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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    best place to find sheds in AZ?

    I love this pulling up 15 year old posts! Dan step away from the whiskey!!!
  2. hoghntr

    Sitka blacktail

    Those boys need to do genetic testing i think somebody has a "cousin secret" or some such thing.. Lets hope he recognizes these magnificant beasts as true trophys and not bambi. and they were legally harvested which is a PLUS
  3. hoghntr

    SOLD - Please Delete

    Same here man. I have newer fancier ones and I find myself going back to Old Faithful I like the simplicity
  4. hoghntr

    Wtb garage fridge

    About 2-3x a year i have to pull frig out and remove back and clean fan and compressor.. Amazing how dirty it gets and makes it all hot amd she starts blowing neutral air while freezer is fine. Like a vacuum always clean first before replacing. 👍 good luck!
  5. hoghntr

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    I think the problem is he's already had a few days in court for other hunting violations also. :-(
  6. hoghntr

    New pool

    I want a pool! I love water! I grew up in water! I ended up being a squid! Now only get to swim at the lake. :-( if I had a pool literally every time I looked out the door or walked past it I would jump in and get out. Walk to the mailbox get hot go jump in the pool get out. Cook dinner get hot go jump in the pool and get out. I'd be like a Labrador
  7. hoghntr

    New pool

  8. hoghntr

    New pool

    +1 I built a pool last year and couldn't be happier. It turned out bigger than I anticipated (18,500 gallons) but im glad it did. My boys love it and have been swimming since February. Like said above, don't go through a pool builder....everything has a huge mark up. I did mine myself and came in just under $27,000. Give me a shout if you have any questions or need references. Looks nice!
  9. hoghntr


  10. hoghntr

    SOLD. Cabelas Euro HD 15x56

    These are SPF to H.N. i believe and have a back up buyer also for now. Will update when firm
  11. hoghntr


    I wouldnt worry, a company would not send item out uninsured especially a company like Vortex. I will let you know if i hear back from my contact for you and see what he suggests or what protocol is. Occasionaly my UPS guy leaves packages in fron of door rather than behind column and i sorta wanna choke him.
  12. hoghntr


    Im sure they insure thru whoever their carrier is.
  13. Just fyi.. Christian Hunters of America. I think the name was changed because so many people thought it was only for Archers.
  14. lol what? Sirroyal Is getting live pics sent to your phone from the next tank over from the one you're sitting fair chase? Is that ethical? Are you even reading what I'm writing? I said live feed cams You know when these things first came out I thought about how cool it would be to know when bucks go in the Rut by being able to look at their tarsal glands. The way you just said this is like the first time I realized exactly how much they could be abused. L.O.L. i bet some guys do more running back and forth from cam to cam then actual hunting thanks to live feed.
  15. hoghntr

    Nikon monarch 5 binos 20x56 $500

    👍👍👍 Authentic. Great glass for the $ for sure.
  16. hoghntr

    Pull Up and Dips Excercise System

    I think you could hang more clothes on that than my wife's elliptical. I could be interested in a clothes hanger trade.😄 Those eliptical clothes hangers suck they constantly have to be balanced! 😕
  17. hoghntr

    Nikon monarch 5 binos 20x56 $500

    Made in China and bought from China can be different... Not sure monarch binocs are made in Japan. Really got to call Nikon with the serial number unless you know for sure that you bought them directly from China
  18. hoghntr

    Nikon monarch 5 binos 20x56 $500

    Hey they've actually expanded their warranty it doesn't really matter if they're registered or who they're registered anymore everybody's trying to keep up with Vortex so if you pull up Nikon Monarch warranty you'll see that it's lifetime no fault warranty if they can't fix them they usually just replacement. But they can't be the ones you buy from China
  19. hoghntr

    Good Guy Seller List

    MT_Sourdough good to go 👍
  20. hoghntr

    Good Guy Buyer List

    Couescazador good to go 👍
  21. hoghntr

    Browning BPS 12 gauge Walnut - sold

    Great seller!
  22. hoghntr

    Looking For a concealed carry pistol

    I'm with you man I love these things in 9mm not so much in 40
  23. hoghntr

    Looking For a concealed carry pistol

    Also it is Memorial weekend and there's many many online sales with free shipping. I saw brand new lcps for like 189 brand new shields for like 320 with a laser
  24. hoghntr

    Gun in Oven
