betting they, like I, would report it over and over again but next time they will probably be packing a bit heavier ya know. Disgusting these people must live in fear. This will clearly get worse. Ask Colorado dealers where they get meth and heroin from.. Ask Chicago where they get it from.. Yep Mexico! if we sit in their way they will just go thru us. Rant over. I pray these people recover And i pray our Country steps up and says no more.
  5. hoghntr


    Hi - NADA lists length at 19' 5" and I think that's accurate. I can put a tape on it if you need a precise measurement. I had a neighbor named Mike who worked for fishing guide service and solved his boat trailer problem by removing a wall. L.O.L. same house model as mine so motor would have been in my daughter's bed. 😧
  6. hoghntr


    Pics. From what I have read about the 327 I love it! Good luck WITH sale Curtis
  7. hoghntr


    This thing is almost worth buying and having to live in it. :] someday timing will be on my side when 1 of these appears. Good luck with sale!
  8. When you decide you hate it let me know.
  9. hoghntr

    Guide and Client wounded in Border Ambush

    You guys are kinda funny and I do love the constant Christian attack that is way cool Casey. Amanda from what I have read nobody has advocated violence yet merely stating until justice is returned to America we will continue to slip into victim status. Before we know it we will be reading of a father and son hunting down south being murdered by cartel members. Its coming to a hunt spot near you soon! Anybody else notice the part of the story that started this that mentioned they were working with border patrol pertaining to trafficing? My teaching and common sense tells me that shooting a trailer up in hopes of murdering clients is a sort of warning not a kidnapping attempt. Uh derrrp. Ok now think about how many hunters cost the cartel much dinero when they report. Its a simple math equation 2+2 = some hunters gonna start dying because of our gutless government policies
  10. hoghntr

    Guide and Client wounded in Border Ambush

    Aren't you a hard core Christian? But you want to murder illegal immigrants? Plenty of justice in the Bible Casey. Thanks for your awesome comment.
  11. happy you won! Sorry about the loss. And as for AMEX I have known many to lose their jobs to India they amex so I sure hope people quit stinkin using Amex! I'm so happy Costco changed even though I don't agree with who they are with now either. 😟
  12. hoghntr

    License before 10 years old

    *it's legit adult license= adult bag limit.. No problemo. Same as kids can apply for generally tags just gotta pay generally fees. I think the half bag limit deal is lame but they gotta do it or many daddy's will fill that stringer and claim them as kids.
  13. hoghntr

    Guide and Client wounded in Border Ambush

    Mike I love and respect you but that comment is out in left field. Violence on innocents does not justify violence on innocents. Being an illegal immigrant does not make someone dangerous. It does make them criminal and worthy of being sent back. Yes we should secure our border. Yes we should prosecute violators of immigration laws. But no, we should never justify violence against an entire group of people who are not all party to the violent behavior. Just gettin sick and tired of people walking into OUR country and committing crimes, crime which started the moment they entered illegally = crime. I honestly do feel that until people are being shot down for crossing illegally it won't stop. They are taking control of the US by way of drug money= power. And yes we should not forget terrorists enter thru Mexico border also. People wanna protect the migrant worker who just wants to make a buck but they forget that guys kids are the ridiculously disrespectful trash that form protest lines to get more of what is not theirs. I fully feel the U.S. should invade Mexico & completely enilate the Cartel. Let's do something that actually helps a people and strengthens them. Let's fight a fight for people who actually want Our help. Yep and I'm all about death penalty also! I think it would do wonders for our Country!!! Kill those overly-deserving of it and let them get right with God on their way out.
  14. hoghntr

    Guide and Client wounded in Border Ambush

    Praying for the wounded and praying we take back our BORDERS SOON
  15. hoghntr

    Reload table/ Work Bench $40obo

    Heck bud that's $200 in wood. If they bail I will take it. Wife just said I could set up in living room. 😯 I best take advantage quick!!!
  16. hoghntr

    WTB Bow for wife.

    I have not been on archery talk forever but have had real good luck on there. Must pay attention to feedback on members (which I love that they do feedback on sales) must make sure it's not all feedback from 5 guys with 1 post (so fake) but men and women am A.T. cycle bows pretty quick and you can get some great deals. I bought wife a new Heartbreaker on there and it was a closeout deal and awesome price. Just a thought. Man they sure make many bows for women and kids now so just be happy bows are available new and used and even for junior leftys! Since I'm partial to ATHENS as long as your sure of her draw check them out! But bows all fixed draw length
  17. hoghntr

    Reload table/ Work Bench $40obo

    Wish I could walk in my garage!
  18. hoghntr

    Loyalty Point?

    Nope you don't lose unless you do not put in 1 year.. If you don't put in ya gotta start from scratch. 5yr consecutive. Nothing on their,portal has ever been correct with my acct when I have looked. NOTHING
  19. hoghntr

    WTT 12 gage o/u huglu shot gun

  20. hoghntr

    Looking for official B&C scorer

    Yes Marvin is and is at carefree hwy and i-17 roughly
  21. hoghntr

    Tool boxes

    Same camera I got!
  22. hoghntr

    Looking for official B&C scorer

    Think Marvin Zeiser/zieser does B&C stickflinger or some such user name.. You know world record archery antelope guy. 😯 I sent him text will let ya know
  23. hoghntr

    Tool boxes

    Good dude here hooked a few of us up with some free ammo! Btw I see no pics
  24. hoghntr

    Vortex rangefinder 1000/ and Ruger LCP

    Great prices
  25. I can't get over these ultrasound pics these days... He actually looks like me. 😧 gets same grumpy look as I do when they like at him. L.O.L. soon he will be in my arms.