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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    your a horrible person!!! But not as bad as jumping the highway on a dirt bike as a sheriff comes around the corner. Then jumping other highways and having your license taken away before you even get it. Not me, I knew a guy 😂😂😂 I hate it when that happens! I lived in the desert when I was a kid, well at that time it was the boonies 40th Street and Bell period back in the three-wheeler days, the ATC. Well I raced a atc's at Canyon Raceway. I pretty much spent all day on the motorcycles throughout the summer as usually with a gun strapped on the front. One night they had put in a new subdivision first time anything came in with asphalt i was a little ways east of my house somebody had lost their dog so I was out on my ATC helping look for a dog. I was slowly cruising down the road looking up and down the roads and I passed a police officer sitting there with his parking lights on while he's writing his report so I kept going at the same Pace as soon as I passed that Street I just opened her up and took off well problem was it was a new neighborhood that I didn't know the road I chose to turn and run away on was a cul-de-sac so I just shut my bike off took my helmet off put my feet up and a few seconds later that cop came screeching around the corner lights and siren blazing and I was just chilling LOL he wrote me a ticket for everything you can imagine no helmet no license no registration no insurance all the good stuff I was only 12 years old I mean no protective glasses, no gloves no boots it was all this protective gear :-) anyways the kicker was then he made me push my motorcycle about 2 miles to my house will he followed me with his lights on Obviously this is just a fun stories from the past not any of the skeletons from the closet. By the way it ended up costing me $12 in court and the judge laughed his butt off 😂 the judge said Son how much money you got in your pocket, I had $12 in my pocket that I was putting towards buying some used skateboard wheels so he said pay that with the clerk as he continued to laugh
  2. hoghntr

    Filled the YETTI

    Mike i need to get out there before my next surgery and my boat does not seem to be clearing its way out of garage by itself :/ i may need to go with a friend..... 😄 Buddy O pal O friend
  3. hoghntr

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    heard it referenced but dont remember it. Its a CLASSIC!
  4. hoghntr

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    No you just wish for a while she would go straight there! Actually she can be forgiven also. Once Jesus died on the cross and rose again we were given a choice to take the higher road and forgive her. (much more difficult than any many could ever imagine till you try loving a woman who is walking in your house at 3am laughing at you.. Too divorce that woman would be way easier than forgiving her and loving her!!!) If we were just too dang hurt we can divorce her and re-marry BUT she as the adulterer if she re-marries without repentence and change of life acceptence of Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior has now drug the new guy into adultery also.. I know this all too well! Ok carry on back to the drama! Dang does anybody wanna hear about my life 30years ago???? You know way more than half my life ago. Im with Shedhunter i think about it all daily but go forward in Christ helping others to not walk the same path.
  5. hoghntr


    They are kinda heavy but the coolness factor WAY outweighs the weight. love the no. 1's!
  6. hoghntr

    Wanted house painter

    With all proper prep im usually $3500-$5k on average house not a giant 2-3 monther of course. But yes pop outs, over hangs 2 toned, garage door sheened etc all start costing $$$.. We always figure in all repair of facia, cracks, garage door trim replacement etc. Very hard to compete with the trash work out there now. We always get the after effect calls where someone wants you to give them a special deal to fix something and unlicensed contractor just did to their house lol they don't understand it's harder to fix a bad paint job than it is to just do it right the first time. My biggest suggestion is make sure your house gets pressure washed 1st! (if,over hang needs scraped thats 1st then pressure wash) Then usually sand textured caulking on all cracks and facia repair. 5-7 years max before repainting so if its been 10-15 expect price to rise if done by good company. 👍 and if only done every 5-7 years dont ya think its worth using quality paint? contractor grade is a roughly 3 year paint *Adam just remember it is much easier to paint a house than it is to properly prep a house for paint.
  7. hoghntr

    Wanted house painter

    With flyers being dispersed in neighborhoods "any house painted for $1300" there aint much thats supposed to be done getting done. L.O.L. no pressure wash, no facia work, no caulking.. Lowest grade paint is being sprayed thin over dirt and coloring your house not sealing and protecting your investment. 😡 if its done in a day or 2 guys that is wasted $ and will cost you $ down the road. Two or three houses have been painted in my neighborhood in the last week and I have not seen anybody work on them one time I just suddenly see a different color on the house LOL
  8. hoghntr

    Bill Quimby

  9. hoghntr

    Bear spray advice

    Just fyi the safety clips remove very easily so do not walk around with little orange tab removed. L.O.L. multiple guys i know discharched their cans in their own faces while celebratory hug occurred after bear kills. 😂 A bears olfactory receptors are some 7x better than a bloodhound so pepper spray is extremely efficient BUT that said like a migraine its better to administer the medicine before it is full strength! Try to use spray before full blown attack where he has other senses overriding his nose.
  10. hoghntr

