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Everything posted by hoghntr

  1. hoghntr

    Feral Pigs

    No man he was in cab with me till he ate my apple so i tossed him out window! No feral hogs in Az just keep on driving.
  2. Casey i am sure you are getting all kinds of texts and emails agreeing with your stance on this matter. 😁 I know for a fact we have at least a half dozen other classless clowns on here (but smart enough to not talk crap about a 100% service connnected vets getting donated tags) that also feel cheated that they do not get tags others donate to 100% service connected veterans, wounded warriors and sick kiddos. The same clowns put their non hunting wives, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews in for tags and use their points to get premium tags they did not wait in line for then they donate their non hunting family members tags while stealing from the next guy in line who waited honestly for that tag. Hmmmmmm Casey what is your favorite coues unit? I would like to put in a request for a December tag for that unit if 1 ever comes available. Thanks
  3. Thanks for quoting Casey since i blocked him long ago i never see his stupid comments unless someone quotes him. 😀 if he would just research before speaking. Maybe he wants the donated tags for the illlegals? Anyways to each his own.
  4. The Wyoming deal is open to so many more vets so spread the word. 50% service connected or more and i put contact info in comments.
  5. hoghntr

    Bear rug prices !!!!! Need help please

    Dude is this you? If so this bear is 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
  6. I did not get a message from you. If it is Wyoming info here ya go. Dan Currah 307-258-5880 huntingwithheroes.org
  7. Thought it was a disease that "could" take a life. Like diabetes, ms, etc etc.. I just know i love seeing the kiddos getting it done and often they get guides donated which is way cool. Have seen a bunch of posts with A3 guys helping OE4A kids this year. 👍
  8. If memory serves me correct 36 archery elk hunters were in field thru same organization for the prior 2 weeks before my hunt 1 for sure was in 9 another was rifle early bull 23 when i was in 9 etc etc.. 👉Not every veteran is authorized nor is every service connected veteran so that is large part of the thousands of veterans Casey seems to think are eligible and waiting for a donated tag.👈 If someone is just ignorant and unwilling to understand the qualifications to receive donated tags well L.O.L. can't do much about him or her. Shoot for kids to get these tags they gotta have a terminal illness and they are only eligible till 18 so hopefully Casey doesn't get mad at them next. I was told about a organizarion in Wyoming that vetetans with 50% service connected or higher can get free hunts and sleeping quarters and food etc Veteran must only provide transportation. Multiple ranches participate and over 600 veterans involved. I was told fill out paperwork and come hunt antelope in 2019. They like to start vets with lope before elk or deer i think so they can gauge your dissabilty/ability. So i'm thinking myself and 2 or 3 other vets 50% or higher need to apply and go kill some antelope in 2019!
  9. Thanks! Man this bull and a young 4x4 buck from 19a 3 years back are my favorite hunts. Amazing how the determination level and fighting the adversity will grow the level of respect for the harvest. 👍
  10. I almost did not post because of Casey then i realized Casey is exactly why i needed to post. People need to see Casey for who and what he is.
  11. No doubt. Many tags dumped this year because antlers/horns were not what they could be so... Personally meat in my freezer baby!!! That point guard meant for someone sick or unable to get away for a hunt kinda went crazy this year with guys scouting up till the end then donating tags cuz they couldn't find the amount of inches they wanted to kill. Many donated tags were archery this year so i was floored when early rifle bull tag call came to me. Absolutely dream hunts, heck even bucket list! Hopefully someone doesn't know something about my future that i don't know. 😯 L.O.L. I did not make it to the strip but all deer i saw tagged were between 193 & 253 i believe so even though growth was weak it seems those who scouted or were guided managed to find plenty of bone. Wish that tag had been rifle i could have at least drove around eating my antibiotics praying for a buck. 😀 Some day i will hopefully get a monster muley but if not or until then i am happy with drooling over and being happy for other peoples accomplishments with the biggins.
  12. hoghntr

    Bear rug prices !!!!! Need help please

    Check with Jim from Southwest Wildlife Taxidermy he always does beautiful work and is a coueswhitetail.com sponsor
  13. hoghntr

    Leupold 4.5-14x40 B&C

    Vx-III not vari-x III correct.? Think the vari-x III were AO. I get this 1 is not marked vx-3 or newer vx3i so maybe in between? Either way nice scope and awesome reticle
  14. hoghntr

