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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. $260 Weaver Grand Slam TACTICAL 3-10x40 milldot like new! Sorry caps in pic have been used in another scope *3-15x42 Super slam sold North phx pick up. 👉If your out of town I will do PayPal and ship for few extra dollars probably about $15 shipping unless it's a trade for a pistol of course. 6zero2499413six text
  2. hoghntr

    Before and After!!! 2016 ND whitetail

    Wow he be nice! Congrats
  3. hoghntr

    Custom slate call striker

    Couestracker when your done with it record sound for us and post on here.
  4. Thanks for the info. I was just about to ask if anyone has gotten their javelina back yet. Mine is butchered up and still vacuumed sealed in my freezer. I'll run it down there next week. I like some generous amounts of heat so use my write up as a guide. Brats I would tone down heat so can actually taste and so don't burn butt next day. The summer that I had them do just a hot white cheese in it I would toss a small amount of the dried jalapeno in it SMALL AMOUNT. chorizo.. Well like I said I have never had game chorizo taste like a Federico greasy gut bustin chorizo burrito so... When your in there at counter do about face then take 4 or 5 steps to right and look down into the cooler with slim jims and get 1 of the beef with jalapeno spicy cheese they are like 13 or 14$ but they will change your life!!! This is what i was shooting for when I asked him to do my summer same way but my summer lacked any heat but has the flavor. 👍👍
  5. hoghntr

    Custom slate call striker

    I think it's super cool and a ingenious. It's getting better use than my call of Marvins but I do keep in a place that's quite sacred to me. 👍
  6. hoghntr

    WTB Ruger American Predator 6.5 creedmoor

    Dang you guys I'm gonna end up buying 1 of these stupid things now. 😡😡😡 they are like $360 new w/free shipping on G.B.
  7. hoghntr

    Container gardening for a total begginer

    After 15years being in my house I just got a resident cottontail and now her babies that frequent my yard.. Gonna have to wait till cars whack them so I won't have to. 🔫
  8. hoghntr

    Springfield Ultimate giveaway

    Totally fear how much junk mail might clog my inbox if I hit enter.
  9. Ok so Von Hansens won. I took in 32.5lbs of javelina ready to grind.. In return I got some 58lbs of chorizo, spicy cheese summer (not really Spicey at all), hotter than He__ jalapeno cheddar brats. So the Spicey cheese summer that is stamped hot all over it is not hot at all BUT IS ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS!!! I sorta wish I had it all turned into this. Next time I might ask for small amount of jalapeno added not just the Spicey cheese but for real it's so good the added jalapeno would just be to slow me down from eating it all. Chorizo is great but like all game meat chorizo I have had its like spiced hamburger. Guess it's just hard to make game greasy like normal chorizo. I would do again cuz family enjoys. The cheddar brats I can't tell you what they taste like cuz so hot I can't feel face after 1st bite. I would do again but would request less dried jalapeno and more cheese. Can this still be called javelina since it didn't quite double in weight? Grand total.... $261. And change and let's see about 3.5 hours total driving. 😪
  10. Somebody buy this so I don't buy it back. Please... It's a great rifle like brand new
  11. hoghntr

    Christian Hunters of America

    Ttt no draw my name!
  12. hoghntr

    Winchester Model 94 30-30 SOLD

    Todd that thing is purrrrdy! I have 1 like it absolutely perfect and I also was gonna sell her then she went back into safe in gunsock for life.
  13. hoghntr

    They are out...

    That's a pretty healthy looking snake. Just a common sense fyi to all on here DONT LET YOUR WIFE PUT A BIRD BLOCK IN YOUR YARD. Rats and mice also like bird seed and snakes like rats and mice. Every house I have taken snakes from have had BIRD blocks or neighbor does
  14. hoghntr

    Container gardening for a total begginer

    My house faces east so anything I put near walls get baked. well except sage it grows bigger the hotter it gets. Good job!
  15. hoghntr

    Container gardening for a total begginer

    What's up with the pics?
  16. hoghntr

    Someone with a bowpress in Gilbert

    If it came off violently you may want a new set
  17. hoghntr

    WTB newer bow 70# 29"

    You needed to spend more raffle $ the other night!
  18. hoghntr

    Remington 700 6.5X284

    Dang I just wanted to look at this again. Looks like a $1000 stock!
  19. hoghntr

    Weaver Grand Slam TACTICAL 3-10x40

    Hey the PayPal thing is for established members on coueswhitetail.com. also if you text me maybe start with "this is _______ off of coues" seems whenever I put my number on a post I get these random texts saying "do you still have the _____" always non az area codes of course. So many ways to sell to established member but a new member or not a member then sale is ftf in N.phx
  20. hoghntr

    ATV Tires - Where to buy

    Think Costco has them ??
  21. hoghntr

    Rare Russian Hunting Pups for Sale

    I just think the language barrier would be difficult.
  22. hoghntr

    Lakefield Mark I single shot .22

    Good looking 22!
  23. Wish my mama understood the use in such a fine trailer. I want 1 I'm too old and stiff for stinkin tents.
  24. hoghntr

    Looking for a commuter car

    Dustin how about this sickle I saw at va hospital.. Some very interesting taxidermy detail to this 1, i think kids will like her 😵 not sure about gas mileage with that iguana dude facing into onward wind..
  25. Make sure you but big enough grinder but not too big. This is about 300lbs of bison burger I can't imagine if I had done it all with a small machine or myself for that matter. Carl's custom meats in Camp Verde did it. Personally for deer I think 1/2 is cool but when we talk elk and bison especially multiples I would consider 3/4 up. I have used the small $99 units and sucky part is ya gotta push push push and then clean clean clean... 3/4 and above just eat it all! Buddy has a LEM (not sure if size) that is a struggle to keep meat in pan it goes so fast it was about $400 unit I believe. But then again we would save all our scrap and freeze and grind and make sausage all on 1 cold beautiful kinda beer day.