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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. Yep if given to p.d. it can be yours after a waiting period if nobody claims it and as long as it's legal gun of course.
  2. hoghntr

    Cabela's screwed up again... (Or so it seems)

    Me thinks somebody gonna get in trouble.
  3. hoghntr

    Javelina highway

    I have seen that way West like Aguila kinda area and followed for miles crossing the flat desert "NOT" funny how when you start trekking flat ground and then you run into so many deep cuts with nice cool beds and dens dug out of walls in them. Makes for difficult hunt especially if stupid hot and dry in January they may not water till dark:30
  4. hoghntr

    Javelina highway

  5. Javelina are very picky and they get super mad when people spell or say their name wrong. Try again after you fix post and possibly they will have forgiven you. Good luck!
  6. hoghntr

    Pig Logic

    I completely agree with your assessment about leaving the carcass in their home areas. We have seen pigs abandon long used home areas over far less stressful events. Stressing a herd unnecessarily has ruined many areas without people even realizing they are doing it. That is the reason we refuse to use a predator call anymore. It's just unnecessary. If I can't get within 20 yards of a Javelina I may need to find a new sport... And I have gutted a friends Javelina and left everything and returned the following day to guts missing and only Javelina tracks around where guts were left and then killed my Javelina in almost same spot. I think a general guidlines is good but clearly they are not all the same. Calling response I find has more to do with how public the spot is and how many times they have been called etc. I have never found a rabbit distress to work at their home address they just bail (so good for rifle hunt). Distress works well in feeding grounds. Javelina vocals barks, huffs, squeals all work for me at their home address or anywhere for that matter quite well. Javelina do and will eat meat and guts whenever they can. In a few places I dove hunt and clean my birds when I return following day all the guts and most feathers are gone and only Javelina tracks remain.
  7. hoghntr

    Muzzleloader Bighorn from 43B

    Awesome sheep! Congrats to all
  8. I know you didn't wanna hunt them you sure you didn't give the Hunter food poisoning or something? Hopefully the Jr Hunter gets better and can maybe get a afternoon hunt in this week
  9. hoghntr

    Now What . . .

    I had this 1 get a hold of me. My dumb butt tried towing him by back legs out of a yard. I shot him from stand in 5 degree temp and he then decided to go barreling downhill and crash against the people Volvo xc90 in driveway. Let's just say it's a good thing it was so cold and I had many layers of clothing on. I was kicking and hitting him with my brand new Bowtech Allegiance as hard as I could to get him off my right knee all the while trying to not slip on ice and give him shot at my face. Never again!!!
  10. Hope you healed up well! Or do have daily reminders also? Been there while scouting and setting up for kiddos deer hunt in Pinals years back. Turns out when 200lbs of corn and 30lb of feeder fall from above your head and land on metatarsal you should not pop pills to get numb and hike out. I was very close to losing my foot 1st from fear of compartment syndrome and 2nd from infection. 3 surgeries later on that injury and it will NEVER be the same again. Every single step I take I have a little reminder of that accident. :\
  11. hoghntr


    That pistol does look like she is smooooooth shooter. You sure like your pistols Martin. 👍
  12. hoghntr

    Two Pistols For Sale

    3rds on ruger.
  13. hoghntr


    So its for waists over 34 and height 5'10"-6'1"
  14. hoghntr


    What size is frame/torso tall or x tall And waist medium or large?
  15. hoghntr

    'Stink Pigs'

    Love it Bill. Thank you
  16. hoghntr

    'Stink Pigs'

    I like SPINE SWINE 👍👍👍
  17. hoghntr

    Dr. Seuss shame on you!!!

  18. hoghntr

    Crazy in LA

    Now imagine what kinda dope he was on at school while acting as a teacher. 😲
  19. hoghntr

    CWT Feuds

    There's been a quiet coupe d'etat to overthrow the president of the United States for a year and we're talking about the proper name to call a javelina I am trying to figure out how to pronounce coues, like tomato. Is it cows or kews. Kooooooz
  20. hoghntr

    CWT Feuds

    There's been a quiet coupe d'etat to overthrow the president of the United States for a year and we're talking about the proper name to call a javelina
  21. hoghntr

    Cabela's screwed up again... (Or so it seems)

    The days of CUSTOMER SERVICE are gone for the most part. I will say Phoenix Sportsmans was top notch while "Jenny" managed it (not sure about now haven't visted much lately) Jenny is now in Flagstaff and wife and I recently visited that store and it looks super nice and employees were all helpful as I would expect with leadership like hers.
  22. hoghntr

    Cabela's screwed up again... (Or so it seems)

    Sorta same cuz few items were backordered. Funny I bought bunch of stuff online for Canada trip and had shipped to Wisconsin ahead of me and it came in like 6 different orders from different locations. They don't mind spending shipping $
  23. hoghntr

    Cabela's screwed up again... (Or so it seems)

    EXACTLY! In the beginning you used to be able to make offers in bargain cave now it costs more than new and has NO STORE WARRANTY! If bought online bargain cave it has short WARRANTY but if bought in store bargain cave then ZERO store WARRANTY you must go thru manufacturer. This is fact. So beware when shopping closeout binoculars (euro and others) on eBay as most were purchased from bargain cave and have 3 x's scratches into them and No STORE WARRANTY since you are not buying directly from Cabelas online bargain cave.
  24. hoghntr

    Cabela's screwed up again... (Or so it seems)

    They had special 5 hour sale with a Franchi shotgun on front page 12ga and 20ga. Limited edition gun, I called day before and they had 1 20gauge in stock. Wonder how many guys went to buy it??? And I asked out of curiousity if I could come put it on layaway at full price then buy at sale price the next day and they said SURE. Month or so earlier I ordered a 6 tray jerky maker that was on sale and I bought all the accerories. Cabelas sent a email when irder had arrived. When I arrived they were missing 1 of my items and I could not even return it since it wasn't in store yet so I was locked into a return trip. While i was at Cabelas i saw the 10 tray jerky maker in a sale paper that started 2 days later for $10 more so I asked if I could just buy it now for the extra $10 they said absolutely not because they only had 89 in stock. L.O.L. a manager made a not so customer friendly decision, I understand sale had not started but they also just wasted a hour of my time and gas money. This decision management made seemed to be exactly opposite of gun counters offer a month later to go ahead and put the only 20gauge Franchi Select they had for 5 hour flash sale that started following day on layaway. I did really want 1 of those shotguns
  25. hoghntr

    Cabela's screwed up again... (Or so it seems)

    I have had some pretty lousy MANAGEMENT customer service at Cabelas lately. Definitely worth thinking about before purchasing from them.