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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    California Southern Mule Deer

    Yes Adam did you not see the 1 post from Cali guy that came to Yuma and smoked that monster? Cali is going too far so stop just short of it
  2. hoghntr

    Buck Officially Scored 200 0/8" gross 197 4/8" net

    Outstanding buck!
  3. hoghntr

    DooDoo Drone

    👍👍 L.O.L.
  4. hoghntr


    I feel your pain. I might have to buy the 1 your suggesting also. 😕
  5. hoghntr


    Remember the last part of what you just read above from Tanclan4.👆 And don't use Omega on carefree hwy for import or especially export! L.O.L. I went in to ship a pistol to my father-in-law went through all the paperwork forgot to ask him how much it was going to cost and right at the end he said oh by the way it's $75. 😬 pkg and ship and ffl use of course but holy crap. Place i was shipping to insisted on it coming from ffl but any other would have been better choice
  6. hoghntr


    I owned a shield in 40 and would not buy another unless it were the ported model. 9mm is very a shootable but like Martin said guess the fancier one has smoother trigger. So by time you put night sights and apex trigger in a shield ya might as well buy fancier model. Do they make 1 with night sights and trigger but not ported?
  7. hoghntr


  8. hoghntr

    Believe it or not

    Is love to able to see all of 2018 apps after this read..
  9. hoghntr


    Just curious, have you shot the PC Shield in low light? Wondering if the ported barrel flash would be blinding enough to cause a problem with your vision? That is my worry and the added volume
  10. hoghntr

    Smith & Wesson Model 1500 30-06

    What? while you were my neighbor you kept your s&w 1500 a secret. Great guns! What's with them popping up lately?
  11. hoghntr

    bullet cam?

    Think about it.....HOW would it be possible for the camera to remain upright in a bullet traveling 50-100k revolutions per second?And think about this...20 cartridges for $100???? A camera on each bullet?? Come on guys... I saw this a mile away. Very true it had me at first. But I wouldn't be surprise if they did that. They do have artillery that have GPS in the round. (Future weapons TV Show) They shot it 5 miles off course and the fins act like a plane or rocket and brought it back off course and hit the target. They said their biggest design struggle was to create the software that can handle the extreme G Force once it was first fired Wait isn't that the gun the the congressman says we're gonna use on my lions so we should ban lion hunting?
  12. hoghntr

    Howa 300 Win Mag Model 1500

    Buy it! If I didn't have a Smith & Wesson 1500 in 300 mag I already would have said yes to this!!! They arebshooters for sure without spending 1000 to get them to do so
  13. hoghntr

    WTB German Shorthair

    https://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/grd/6054648806.html Looks like when they grow up they will look like this but with spots. 👍
  14. hoghntr

    Silver Pigeon Beretta 20 ga / Ruger Red Label 28 ga

    Good price on the kaibab 20's. I stood behind guy at sportsmans when he paid full price on new pair and i was like 😬
  15. hoghntr

    WTB German Shorthair

    Hmmmmm 😀 sounds like a energetic mix
  16. hoghntr

    NWTF JAKES Kansas Hunt Winner

    Liked and shared on F.B.
  17. hoghntr


    Its not a joke! Hope not since they let me pay for it. :]
  18. hoghntr

    Good Guy Seller List

    I still have not made it!!!
  19. hoghntr

    bullet cam?

    Pretty good April's fools made me scratch my head for second last night
  20. hoghntr

    bullet cam?

    Think about it.....HOW would it be possible for the camera to remain upright in a bullet traveling 50-100k revolutions per second?And think about this...20 cartridges for $100???? A camera on each bullet?? Come on guys... I saw this a mile away. 10 for $99.99
  21. hoghntr

    Marlin XS7Y 308

    Can't quite read the box. Which model scope and power?
  22. hoghntr


    I just bought 1 it's 239.99 + $15 transfer. Thanks guys 👍 stupid gr8 pistol and when you add that for $45 under $300 that's crazy good Hope it's not April Fools joke.
  23. hoghntr

    Sig Sauer P220R - .45 - EXTREME BLACK/GREY

    👍👍👍 😂
  24. $260 Weaver Grand Slam TACTICAL 3-10x40 milldot like new! Sorry caps in pic have been used in another scope *3-15x42 Super slam sold North phx pick up. 👉If your out of town I will do PayPal and ship for few extra dollars probably about $15 shipping unless it's a trade for a pistol of course. 6zero2499413six text