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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    CWT Feuds

  2. hoghntr

    Mossberg 835 Ulti-mag Waterfowl: SOLD

    I bought 2 3.5" guns for buddy and I to hunt crane last fall.. So glad I did not have to shoot. I have never seen 1 of these ported with wood stock. Interesting! That should take quite a bit of sting out of a 3.5"
  3. Tim thanks for offering it up and sorry you were met with such opposition. Glad your not 1 of the guys that hunt them with a shovel in backpack or a 50cal. Mssg sent and I'm always willing to take javelina meat if we find a middle man and as long as we fill out transport tag. πŸ‘ :-* love javelina summer sausage and it's my first pick to serve to all my mom hunting friends and family during the Holidays.
  4. Dang doctor doesn't get it, Wife and I have rifle tags!! 1 more week for stitches he says... 😒 but i was smart this time and asked him to put in therapy now cuz in Va terms that's like 3-4 weeks. Not sure if I get walking boot next week or not but PRAYING for it. I have seen some pics of some very solid javelina and good hers sizes. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  5. I used to LOVE 33! Congrats
  6. hoghntr

    Summer rental wanted

    I have realtor friends up their so will send pm
  7. hoghntr

    Windshield Repair

    Since I'm in a cast I let them do their thing. Clearly 1 guy worked on my vehicle and the other on wifes. Found some gnarly paint scratches on hers also clearly fresh cuts. Mine looks good. Manager coming out tomorrow.
  8. Today is 1st time I have seen this post. My heart hurt more with each word I read. I cannot imagine what a parent goes thru while witnessing this happen to their child. I am thankful for her miracles! I am happy to hear some sort of NORMAL has returned and i will Keep your daughters health and your family in our Prayers. It is very amazing what can be done to save lives now days and I am very glad this was not 25 years ago as you mentioned. I Hope she has a blast enjoying that sunshine on her hunt.
  9. hoghntr

    Windshield Repair

    Cross Freedom Auto glass off the list! Just had 2 done this morning and they cut wife's dashboad bad 😑 Sawzalls may be quick but should they really be used on Auto glass? 😬
  10. hoghntr

    WTB 22 Hornet or ?

    Sent you a pm
  11. hoghntr

    Now What . . .

    I like this option! Although then G&F would find your litter and revoke hunt privs for few years. L.O.L.
  12. hoghntr

    Now What . . .

    you do it your way Ill stick with my way πŸ˜‰ Ok but if a 60-70 lb bow slinging a arrow at a Javelina did not kill it with its kinetic energy and ft lbs of whoop arse I'm not sure why a arrow thrusted from a belly crawler at a Javelina in confined space would work so well. The amount of force 1 could even apply while on belly would not even penetrate the hide of Javelina. The Javelina would need to be on last breath and wound channel already there would need to allow access to vitals. Learned all this the rough way but good luck with that. πŸ‘πŸ˜„
  13. hoghntr

    Now What . . .

    Yes a big bonus here is he led you directly to a year after year residential address for the herd. Probably a few other dens just like that close by. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  14. hoghntr

    Now What . . .

    Just fyi a arrow in hand is not a great defense!!! Especially If that arrow is carbon. L.O.L. a angry wounded Javelina will chew that arrow right up to your arm and keep going! I have had wounded Javelina latch onto me and it was not something I wanna repeat. Bright flashlight. Head lamp. Noise like a caller. Do some things to see if he pops at ya BUT THIS IS STILL NO GUARANTEE IT IS DEAD. I would figure out a way to get'r done of it was me but since,in not there in your shoes I am certainly not gonna tell you the best approach! Except I would howeverbtry few things 1st to see if I got a response from him. Good luck and God Bless! Hope you still have all your blood later today
  15. hoghntr

    Out of state hunts

    After killing 1 years back in N.M. then my cow hear is 2016 I think I have decided every 2 years I'm gonna go out of state and shoot 1 to fill freezer. πŸ‘ amazing meat! Wait that means this year is my year πŸ˜ƒ
  16. hoghntr

    An Open Dialog on G & F Laws

    Azsugarbear this is a bummer that this happened. I fully understand how your feeling. I commend you for self reporting! Many dig ditches or toss animals in brush. I'm sorry you have had to go thru this and I'm betting next time you pull the trigger your gonna be slightly different man and hunter with different guidlines in head. I just hope this doesn't kill the sport for you. Good luck with it all and Happy Hunting!
  17. hoghntr

    Pig hunting in 25M

    Just remember the areas that are legal and those that are no longer legal. Many of the spots were all seeing tons of pigs in neighborhoods now are because of the areas closed to hunting for last 4 or 5 years or however long it's been since they jacked us out of some great Javelina habitat that needed population management. Nocturnal urban javi numbers are way up!
  18. hoghntr

    Close call-almost lost gear

    I am also guilty of taking a dump and losing few more pounds than intended. Have had to go back for a bow, pistol, and rifle... So much easier walking after ya take a dump feel like ya shed some lbs especially when not caring your stupid weapon. :]
  19. hoghntr


    Thanks that is good info I will positively follow up with a purchase or 3 or 4.
  20. hoghntr

    Pig hunting in 25M

    Keep it on the down low ok. πŸ‘
  21. hoghntr

    Windshield Repair

    Another NOT to use place is Safelite Auto Glass. It's been quite sometime but I went rounds with them for like 6 months before they ever made windshield correct! Think they put 3 windshields In my car that slid or leaked or etc etc not to mention the 350lb drunk man that did orignal work about 5 hours late. Be very worried when you see windshield guy kicking your windshield out while sweating hungover funk all over seats! I had glass chips everywhere in my car, and then they had to cut a check for body damage to my vehicle also. I've used the,place that gives $50 sportsmans gift cards and things have gone well like 6x now. Trying another and having Freedom auto glass so 2 Monday.
  22. hoghntr

    Swarovski 8x32 EL

    Love my old slc 8x30! I walked into outdoorsman 1 day last year and looked thru I believe the 8.5x42el and after about a minute had to drop them and run out of store in fear that divorce would be imminent!!!! Absolutely amazing glass. 8x32 would be awesome also. Ya can't go wrong with any Swaro 8's on chest the field of view is πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  23. Yep if she is wild it's a no go! Wildwoody you have been to Hurt Ranch so you also have drove away with certificate of sale correct for Bison meat. So same would go for Dutton or Dunton or whatever its called and the Cortes place etc. But 🚫selling wild critters!