    Holding off on sale for the moment

    You like it? Me thinks everybody in my family might need 1 😯
  15. hoghntr

    Holding off on sale for the moment

    Dang i likes it! Had never seen 1 of these now i go looking for fun and they are out of stock everywhere i looked.
  16. Javelina would probably just stop and stare 😍 at this thing and pose for shot
  17. hoghntr

    19A questions, help

    Jim how did it go?
  18. hoghntr

    Back to Back Bulls

    Congrats! Glad you are ok after that crash.
  19. hoghntr

    My 1st Goat

    Well with no hiking ability right now i needed that 1 goat that didn't mind hanging out near dirt road. Friend of mine bowhunter4life Mike had location and Cliff also from Christian Hunters of America was kind enough to go up Thursday and bed the lovesick buck who hung out in the exact pocket i needed him to be in this morning. My son was able to join us!😀 i know for many this might be a last day buck but for me this was a 6:10 am opening morning buck and i couldn't be happier!!! I saved that poor doe from this guy who was trying to run her to death i believe. After a bunch of 200 yard dashes back and forth they finally stopped for a snack at 311yards... and better late than never doesn't count in this case but here we go anways-OH BY THE WAY GUYS PLUG YOUR EARS... YEP I FORGOT TO WARN THEM. 😯 the 243wssm barked with 1 of SHERMAN's reloads and done deal. Gonna give cape to anyone in need if you lost yours during archery hunt or what not but only keeping a day. I have not skinned the head out. I have a euro skull business, i do not remove skulls from cape nicely but it was caped up to neck properly. 6mm/243 wssm hole on left side shoulder not bad and no exit. if in need of cape and wanna come cape out head let me know asap👍 6024994136 N.Phx
  20. hoghntr

    My 1st Goat

    Right... And thank you! The antelope was very quick hunt/harvest but super cool experience. Man watching guys walk miles accross prairie land stalking to close gap for a shot made me super thankful for friend finding this lil dude and setting me up on him.. Seriously absolutely PURRRRFECT opportunity. As i said most would probably pass on him opening day with rifle but he was just what doc ordered for me! My kiddo thought it was super cool! Heck we even got him to hold a leg for my buddy while skinning. 👍 i can see how guys get hooked on these critters i was absolutely amazed how fast he pushed that doe back and forth across this pocket. I got newbie jitters big time! 😄
  21. hoghntr

    My 1st Goat

    Btw my whole life i dreamed of 2 things in hunting. A archery bull on House Rock and a GIANT ARCHERY MULEY! Not going on that Strip hunt was one of the most difficult choices i have had to make! I wish i had just chose wiser when confronted with donation call but I WANTED IT!! and choosing to cash in my chips and shoot a Raymond Cow bison was tough but it is what i could accomplish with where health is at currently. And.. After a 30-45 conversation with a friend telling me not to risk my health and to just tell wifey i'm choosing to stay home and not risk it i conceided and then had to tell friend from coues after just getting him to make plans that i had to cancel but dang i am BLESSED cuz ya know what i am alive! I am fortunate enough to have legs to have surgery on and arms to do therapy with etc etc... I will 1 day get a monster muley but each day it's looking more like probably with a rifle.
  22. hoghntr

    My 1st Goat

    No i did not. I got maps and tons of info i even went and bought 5 dang bfg's i couldn't really afford right now. I found a guy on here to go with me then foot sprung a leak. the main incision where fusion was done started draining possibly from pt but now they have requested i go see surgeon tomorrow cuz still red , swollen, warm so little sketchy to go camp in dirt for a week. Once a firm no was obvious i offered up to another organization but with only 1.5 weeks left in hunt they turned it down, someone would have faced same lack of time to plan and execute a rime consuming money pit hunt. This lope was a 10 minute hunt with the effort a few friends put in for me so bit more my speed at this point in time. No camping or hiking so worked out really well. I sure wish i had not been following the strip kills cuz that made it pretty rough! Although each picture i saw was killed with full guide service and spot and stalk. i did hear 1 guy on here was with friend who killed 195 i believe and jiat friends help, no guide. The gross picture is where i was at on Mon the 3rd of Sep and on Wed the 5th i contacted guy from AES HFH because clearly i was not leaving on the 7th as planned for the last week of hunt... but it was too late in hunt.