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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    WTB 204 Ruger

    I had Savage model 10 Predator in 204 with heavy barrel i sure wish I had not sold. man what a sweet gun it was.
  2. hoghntr

    Cabelas strikes again!

    I did exactly this and now have 1 being shipped to me. What the heck ever happened to common sense and customer service? The guy last night did sound more like he belonged at REI then Cabelas. He was trying to tell me I needed to enter catalog # when ordering but online had same exact sale so did stores. L.O.L. another reason to love Sportsmans but some Cabelas sales are so tempting..
  3. hoghntr

    Remington 300 RUM Brass

    Anybody remember what this brass cost a few years back WHEN YOU COULDNT FIND IT ANYWHERE? I remember seeing my wssm brass for $4-$6 a piece within this last year. He did say he bought few years back. He might not realize it's readily available now. I remember seeing people scramble on here for this brass. I ad guys begging to buy my ammo just to pull it for brass when i was selling a RUM
  4. hoghntr

    Wood worker? Any work with fiberglass?

    Don't lie this is going to be you huh
  5. hoghntr


    Real nice rifle for that $
  6. hoghntr

    Vortex viper 15x50 and manfrotto tripod/head setup

    That tripod is a 190XDB making this a very good pkg price.
  7. hoghntr

    **WALL TENT**

    Funny I looked right at blue barrels earlier and didn't even see that big ram. :/
  8. hoghntr

    Vortex Kaibab HD 15x56

    Great price!
  9. hoghntr

    Any night vision scopes for sale?

    Man I totally thought that's what vehicle headlights were for. :]
  10. hoghntr

    Barnett Wildcat C5 Crossbow. Basically New

    That person doesn't know the rules. Spring regs, page 16, legal methods of take.
  11. hoghntr

    Sheridan Blue Streak 5mm

    Not sure how I ever missed out on these, It does not even look familiar. But I was pretty much a cb cap shooter from my mod 72 Ithaca lever gun.
  12. hoghntr

    Results up!

    Careful Gary them unit 8 bulls don't like ponytails!
  13. hoghntr

    Results up!

    Archery I assume. Plenty of good elk hammered just gotta work for them
  14. hoghntr

    Results up!

    Think I already posted but my wife got a Oct rifle cow tag and im still smiling.
  15. hoghntr

    How steep is to steep?

    I have seen this with javelina where they climbed something I really didn't think was possible! Like straight up Spider-Man crap!! Dig hooves in and pulled their way up and over, But they left a red behind.. The red tried over and over and could,not make the jump and the elders bailed on the red so we just backed out hoping they would come back for wee one
  16. hoghntr

    How steep is to steep?

    I'm with you on this 1! If I can't go there I try not to look.
  17. hoghntr

    Thompson Center Encore Kit

    If it matched the other i would be buying the .243 cuz well dang it's a 243!!! I love all 243
  18. hoghntr

    Ruger Predator in 6.5 CM, anyone have one?

    For the money it's hard to beat. Sorta looking that way.
  19. hoghntr

    Ruger Predator in 6.5 CM, anyone have one?

    Everybody brags these up so much I'm gonna have to buy some or at least 1 to start. :]
  20. hoghntr

    Could moose live in AZ?

    Just show them all the money they can make on once in a lifetime moose tags and we will have them here tomorrow. L.O.L. right...
  21. hoghntr


    Older bow that is still a killer! I helieve mods will change it anywhere from 28"-30" draw length. No press needed to install mods. What a great deal if your looking to get into archery.
  22. And drink half dozen beers 1st.
  23. I ground some and put in bison burger this year and like them just fine.
  24. hoghntr

    Thompson Center Encore Pro Hunter

    Right... That's funny I didn't realize it had been posted that long I must have missed 1st 2 years of ogling somehow I have just concentrated on last 4 months or so 😂