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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Wall art home decor

    Now you done gone and opened a can of worms asking for a new name for it 😂 I know somebody's going to buy this for their wife for Christmas
  2. hoghntr

    2012 PSE EVO 7

    Yep it's a 60-70lb bow. 👍 ok erased my posts. Good thing I wasn't wrong for a 2nd time in my life.
  3. hoghntr

    Swarovski BTX with 65mm

    Ok I haven't even seen 1 of these before that is pretty sweet! No more strapping 2 together 👍
  4. hoghntr

    Leupold VXR 4-12x40 Firedot Duplex scope

    Nice scope and Jim is awesome guy to deal with!
  5. hoghntr

    First Bear

    Ok I see no teeth in picture was she ancient or am I just not seeing them?
  6. hoghntr

    First Bear

    Beautiful! 👍
  7. hoghntr


    they made you pay? No warranty?? You always gotta pay swarovski for cracked lens etc.. Funny though almost a year after I got mine back I got a check from them I guess for shipping??
  8. hoghntr

    What ammo for quail

    Bet ha everybody hear debating shot size is shooting diffent barrel lengths and different chokes. Mike describe the weapon your using that should help with correct ammo prescription.
  9. hoghntr


    Oh I will be going back! not exactly in my budget but I figure with my health kinda sucky it makes more sense to drop all my hunt money for a years worth of hinting on 1 hunt like this and be healthier for family.com maybe 1 or 2 local small hints also. loved Canada! Btw saw 3 OR 4 MOOSE, 1 WOLF, TONS of GROUSE (2 types), SNOESHOE RABBITS, MULTIPLE RED FOX, DEER, many BALD EAGLES...
  10. hoghntr

    Bear hunt success

  11. hoghntr

    Canada Bear hunt

    It was a blast! I do wish I had harvested 1st day or 2 like buddy so I could fish more. The bear he took was the smallest he's ever taken there and I think he took it so that we could go fishing more LOL. I passed up young ones because I just didn't want to harvest a young bear not when I went all the way to Canada for one you know what I mean. My last night chance was a whopper I just let buck fever rule my thoughts. :/
  12. hoghntr


    L.O.L. i hear ya bro. Send me pic of newest addition. Mine is growing like a weed!
  13. hoghntr

    Swarovski 15x56

  14. hoghntr

    Swarovski 15x56

    Don't worry bud you can have 2nd chance at getting them.
  15. hoghntr


    Ramon the pack is speaking to you!
  16. https://athensarchery.com/product-category/bows/ Unfortunately no dealers here but do yourself a favor and read up on Athens. Read all the reviews and try hard to find a bad 1. Revelation 6" or Rev 7 7" or the altitude. And these numbers they post are extremely conservative you will hear that over and over in reviews. 👍
  17. hoghntr

    Canada Bear hunt

    These bears that my buddy had tag for in his home state for week we returned kinda screwed with my judgement. L.O.L.
  18. hoghntr

    Canada Bear hunt

    I'm my hand is the blood clot that formed in his bear and when it popped out that's all she wrote. He used a rage hypodermic and although a marginal shot the wound channel was so tremendous it had no choice but death. When you can lay your hand on fur and feel like someone removed a 2x4 from within animal that is a broadhead that does it's job. I have video but can't figure out how to post. As for the problem with the other Outfitter our Outfitter tried making me feel like I was Dumb and that the Bears didn't care about cars and then 3 days into the hunt he had a couple of drinks in them and let it slip that that other guy had been wanting his property for ever and had ruined other people's hunts in the past so as you can imagine I wasn't very happy about that. Yes I have thought about that shot everyday but I have also thought about the bear that joined my buddy in a tree last year and I'm pretty sure that's what this bear planned on doing with me. Fishing was good we did not get to do any Bush Lakes because I kept hunting so all we did was the main bigger lakes and we caught tons of walleye the biggest I caught was 24 in. Some of the guys that shot little bears just to get their hunt over with hit the bush lakes and they caught some monster while eyes and I guess they would catch a good hundred plus walleye in a day a person but limit of 4 keepers 1 within size slot
  19. hoghntr


    I posted in bear section. I shot 1 and lost it. The fact that he was posturing with ears back coming toward my stand might have helped that a bit. :] buddy killed 1. 1 also raided our tuck. All in all a fun trip and positively returning but probably with different outfitter
  20. hoghntr

    Daughter's First Elk

    Congrats Sydney and Brian!!!
  21. hoghntr

    Quality 30-30 ammo for cheap

    Kinda hard to find 170's. 👍
  22. Ok so I know it's been asked a million times but Had to get new card the morning after filing apps online. Can you change credit card # thru g&f portal or do I need to call Monday?
  23. hoghntr

    ***F/S TIKKA T3 LIGHT 300 WIN***

    I have 1 of these in 7mm-08 and it is super nice gun.
  24. hoghntr

    Leupold VX3

    Pm sent
  25. hoghntr

    Free Elk Meat

    I will take 2nds if falls thru. Thx