    Plumber Help

    Just that 1 guy 1st name Liquid last name Plumr.. Works wonders. Shoot usually its all mold/mildew
  11. hoghntr

    Turned in AZ BULL Tag

    I believe if you bought point guard and have to donate you can keep points. Pretty sure..
  12. All my PT and pain clinic visits are done at private clinics because Va is always more than 30 days out with appts and im full time at those clinics so Va cant keep up with that. Although i did get botox for scap and neck for 1st time few months back and it worked quite well so hopefully higher dose next time might last longer and might be able to cut out trigger point injections since my body dosant exactly need more steroids. Botox works for stopping non stop muscle spasms. 👍👍👍
  13. It's a long read so only read it if you're curious or if you think maybe you have information for me. Thanks Okay since somebody had a plantar fasciitis post on here and I was surprised how much feedback there was I have a question for anybody who's had extreme arthritis or Reconstruction from an injury. I had an Achilles tendon surgery in January that failed for the most part because VA only did a part of what they should have. So now I'm going through a real doctor a doctor at the CORE Institute that specializes in Foot and Ankle reconstruction on the outside and she has proposed a pretty big Reconstruction from an old injury of mine because my arthritis and connective tissue disorder is being affected by my injury from when a stupid deer feeder fell on my foot years ago. Her proposal is removed the big toe joint fused the big toe joint and fuse it- then remove the heads of each of the metatarsal bones. Also to cut my achilles tendon in my calf area to lengthen it they basically put a thin cut in it stretch your foot and have your Achilles tendon heal with scar tissue so that is longer. I'm really not looking forward to this!!! I've been recovering for 6 months and now I'm looking at going right back into surgery and having another 6 months to a year to recover. *I know the fusing of the big toe is pretty common for arthritis. My second metatarsal was crushed and then repaired four times because it kept growing crazy because of my arthritis so eventually they added a artificial joint between metatarsal head and toe. A year to a year and a half ago I told a VA doctor that I believe the toe have dislocated and the joint was bad broken or out of place but in true Va fashion they have blown me off. ( dislocated artificial joint illustrated by with green arrow). So now come to find out my toe has been dislocated so long it has fused between my second metatarsal and my toe which means my toe is basically not working so that's two joints not working and painful. So my question is has anybody ever had to have their big toe fused and then have all for metatarsal heads or Knuckles basically the ball of your foot removed? If so how long did it learn how to walk again how long did it take to hike if you're able to basically what is it like? I can't find much info I've Googled it every different direction and I find people that talk about it I know that it happens I've just have no knowledge of somebody who say wants to go hunting in the future if they've experienced it. It is my heck that is my foot I can say I don't want to do it she said I can also say let's length in the tendon fuse the big toe remove the head of the second toe and leave the other three alone but she said chances are I'll have to come back and have those three removed and that would be another healing process. Sorry for the long read but maybe there happens to be somebody on here is experiencing this. I will add a picture. And for clarification they're not talking about removing my toes they are simply talking about removing all the joints between the metatarsal and the toes so basically cutting the whole knuckle off so what's left there would be tendons ligaments muscle it would just be missing a big chunk of bone and of course my toes would be shorter ironically after I havefinally gone and bought all these bigger boots to fit this jacked-up foot LOL
  14. Va sends me out, i chose Core Institute for this next surgery. Hips were done a bit of everywhere but revision was done by Camarata at Va. Camarata no longer goes to Va he used ro just go there once a week to fix all the other docs screw ups. Va will send me to him again if another hip revision is needed (he is revision Specialist in Az). My hips are service connected because they had me on prednisone for 9 years while trying to find a medicine to control inflammation from Gulf War/Sommalia crap (still looking currently trying Orencia) Dr Wagner in Scottsdale did core decompressions to try and save hips he did left 1st but necrosis was pretty bad on right and like a idiot i went hunting to soon after and collapsed hip. Wagner hoped to get me 5 years out of left and its been near 12 years i think SO necrosis can be reversed if caught early!!! They drill holes up to but not thru femoral head and blood rushes in and bone grows. Core decompressions hurt way more than a replacement and must be in wheelchair 6-8 weeks after. i have had right full replacemet anterior and it failed (dislocated on and off for a year) so 1 year later revision posterior replacement so trust me when i say the decompressions hurt more.!!! If someone has a chance at recovery from early necrosis diagnosis a core decompression is very worthwile procedure. Im super curious how a foot feels with toes all floating. The more i think about it the less keen i am of the idea. I just really want to be able to stinking walk and hike and as of right now im exactly back to where i was last year at this time. 😡 Super happy to have my legs but dang sure wish they worked a little better. 👍
  15. Im with you for sure! Less activity has weighed me down LITERALLY!!! And yes 1 problem leads to others. Foot, achilles, knee, hip, back etc etc... Ugghhh it all gets hit hard! This last surgery I had in January I was on one of those scooters you kneel on and then it cause my arthritis in my knee that was kneeling to flare so bad and I got an ulcer on my knee that actually hurt worse than my foot surgery by about 10 times. I thought I was going to have to have my knee drained at got so big. It got to where I didn't even want to get up and go to the bathroom and take a leak I was ready to just get a jug and start filling a jug with p. You know Dan I've never met you in person but I know you're a big dude if we each lost a hundred pounds think how much better our feet might feel
  16. I hear ya man.. This is kinda the point of my question cuz can only remove so much each time and i dont wanna end 5 years from now them saying ok now your foot is going. 😬 i have met multiple people down at Va that have opted for amputations after surgeries that ended in years of staph infections and pain. My last hip replacement i spent the week in a room with 2 guys that had ampuutated legs because of botched knee replacements and staph
  17. hoghntr

