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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. Negative. Slight surface rust top left side of rcvr no pitting. Small area
  2. hoghntr

    Vortex Vulture 15x56 binos

    Jim I can't believe these didn't sell 5 minutes after you posted them
  3. hoghntr

    Recommendation for Bison Hide Tanner Needed

    I didnt do mine cuz my taxi said flat out you can buy 1 from a ranch for same $ or less than having yours done and ranch in cold country would have better hair. It was easy decision after that euro only
  4. hoghntr

    Hunters Ed Classes

    I'm about to dive into trying to figure this out for my 9 year old who turns 10 December 27th. I don't know how the rules go now but I'd love to be able to put him in for junior javelina but what are the chances. I don't know the rules if you have to take the field day once you're 10 I'm doubting I'm going to find a field day after the holidays and before that third week in January. Not sure how the rules go I think you're allowed to take the class before you're 10 you have to graduate when you're ten or something there's any clarification. I know with my older kids because it was a two-week class and my older kids were one week with me in one week not I ended up going to Camp Verde and doing the class there because they had it all in one week and then the 4th or 5th day whatever it was as the field day and that worked out really awesome I wish there was more of those
  5. hoghntr

    WTB Bino Harness

    Do you have the x50 for 12x50?
  6. hoghntr

    Same deer shot by two hunters

    WTF!! Youve had troll detector this whole time? And your just now using it? Run that sob over a few other camp fire threads would ya please.He's active in the bear section too cuz he likes our black brown bears and knows bear always return for fishes 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  7. hoghntr

    Max Sheep Point Holders

    If i could do mine over again i would have no more than 4 friends join me and NO STRANGERS. Wanna have the fun sucked right out of your hunt have a stranger telling you what you should and shouldnt shoot to the extreme of somewhat of a arguement. Joined a friend for his hunt few years back and just few of us on glass and he shot a stud and imho was way better fun than dealing with people telling me what to do. Btw when i killed my sheep the couple guys that did matter were right beside me along with a rockhunter in a denim vest that found the sheep for me L.O.L. out of all of us and thousands and thousands of dollars in glass and a old cowboy none of us knew driving a dirt road found my Ram.
  8. hoghntr

    Any sheep hits?

    And this is why i put in rather than bonus points even when guys say its impossible! Congrats to your bro. I want my Rocky!
  9. hoghntr

    Kendrick Peak

    Will have plenty of time for fires and cooking fresh steaks on trip down.
  10. hoghntr

    Forest Closures

    You got it steep to steeper. Lay of land now known. They do however like to sneek down the West side and cross highway just remember that.
  11. hoghntr

    Low life Camera thiefs

    I know who you could ask but he has been M.I.A. for while.
  12. hoghntr

    Results up on Portals!!!

    Not all portals
  13. hoghntr

    Portal Update

    Not all portals
  14. hoghntr

    Same deer shot by two hunters

    Yes and on another post he mentions his daughter hunting "cues" this year so now he he is in state.. Hmm wonder where this muzzy tag is?
  15. hoghntr

    Same deer shot by two hunters

    You might have a secret internet pal
  16. hoghntr

    Same deer shot by two hunters

    Sounds just like a archery elk story we heard here last SEASON.
  17. hoghntr

    Quad Repairs in North Phoenix

    Marvin text me tomorrow and remind me to ask my sisters trailer and tractor guy if he works on quads. He is mobile and comes to her place just 10min East of you so i know he services N. phx. Great guy and does excellent work so hopefully quads also. Mike
  18. hoghntr

    Safe Lighting, What Do You Use?

    So am i the only redneck that sits on a round cat scratching/den thing with a headlamp on to access safe???
  19. Ours was little late starting to walk and then went straight into nonstop running everywhere. Im SO TIRED! I see where having kids at half my age would be a good thing. 😂
  20. The twenties treat your shoulder better. A 1100 is already 1 of the lower recoiling 12 gauge gas autos thanks to little extra weight so now imagine it in 20ga.
  21. Never ever ever... Sorry Paul. I don't know at this point maybe I should think about trading for a good pair of steel toe boots since my kid keeps biting my big toe when I'm not expecting it 😂😂😂 i laughed once so guess now its fair game.
  22. hoghntr

    people who troll with cowbells gotta have this....

    .. I cant imagine! But how cool is the human body to finally push it out. 👍 i had some glass in a knucle like that for 5-6 years hurt every time i bumped it then bam she came out. I probanly prefer the glass over a piece of a fish 😳