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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Wtb rangefinder

    Pm sent
  2. hoghntr


    Probably gets way better has mileage huh
  3. hoghntr


    Probably on your own ad it will be bought right up.
  4. Great pigs! Think I saw pics on f.b. 👍👍👍 very nice CONGRATS! They all look nice and mature. I had another shoulder surgery done few months back so I have been training back on vertical bow to kill bear in Canada and Javelina here in January but my foot had other plans for me. L.O.L.
  5. Military service haunts me Brother! Achilles had mass on it I assume as my fingers have had (soft tissue inflamatory disease/Gulf war crap) so not worried about anything bad just sucks cuz it flat out took me out of hunting last fall. Did fill deer tag but only cuz Mike O bowhunter4life and azhuntnut David went with and hauled deer out for me. Elk was a fail could not hike at all. Really wanted to go arrow a pig but wanted this thing as calm as possible for surgeons to be able to work on without it all swollen. had heel spur so with my arthritis that may be what caused Achilles issue???? And when I'm healed gotta have hands done again. 😡 I wake like a corpse my hands all stuck closed
  6. hoghntr

    Bushnell Elite 6500 2.5-16x42 Mil-dot scope

    Judging by eBay that's a pretty dang good price. 👍 good luck with sale
  7. hoghntr

    My 44BN ram

    AWWWWESOME Little bigger then mine from 2006 44b N :]
  8. hoghntr


  9. hoghntr


    Dan which Crossfire power?
  10. hoghntr

    NEW Swarovski 10x42 SLC hd *price lowered

    People underestimate what a pair of 10's can do on a tripod. I never liked 10's then found myself only having 10's for tripod this last Spring and dang sure was impressed. Granted you may not be scoring a coues buck at 1000+ yards but you sure will see more action/movement with that field of view. 10x50 just gets to big and heavy and might as well carry 12's. Slc 10x42 hd 👍
  11. hoghntr

    FoxPro Inferno w/ FoxJack Decoy

  12. Ya do make me laugh every once in while. Laugh, choke, spit food out etc. 😂 Thank you! 👍 random hillarious-ness is good
  13. hoghntr

    Emergency Air Evac

    I don't know what happened but dang glad she made it!!! Scary stuff
  14. hoghntr

    Emergency Air Evac

    correct. We have to pay for all the people that dont. Citizens or not. Hospitals dont turn anyone away Correct we have to pay for all those who are making cash $ and not insured.. You know some of those which are actually doing better than some of us. 😕 Tell ya what after crushing a foot in Pinal mountains and probably 6 hours before I was in E.R. a helicopter ride might have been best since they started talking compartment syndrome and told me to start praying I didnt lose my foot.
  15. hoghntr

    9mm for trade

    Are you still on your feet at shot 23? 😬😯
  16. hoghntr

    Anyone missing their optics?

    I bet you wanted to be a cop growing up but couldn't cut the mustard huh? L.O.L. yep that's it. Actually I always wanted to be a roadhunter but unfortunately ethics and laws and such got in my way oh well good to see someone qualified for the position. 👍
  17. hoghntr

    Anyone missing their optics?

    That lady who was selling Swaros recently who raised price cuz you said you would travel from Tucson (think it was you). L.O.L. she was interesting! They popped back up for sale still saying $850 but she replied with $1000 and then her or his true crazy colors came out. Wanted me to meet her at her house then go to a bank to verify $ was good. Then said if I was unwilling to go to bank I must be scammer so I said let's meet at bank then she said she is woman and she thinks I'm trying to hurt her then I reminded her she wanted me to meet at her house. 😂 so think that 1 was a robbery waiting to happen! Be careful guys! Crazy is CRAAAAZY
  18. hoghntr

    Anyone missing their optics?

    Was that offer up? Seems to be quite the spot to move stolen goods. Really interesting when items bought off their like Swarovskis then make it to here same day. I have emailed few of those sellers on offer up and the replies have been quite amusing. I have asked if they mind if I call Swarovski with the s/n to verify they are not stolen then ad vanishes!!! 😂 have heard every sort of hard luck story and even different stories of I use different email accounts. Sucks to know so many guys getting robbed.
  19. hoghntr

    9mm carbine

    Gotta double tap the zombies
  20. hoghntr

    Anybody else?

    Knothead you and and I just have sensitive palates. Unfortunately my taste buds pick up scents of animals. When I eat elk as I'm puting bight of steak in my mouth I'm smelling the urine soaked hide (so I prefer eating late season elk, only 1 of my last early elk (even cow elk) tasted amazing when javelina goes into mouth I'm smelling the gland. Even after spending hundreds to have little bit of javi turned to sausage it taste good going down but burps later are like a javelina farted in my mouth. 😲 I think no matter how Well it is prepared the after taste will always damage some of us. L.O.L. I have also turned away from dove.. Love dove hunting but hate eating it till recently! I started freezing then next chilli cook or burger,making time etc I grind dove meat and add in with bison or deer or elk etc. It you must eat what ya kill as I do then this is good way to make it disappear. Javi can be used as burger or chilli meat also. 👍 best burgers I had were made from ground javi with jerk seasoning in them and fresh diced jalapeno and I think cheese then bbq Btw if donating meat to Adobe don't have it processed they actually prefer it (or did) as natural as possible for animals so take in quartered or possibly whole they often give it to Southwest Wildlife i believe for cats and bear etc..
  21. Now your getting to the NEED THIS price. Good luck. 👍 That's good looking stock
  22. hoghntr


    I love asking questions like that it always gets someone to move on a item. L.O.L.
  23. hoghntr


    Didn't this have sold posted on it yesterday when I was in Flag?
  24. No it isn't in AZ. Better post the regs that say that cuz that seems off from what I have always understood. Please and thanks
  25. Find Joy every day... That's a good word. Prayers for the family.