    Synthetics vs wool

    By the way Bass Pro Shop has a awesome wool sock that I wear that has lifetime warranty. You wear holes in the socks you take them back and they give you brand new socks.
  18. hoghntr

    Synthetics vs wool

    I have worn 90% wool 10% nylon for elastic for nearly 20 years and not had athletes foot 1 time since i started.. I was plagued with athletes foot until i managed some Red Wing boot stores and had my boss open my eyes to wool. I loved it when I worked at our store that was over by 74th Avenue and Thomas by the mall over there. I would have cotton Farmers come in there to buy boots and I would talk them into trying a pair of wool socks by giving it to them for free they would swear that they would never buy wool because there are cotton farmer but everytime after I gave them a pair of wool socks that same cotton farmer would come back and buy at least a dozen Parrish :-) if you can convince a cotton farmer to buy wool socks for $18 a pair should be testimony enough. 👍 what you don't want to buy is cheap wool socks that are like half acrylic they make your feet stink and make your feet sweat and you will get fungal issues it is not at all like wearing Merino wool
  19. hoghntr

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    He needs some of her kinda justice. Hey how long before he makes headlines again?
  20. hoghntr


    Wish i didnt have such a big noggin cuz it would be nice to know i could just buy any sunglasses and have them fit
  21. hoghntr

    any 2017 success yet?

    You summed up that hunt quite well. I just wanted meat in freezer without having to become best buds with a guide. No freaking way i was gonna do bab. I dropped meat at Carls in C.V. and was at sons football game in Phoenix the same night. Sometimes i kick myself for it because i have dreamed of a House Rock archery bull kill my whole life but with life changes so do expectations and dreams. Now im thinking about a every other year out of state bison "hunt/harvest" this stuff rocks in the frying pan. i had forgot just how good it was since my 1st N.M. bison meat. Congrats on the 10! I lack a lope and lion. If I ever get drawn for freaking Antelope again I will kill one with a rifle and never put in again.
  22. I hear ya! Definitely lots of praying 1st. had Va do their thing 1st but now they all got fired so still glad i went thru with it for every other vets sake. I trust this gal but also im 46 and i think since they usially see this stuff on people much older sometimes they make surgical judgements based on disorder and forget about patients age and activity level... But at same time i really cant hike at all right now. :/ also one of the problems is I've had 4 different hip surgeries on the same side, 1 core decompression and 2 replacements and a smaller revision. The hip have never been right since! I have a lot of weakness and it might be time to get a new liner put in there because I'm younger and more active AND OVERWEIGHT so it wears the liner out between the socket and the ball head.. It moght be worn and might be why I'm having more problems with the foot. My 1st replacement the liner wore out in 1 year so my hip would dislocate so this liner is 6 years old thats probably part of the issue but thats a whole other issue. I think I will definitely pick up another pair of trekking poles. That's a good idea multiple people have had and its probably something I should have been using for the last 15 years. My wife has an elk hunt in October but thats only giving me 3 months recovery so that will be interesting. Just not sure I want every metatarsal head cut off so hoping somebody reads this that has experience with it and can give me some feedback
  23. Yeah the students at the VA that work on your feet talked about cutting that Achilles to lengthen it and then the surgeon I talked to you talked about it and then the next surgeons suddenly didn't want to do it they just each time I saw like I saw four different surgeons and then the day of surgery it was a guy that I hadn't seen yet LOL ended up only doing two things bone spurs and removing the mass that have grown on my Achilles. But now 6 months later the mass has grown back and actually grew back after 3 months so I have the same pain and I definitely can't do a full stride with my foot so supposedly relieving that stress on the Achilles will help so that's good to hear that your wife had Success With It.